I have heard many storys over the years, and the smurf one was big in the 80s, I still do not know why they dubbers hate the smurfs so bad.
The story I was told by the elder involved so it came from the person it was supposed to happen to.
In Wolverine Michigan there was an elder whos wife left him to become a conutry singer, [she had slept with several brothers from the hall] any way this elder got remarried to another sister, we will call them Daryl LauraTucker [names changed to protect the innocent] They move into the same old trailer that Daryl lived with his formar wife, Laura started to have things be rearanged when they would come home from meetings, She would see eyes in the family photos turn red and glow, After a lot of this type of thing they called a local elder we will call him Richard Schroder, so in come the elders and pray and do the witness rain dance, and they are led to a blanket stuffed underneath the bathtub, they remove it and still they have problems.
I have no idea what a blanket has to do to channel deamons, But problems keep presisting. So in come the ghost busters again, this time after much praying they are led to the crawl space under the trailer, there they find a box of china that has crosses on them. Richard and Daryl take the box of china to the Wolverine land fill, it is not good enough to just toss the box in the dump, they have to wear gloves and slam the plates togeather shattering them, after the deed is done, they drive out of the land fill and head for home, Richard Schroder told me that the splinters of glass in his gloves were still channeling deamons and the glovers started to choke him, he fought to take off the glovers and threw them out of the truck and drove off.
From what Richard told me there was no other problems. LOL
Do I believe this story, Hell no, But I know Richard and can tell you that if you watch people who have problems with "demons" it is always the same emotional people who have these so called problems, I am sure that some people make up storys to get attention, but many are just emotinal people who let their mind run wild.
Funny how it was Richards duaghter, We will call here Robbin, When she tried to commit sueside on herself and her children the elders [Richard her dad and her uncle Gary we will call him] covered up the attempt by saying that the demons attacked. I have so many things in my home that a dubber would cringe at, crosses given to me by a catholic priest, I am an atheist btw, and I collect iron crosses of the third reich, [no I am not a nazi, I love the history of ww2] and many other items that they would burn, I have never had one experiance that could be said to be supernatrial. LOL These people can be whipped up into a frenzi faster than emril can go BAM