hyjacking the thread for a bit. Littletoe tried to read you're DA or letter on best of , said to go to profile and get the link, however the page doesnt' show, would love to read you're exit have heard it is a beaut.
matthew 24:48-51 48 but if ever that evil slave should say in his heart, "my master is delaying," and should start to beat his fellow slaves and should eat and drink with the confirmed drunkards, the master of that slave will come on a day that he does not expect and in an hour that he does not know, and will punish him with the greatest severity and will assign him his part with the hypocrites.
there is where [his] weeping and the gnashing of [his] teeth will be.. insight on the scriptures, volume 1, p. 787, expelling.
finally, there was shammatta, an entire cutting off from the congregation.
hyjacking the thread for a bit. Littletoe tried to read you're DA or letter on best of , said to go to profile and get the link, however the page doesnt' show, would love to read you're exit have heard it is a beaut.
Cant download that. But I have known and heard of Spirit of the Age for years, this is not a new thing, been around amongst artist in paticular for decades, the English band Yes in which most members belief in this came out in songs, example of one is on the Tormato cd, track called Madrigal, have nearly all their music and very common on tracks on most albums.
I think the world has been in control of certain bankers well over a century, the illuminanti or elite which controls the bankers or are the major bankers consists of a few very powerful and elite families also linked is freemasonry, dont know if we could put all this down to conspiracy to much evidence and the chess game that is being played is evil, people are like fodder or part of the purpose of these evil elitists and mass destruction is or getting rid of the usless feeders those that don't contribute is on the cards. Makes one wonder which country they will choose to starve next.
Astrology is the oldest belief system. The story of B and my Ishmael is another interesting read by Daniel Quinn he gained a following in the eighties, there has been many illuminaries over this past century that have been dismissed as evil or crazy or chaletons, by the ones that have the most to lose. I keep my mind open although I do have a belief in God and still hold many teachings of the bible in my heart, I can say that in every fable there is usually some truth to it, and a connection or link to something incredible.
my immediate family,aunts,uncles,and cousins have been members for over 25 years.
they attend every meeting,put in their 10 hours of monthly sevice,attend assemblies out of state every year,give talks at the ministry school,avoid "worldly friends'',and do everything the wts requires of them.
they really can't see that the wts has lied to them and will continue until someone steps back and opens their eyes.. what needs to happen in order for someone to get out of the ''comfort zone''?
tinker, I agree that they think that they are better than most people, but not all of them are living in a comfort zone, many are in the religion because they really love Jehovah and believe everything they are taught.
I think there is an elitism in the org that is becoming even more apparent, and things are starting to be exposed but those that see like you and I and others on this forum either stay for reasons, leave or some are DF or DA whatever, those that remain will have to make a choice soon as it will become apparent that comfortable or not things in the tower are not what they seem. That will seperate the ones that love Jehovah and the ones that love the tower and all the glory that goes with it, idolty, nothing new under the sun is there.
from a logical point....i notice that in these threads that there are few here who dont believe in god..but i hate to tell you your dead wrong for having such an ignorant belief like that..instead ya,ll are blaming religion, people, and your personal problems for your lack of faith in god..thats dead wrong.
the non-believers are not looking at the whole picture..just the present..the things that go on in the world happen for a reason and it doesnt mean god doesnt exist.
the bible says "the fool has said in his heart god doesnt exist".
JWDaughter, you're response to the question is the most valid I have read, and is one to keep in mind.
matthew 24:48-51 48 but if ever that evil slave should say in his heart, "my master is delaying," and should start to beat his fellow slaves and should eat and drink with the confirmed drunkards, the master of that slave will come on a day that he does not expect and in an hour that he does not know, and will punish him with the greatest severity and will assign him his part with the hypocrites.
there is where [his] weeping and the gnashing of [his] teeth will be.. insight on the scriptures, volume 1, p. 787, expelling.
finally, there was shammatta, an entire cutting off from the congregation.
