Just enough to keep me from being DFed or associated.
Posts by dogon
How ZEALOUS a JW were you?
by BonaFide inor maybe you are still a zealous jw.
i became a regular pioneer while i was still in high school.
i used to set my alarm for 5 am three times a week and walk a few blocks to do streetwork.
Burning Question: Snacks at Kingdom Hall
by TreadClimberMaster ini have not been to a kingdom hall for years, about 6. i have been going to other churches, namely, unity, unitarian and tonight a jewish reform temple.
what i notice at all of these churches is one recurring theme: they all serve snacks, coffee and punch in the foyer before and after the services.
this is really nice and i truly enjoy it!
There has always been a sort of disconect when it comes in to a question of fun or association. They even quit in most congergations have stopped summer get togeathers. I think they feel that attention on anything but knocking on doors and looking up scriptures.
My experience at the District Convention today - Appreciate your comments
by BonaFide ini know i am the one to constantly harp on this board how the organization has lost its "swagger" and the baptism and attendance is going down, and people are waking up.. not so fast.. the audience cried, i mean a lot of people cried when they played some of the songs from the new songbook.
some had bethel singers who sounded pretty good singing them.
so many after the program were saying how touched they were.. then the new release of the book showing how the book of acts prefigures the organization today.
there is only one thing to do. Get out and live a good an happy life away from the cult. You can not change their minds just as you could not change the minds of many of the Jones Town Kool aid drinkers. You first have to save yourself and you can not do it by being involved in that cult. I have learned how to effectively argue against religion and Jehovah's Witnesses, and you can have the most clear argument that no jury could refuse and they will not take it to heart. Do not waste your time. Find others that are like minded and be happy. The assemblies are designed as a propaganda tool. Joseph Goebbels was no fool, do you think the Nuremberg rallies were for any other purpose other than to keep thinking aligned with the state? They use the same type fallacy of appeal to the masses. It is designed to create and reinforce emotional responses in the masses and to keep them from questioning what is obviously the bigger questions like why have they been wrong on every prediction they have every given. As Lincoln said;
[Abraham Lincoln, from "What Great Men Think Of Religion" by Ira Cardiff]
"I am approached with the most opposite opinions and advice, and by religious men who are certain they represent the Divine will. ... I hope it will not be irreverent in me to say, that if it be probable that God would reveal his will to others, on a point so connected with my duty, it might be supposed he would reveal it directly to me."
Shortest eldership ever?
by outofthebox inas many of you know, while i was already a member of this forum and very much awake i became an elder.
so, there is no holy spirit involved on those appoinments boys and girls.. i tried my best wake up people, but is not that easy you know.. months later i decided it was enough and decide to move away.
i can't give you any details at the moment, but .... rumor has it, i am not an elder anymore.
I used to argue with my old partner Daryl Kunde all the time about that. I asked if he listened to the example given by the speaker at the assembly the week before, it was the one [and maybe many here have heard it] where there was a stazi agent who infiltrated the East German Witnesses. He had worked up to Circuit overseer and was just about to give out all his information when he was struck by lightning. Since the state would go into his apt. and gather all his belongings the Witnesses ran to gather up the information he would naturally have laying around when they got there they found he was a stazi agent and took the information he was about to give the state. I asked Kunde if god directs the installation of people he sees fit to eldership, then god wanted a Stazi agent as an Elder and eventually a CO? All I could get out of Kunta as we called him was "God must have seen something good in that man or he would not have appointed him." I was amazed at how Kunta missed the point or was just plane dodging it because he had not logical argument.
Now after a bit of study on how the Stazi or any intelligence agency works they would not let an agent work for years with no contact, in fact they would be watching all the people that he would have given the names of as soon as he came into contact with them. In retrospect this story was nothing more than a urban legend created by the society or a few brothers that sounded good. Just as the Harold Hill story I just posted on another post, a little research and the story falls apart fast.
Shock! As the Elder gets bitten by a snake while on a JC mission.
by african GB Member insuppose an elder is sent out to spy on a suspected wrongdoer, he hides in a bush next to the suspect's house, suddenly he hears something moving in the grass, he gets bitten by a rattle-snake,.
will he shout for the suspect to come help?.
will he keep his integrity by shunning him until death?.
Are there no real issues instead of making up things? I was just posted by a Christian that was trying to prove the bible is correct by this post;
Since you started this with a passive agressive manor, I figure you should at least be able to grasp that if you push a button you get a responce just as you planned. When debating such one can never make head way. Thus you got Mr. SE to get angry with you. So you see you got the responces you asked for, yet I still say "GOD Still loves you."
Now a tid bit that may aid you at some point in time, as you claim to be in the rational thinking man of logic then you can grasp that NASA has to use such a standard in what they do to figure out complex calculation. So without any futher adieu;
Mr. Harold Hill who owns a Areo Space company, Curtis Engiene Co, had a project to work with NASA to send up a Satellite's that will be in orbit for the next 100 years, thus as he and his crew of Scientest found they could not get a proper calcuation on the timing for the next 100 years, as in they found a full day missing, as in 24 hours.
