For those who don't know the details it gets strange. First of it goes to the king of the north and the king of the south. If I remember the southern king is the duo anglo American power of the USA and Great Britain. The king of the North was Napoleon, then Germany under Hitler, and it was last known as the former USSR. The belief by those who know the details goes that the image of the beast or the UN would out law all religion. Jehovah would protect the dubbers from this wipe out of religion until the very last group of religion is destroyed. Then Satan who controls the UN would send the King of the north to destroy the Dubbers and this would be the trigger that would make Jesus step in to start the war of wars Armageddon. What most dubbers don't know is that the society is looking for the spark to ignite all of this. Like the Archduke Ferdinand's assassination sparked the first world war. So what dubbers who study deep into the bull shit of the cult think is that the unrest of some nation will culminate with the UN stepping in to rid the world of religion to keep stability. This sets the stage for the big H or big A which ever way you want to spell it. But its like shoveling shit from one side of the barn to the other, its still shit and its still there.
When the UN steps in and rids the world of religoin there is a cry of peace and secutiry.