I don't think of them much and don't think much of them. I was smart enough and so are many here to figure out that it is bull shit on a grand scale. As I told my old partner in Michigan who dumped his brother because he did not get reinstated after the"new arrangement" in the late 70s. He said it was his brother who left the religion. I said yes but its you who left your brother. If these idiots will piss on their own blood what chance do I have? None thats how much. To break free you have to work it out in your own mind that its bull shit and understand why. Then move on and move away if you like me lived in a small town where people treated you like a pedophile for not going to meetings. I moved and don't think about them much anymore. I have become so secure in my understanding of the cult that I could no more go back to meetings then to join the NAMBLA group. They equally make me sick to the point of vomiting. I no longer believe that some invisible sky god listens to what I am thinking judging me and answering my prayers and needs. I don't believe in a bible [book put together by the council of Nicea under Constantine the great in A.D. 325] as some inerrant word of god. A book that is at best bad literature and at worst a guide on how treat others with contempt and very poorly. Its bull shit from the first page of Gen. to the last page of Rev. Fuck how anyone could read this clap trap and think for a second that its the word of a supreme invisible sky god.
That a talking snake that was really an angle gone bad talked a woman made of a rib from a man made of mud into eating a piece of fruit from a tree that dispensed knowledge of good and evil. When the tree right next to it was the tree of everlasting life. If the snake [really and angle gone wild] was so smart why not have her eat from the tree of life first and then eat from the tree of good and bad and put god in a real dilemma, He would have to break one of his promises to fulfill the other. Its a sheep herders attempt to try to understand the world around them.
Thor beating the anvil is what thunder really is has more appeal than this crap story. And the Greeks have them all beat with Medusa and krakins.