I think the real goal here is nothing more than spreading out the pain of going in service. If you lower the time needed to get the title of Pioneer than more people will do it. Thereby keeping up the hours spent to bring in new recruits. If 5 people put in 50 hours but now they drop to 2 who are putting in the time, if you lower that time and give a title out you get say 10 or 12 people now putting in 30 hours instead of 50. You had 5 people putting in 250 hours now you have 10 putting in 30 and you have gained a net increase of propaganda spreading. I think its only reason is to up the time spent spreading the bull shit. Take the price down on the crap soda and more people will be lured into buy and profits actually go up.
Posts by dogon
Is the April 2011 Auxillary Pioneer 30 hours official ???
by RubaDub inwe were not at the meeting last weekend and just wondering if the "30 hour" rule for april 2011 pioneer hours was actually read to the congregations ???.
rub a dub.
Political/Religious rant
by sabastious ini've noticed that humans work better in small groups of like minded individuals.
the congregation books studies were always more enjoyable than the kingdom hall meetings to speak from a jw perspective.. when more people get involved the worse the scanario can get.
not to say all large groups are corrupt or even to say that all small groups are benign.
The USA has become so corrupt that it is not a Republic anymore. As the late great Carlin put it there is a club and you and I ain't in it. Lobbyist and supreme court decision giving corporations the status of an individual allowing them to contribute vast amounts of cash to the person who will vote for legalized rape of what ever will turn a profit for the corporations. Add in a growing spread of racism and the tea bagging movement [a movement that spun out of racism] and right wing Christian nut jobs, that run from the Westboro Baptist Church to Jerry Fallwell and his ilk and you have one bipolar nation that is much like Baby Hughie. Its big and strong and has the brain of a pea.
America is a nation where 50% of the population fights science and maturity. Fat old white people who hang tea bags from tricorn hats and bring guns to political events, because a guy in the white house has a tan. The wrong kind of tan, unlike the tan man from Ohio. Many applaud the shooting of Tiller in Wichita. I saw many here where I unfortunately live for the time being holding signs that said we support Broder [tillers assassin] The bible is a source of much evil here in the good old USA where they omitted the part about blacks being 3/5s of a human when the new tea bag house read the constitution. But this is coming from a group that can read the bible and gloss over all the crazy shit and there is a lot of crazy shit in that book. No the USA is powerful in its military but it is weak in mind and most of its on the Right.
The shooting of a congresswoman this weekend show it. The right like Limbaugh spewed hate speech even after that saying it was the left that brought it on. That the shooter was a drugged up nut. [this coming from a guy who pays his maid to buy Oxy.] Tea baggers to the abortion assassins, to the museum in Kentucky where they show Noah riding a triceratops, they are nuts here. From the anti gays to the anti abortion to the anti government tea baggers and those who collect Medicare and social security and tell the government to keep out of it, we are a nation of idiots and the years of fighting against intellectuals has bore fruit.
JC question: Do you accept the FDS as God's organization?
by MrMonroe inmy wife and i had stopped going to meetings in april; in december of that year we travelled interstate and stayed with the witness couple who had "brought me into the truth".
we had already told them we'd quit meetings and there was a certain tension in the air for the first couple of days until sunday morning, when, over a breakfast that eventually lasted several hours, they began to interrogate us about why we had left.
had we been stumbled?
I was asked this about twice a year. I told them they were like the cops asking me go solve a case,, you have the gun you have the badge you do the foot work and don't ask me to give you the rope to hang me. When told that they are sorry for the way my life has gone, I respond that I am sorry to see the way their life has gone and I grieve for them. Throw the pittly party right back in their face. But the best way to live if leavt them all of them alone. Find new people who are not judgmental and forget the fools who are like the Westboro baptist church saying everyone is going to die and only the small band of idiots is saved. You can not win as reason does not exist in their world.
Millions Now Living Will Never Die----Where Does That Come From?
by cameo-d inisn't that wt's calling card?
isn't that how it all started?
where does this phrase "millions now living will never die" come from?
The more proper way to put it would have been Millions now alive will never really live.
No Tape Recorders at Elder Schools? WTS Hanging Elders Out to Dry
by skeeter1 inelders are not allowed to bring tape recorders to elder school or elders-only type meetings.
elders can only take hand notes, usually inside the wide margins inside the elder's book.
i think the watch tower society is hanging the elders out to dry.. 1) being an elder is an important job, let's face it.
The tower has always insisted on blind obedience and at the same time kept the privilege of throwing anyone under the bus that made it easy for them to skate scott free if necessary. They have not honor nor morals.