This puzzeled them for months and they could not figure it out no matter what they tried. As the orbits that the satellite travels they needed to be 100% sure that the sun would not create dead zones etc. I am not a scientist so I am not totaly sure of all the reasons, but one of the scientist working on this project noted the following, from the book of Joshua 10,12,13, when GOD made the sun stand still for a day, thus a calculation was done and strangley enough they found 23, hours and 20 minutes of missing time.
Though still missing 40 minutes the scientist all agreed that perhaps the bible may be based on truth, yet why the missing 40 minutes, so the same fellow that brought up the passage from Joshua, thought about it and said there is yet one other passage, from Kings 20,9.11 when GOD made the sun go backwards by 10* after the scientist did the culcuation the mising 40 minutes was found.
Strange how a book you noted as being the same value as a comic book solved a complex problem. How what you state as Child Like belief was able to fix a problem that "LOGIC" could not.
{ Man has never fought any war for GOD, = Man fights wars for one man who wins, and for one man who looses.} Thats fact.
The bottom line, I once was like yourself and felt the way you do, that I could use logic for everything, I applaud you for your standing and trying to hold your ground. When you hit your fifties you may not change, even when you hit your seventies you may not change, but just as many I have known in the past, when they were at the end the one thing they all have done is ask that "GOD FORGIVE them!" -
Any one know Jerry Woods in Murray Kentucky?
by dogon inanyone near murray kentucky know a jerry and donna woods who moved there about 9 months ago?
i used to know them in michigan before they moved.
i would like to know if anyone finds them as strange as i do..
Like I said he never lived in NY state at all.
Any one know Jerry Woods in Murray Kentucky?
by dogon inanyone near murray kentucky know a jerry and donna woods who moved there about 9 months ago?
i used to know them in michigan before they moved.
i would like to know if anyone finds them as strange as i do..
Jerry Woods is more of an experience than an explanation. But I will try. He is very narrow minded. It would be almost impossible for him to think anything other than what he has been taught for years. His IQ is literally under 90 and he has a limited understanding of the world and thinks he is Jerry Woods Super Genius. He will do the dumbest things, like the summer he made for him good money, and at a witness get togeather and every time someone would say Jerry how are you doing, he would in a loud voice say "I am making more money than I ever have" Or when his daughter graduaged and he was given a older car to fix up for her graduation, he fixed it up and then sold it and kept the money. His son mark was sick as a child and when anyone would go to dinner they had to wait for mark to eat and when he did not want anymore everyone else could eat. These are just a few things that he does, and I could write a book on his life but to experiance people like this is funny after you have not seen them but to be around them is very hard. Donna would then do things like they were building a home one winter and her mother lived in Florida. Donna wanted to go to visit and she purchased the tickets to Florida. She started to work on Jerry a month ahead,telling him that he was working hard and he deserved a vacation. It did not take long before Jerry was agreeing with her that he was a hard worker and deserved a vacation and she manipulated it in the end to make him think it was all his idea and even the date of the flight was his idea. He yet to this day does not know that it was all figured out a month before he even knew he thought of it. They are a couple of stooges if you ever meet them, they move every 3 to 4 years as every one in the congergation ends up not being able to put up with them. And no they were not from NY, they lived in Brutice MI, Petoskey MI, Pontiac MI, Vanderbuilt MI, and can not sell their home and live with Rachel their daughter in Elmo KY about 4 miles from Murray KY.
Any one know Jerry Woods in Murray Kentucky?
by dogon inanyone near murray kentucky know a jerry and donna woods who moved there about 9 months ago?
i used to know them in michigan before they moved.
i would like to know if anyone finds them as strange as i do..
Anyone near Murray Kentucky know a Jerry and Donna Woods who moved there about 9 months ago? I used to know them in Michigan before they moved. I would like to know if anyone finds them as strange as I do.
No One Should Be Made to Choose ..LIES from July 09 Awake
by Hopscotch inthe following quote is taken from the article is it wrong to change your religion?
in the july 2009 awake p29:
no one should be forced to worship in a way that he finds unacceptable or be made to choose between his beliefs and his family.
by the way, Jesus is a myth and not deserving of my devotion. IMO. I use the F word next to Jesus every day as I work in profanity as some work in paints. As in Jesus Fing christ when something makes me ticked. Like when the dubbers knock first thing I yell is Jesus fing christ who the hell is at the jesus fing door?
No One Should Be Made to Choose ..LIES from July 09 Awake
by Hopscotch inthe following quote is taken from the article is it wrong to change your religion?
in the july 2009 awake p29:
no one should be forced to worship in a way that he finds unacceptable or be made to choose between his beliefs and his family.
It should not surprise anyone that the society is hypocritical. They have used what ever is best for them at that instant.