I think the GB suck up to the elders, everytime I hear the scriptures about princes of the earth (they use this to refer to the elders) Ps 45:16, Is 32:1....how special they are and will be even more so in the new system, Princes of the earth, I feel sick when I look around at a few of the elders in my cong; honestly it really so off.
They have to make them feel special because they have to do their dirty work.
from a logical point....i notice that in these threads that there are few here who dont believe in god..but i hate to tell you your dead wrong for having such an ignorant belief like that..instead ya,ll are blaming religion, people, and your personal problems for your lack of faith in god..thats dead wrong.
the non-believers are not looking at the whole picture..just the present..the things that go on in the world happen for a reason and it doesnt mean god doesnt exist.
the bible says "the fool has said in his heart god doesnt exist".
So basically, those who are WISE-VIRGIN MINDED are the ones who get in. They are already focussed, already believing but don't have enough light to understand everything. When that call comes that the messiah has arrived, which occurred in the fall of1998 actually
JCanon are you sure you're not one of the GB moonlighting on this forum, picking dates, where on earth did you come up with this 1998 date....
so my mom became a jw, and there is this family down the road that has been helping/brainwashing my mom.
when my dad forbade her to go to meetings she would lock herself in the bathroom and sneak out the window and the jw family down the street would take her to meetings.
the dad/elder in this jw family had been added and removed as an elder a couple of times and no one knew why.
The one thing above all that I hate is the hypocrocy of the religion, how can she not talk to you and yet forgive this weirdo who walked into her home and lyingly used an excuse about a saw, treated you're father like a fool, involved you're brother in the lie, sneaked around decieving everyone, is reinstated time and time again and only the other elders know why.
Gives me the creeps, and so sorry you have to go through shunning for being honest and this creep gets away with lies and hypocrocy, just terrible.
ok, so there was an article looking for volunteers to pick up the bodies of the dead after a disaster such as katrina or 9-11. my first thought was that jws ought to volunteer for this and get the training.
.it is their goal in life to pick up bodies (preferably after they have been picked over by carrion), and it seems like a fitting way to properly train for their future occupation.
just think-they could save jehovah all kinds of time with their more efficient and capable cleansing of the earth of the wicked.
I was told that flesh eating birds were going to dispose of them, interestingly they have said that there has been an increase in flesh eating birds and even where I live I notice an increase in black birds everywhere in the city....spooky they sit in the trees outside my bedroom window in wait
and don't forget the military have no burial, so others must, work it out. contradictions.
personally I think only the wicked will be zaped like in one poof....
i recently contacted my local kh to get hold of a publication that i need (pay attention to daniel's prophecy).
i also asked in the letter to be provided with a watchtower cd (apparently it has all the old material on it).
however, they have not replied and i am left wondering if it is because i am a member of the general public (and they don't want me to see this material)?.
thats ridiculous, why on earth would anyone pay $50 for the WT library CD or even $28, you must know a JW just ask them to send them to you, or just write a letter and they'll send them, swing $20 then., or phone the local hall and have someone come around for a study....
it is pathetic that jws only help jws.
g89 3/22 27 acts of kindness soften the blows of hurricane gilbert *** acts of kindness soften the blows of hurricane gilbert during the early morning hours of september 14, 1988, hurricane gilbert hit the caribbean coast of mexico.
Actually that is not always true a lot of times it is never reported what the witnesses do in natural catastophies for example. The cyclone in Queensland few months back, they helped heaps of people other than JW, supplying food blankets and other needed necessities, they also helped in parts of Africa, although it may not be the extent that many wish, they do help out, to say that they have never helped or don't is not true, and as individuls in the community many JW help, I myself do voluntree work for animal welfare. We have members of our congregation that visit old peoples homes and spend time with the lonely.
During cyclone Katrina the JW were one of the first there to get the b/s out, the government took days, they also helped others and local JW helped others and animals.
It is not all that bad, but I know that many think they do nothing all the time, but thats not true.