Dubbers do not play by the rules others play by. I once had a conversation with an elder named Kunde who said that dubbers are open minded in all things but to material critical to dubdom. I said you can not be open minded and use the word except in any way shape or form. I have them run from my door shaking their bibles yelling they have the true god when they are confronted with the smallest amount of evidence to the contrary of the cult. They are taught from the second the indoctrination is started to feel superior to anyone not in the cult. This is a reinforcement tactic that keeps people with low self esteem in the cult. They are told that not to rely on their own understanding as it is faulty and to rely on those god has chosen. By making the equation Gov. Body=God you go against god if you go against any of the dubdom authority. This keeps many so scared of even uttering the most minimal of questions. Its a good system for mind control, it worked well for Jim Jones.
...Watchtower World..A place where "Stupid is Better!"...
by OUTLAW in"watchtower world"... "a place where "stupid is better!"...
the wbt$ is always doing something stupid..from the begining of the wbt$ to this very day... stupid is on the menu,in watchtower world... .
it never ends..there is always something stupid happening within the wbt$... these are bethel one liners..bethelites have posted on jwd/jwn... that i have collected over time... .
My fav. lines are from the people. They can be so blinded and do not under stand that there is a difference between idealistic and being a blind zealot. When I was at one meeting many years ago and they stopped the food service, one blind zealot answered the question of what can we do to make the new arrangement go better. She said "we can all just buckle down and not eat for a day at the assembly. " The elder Schroder who has never been known to pass a meal up nor his family and they show it, for the first time I have ever seen in all the years of knowing him put down a blind zealot. He told here that he was not going to go a day with out eating. I guess that stomach trumps zealot, at least with some.
There was an idiot in Florida Arcadia when I lived there named Herron who raised his hand to answer the question of what we can do to help our children be good witnesses and said, "I told my kids even if they put a gun in your face you never renounce Jehovah. " It was funny because everyone knew he was running around drinking and sleeping around, he was not baptized and knew little to nothing about the cult. Dubbers are like a homeless shelter they attract some of the weirdest people I have ever known.
Swiss Branch closing down
by InquiryMan inthis newspaper article published in a capital news paper reports this including an interview with a watchtower spokesman.. it seems that less than half of the bethelites will be transferred to the german branch in selters that will supervise the work in switzerland from 2011.also, it seems that the branch offices in austria and luxembourg will undergo the same transition.
the remaining bethelites will stay on in switzerland, some will go on as full time pioneers.. .
I think this goes deeper than just the Swiss. If the USA were bringing in the money that they once did, they would support the branches that were not able to support their own weight. This shows that the USA is not bringing in the funds they once did. What happened to the "god is blessing the expansion work that will continue to the end" crap? Does this mean that the end is here right now? I am sure they will spin it to their advantage whatever happens. It’s how they always do it. Sara Palin has nothing on these idiots. It took me a many years to get past the mind control but now I am so free of the power they once exerted that I wonder how I ever let it happen.
1914 - What is the importance of this date?
by sabastious in"we don't live for dates".
i have heard this a lot in my lifetime when witnesses get approached with any critical thinking of the 1914 year date.. this sounds good, at face value, but it's so disconcerting to hear them minimize this date when they will jump all over it as "proof" of their organization's divinity.. without dates such as 1914 societies like the watchtower simply would not exist.
the watchtower needed these dates to anticipate and use as selling points.. remember, before 1914 there were not very many witnesses.
We must all have waffles and think to the best of our abilitys. The 1914 date is the date that gives the WTS all its fake authority. Its when Jesus is suposed to have turned his attention to earth and saw that CTR was the only person and group that was doing gods will according to their narrow teaching of the bible. With out this date they are just another splinter group. SPLINTERS fucking peoples front of judea splinters
Even when you think you're out, you're not...
by undercover insometimes we debate about which is better - to fade...or to da/get dfd.. there are pros and cons to each method.
faders like to say that they're not playing by the rules and can still associate with family.
daers say that they are totally free and can speak their mind and celebrate their holidays as they see fit with absolutely no retributinos.. i see the advantages of both sides and understand why one chooses one path over another.
The only thing you can do is live and forget them. If you dwell on what you can not change it only disturbes you. I moved because I had to many family members near me that would make it known that I was not good enough because I did not go to KH. Screw them. It was cold where I lived and I am moving closer to family and its a bit warmer.
You can never be free if you alway see them day after day. My wifes sister got divorced from a witness and she remained in the org. She sees this guy every meeting with his new wife. And she can't treat him as the idiot he is. If forces you into so many confinements its crazy. Freedom is just walking away. Its as simple as that.