If you are the type who gives feed back you are not what they are looking for. They want sheeple who only want to read more crap they put out and ask for more. LOL
Posts by dogon
Watch Tower Web Site Has No Commenting Feature, Comments Unwelcome,
by frankiespeakin inwell it comes as no surprise that the "official" watch tower web site has no place to leave a comment you can only leave your address if your interested.. can you imagine if they did have a place where you can post comments what would happen?.
i'm sure the lack luster of the wt web site is due to the fact that a bunch of old governing body member must go over it with a fine toothed comb and with all thier other business to carry out as corporation executives it is just to time consuming and lets face it these old guys just don't have what it takes to bring this organization thru the 21st century, they are too lost in thier delusion, they are fighting thier own shadow, the enemy is everyone that disagrees with them and they are so steeped in denial they don't want to hear any comment that doesn't agree with them.
they only want confirmation biased statements to read, all else must be resisted and faught against.. internet presents is very important to the wt or it should be as door to door sales will no longer pay the bills, who wants a trashy magazine when you can down load info cheaply and quickly off the net.. these delusional old guys running the wt will be the reason they go belly up.
by DATA-DOG in' cultivate the spirit of a lesser one ' to be studied january 7-13.... " a humble person has heartfelt gratitude for jehovah's provisions, including spiritual food.
hence, such an individual is a diligent student of the bible and an avid reader of the watchtower and awake!
I can remember the buzz going around the cult years ago, that if you read every Awake for 3 years you would have the equivalent of a college education. LOL There is not lie they will not go to that keeps their rank and file in line.
Will the 'Make Good Use of Our Official Website' discussion backfire?
by jw07 ingood day everyone,.
i'm a born in jehovah's hostage, and am still a hostage until i can wake my family up (wishful thinking i know).
i'll formally introduce myself later.. for now i have some burning concerns about the service meeting part for the week of december 24, 2012.
I think anyone who has critical thinking abilities will google the subject and read all the crazy crap this cult evolved from. There are those who will not read or believe one thing that is critical of the cult.
The privileged Bethel speakers and the rest of us Jamokes.
by RULES & REGULATIONS incicero,illinois 1970's.
our four day assemblies in the 1970's through the 1980's were pure torture.. they were held at a horse race track in cicero,il in the smoking hot and humid month of july.
they charged around $2 for parking.
I can remember seeing several older people collapsing under the heat in the Silver dome every year. I talke about it to my partner an elder and he would say, ya it was their choice to go. Well a several years back at one of the last silver dome assemblys his dad collapsed and died under the heat. LOL I wonder if he was so calous then? I have also seen how people from bethel are treated like royalt. Given money and taken places bla bla bal. I left the borg in 96 and have never regreted it for a second. The only regret I have is that I did not leave much much earlier.
A sure sign the End is Near....
by King Solomon inthe end of the month, that is, and someone apparently needs to get their hours in.... this resourceful jw (in the left side of the photo) set up shop for a few hours outside a local starbucks, with a wt and awake laid out on a table.
and i i don't think he talked to anyone the whole time he was out there (a few hours).. sure beats all that walking from door-to-door, which would likely result in a bunch of not-at-homes on a weekday: most people are at work.. (i approached him when entering, and asked him about the parable of faithful and "discreet" slave, and asked him what he thought the difference was between a parable and prophecy.
after getting a non-answer (that basically meant he didn't know), i wished him a good morning and went on my way.... .
I was raised in the cult and told that we had all the answers and that other religions run from us because we knew all they did not want to believe. Now as I grew up I started to see we had no answers and that we were told shit that we were not to question. Now I see we were nothing but mushrooms, kept in the dark and fed a diet of shit. I wasted so god damned much of my life on that cult and I know enough that when they come to the door they run away, every damn time they run. Like the little brain washed fools they are. I was one of those fools but at least I have an excuse, when I was in, I was young and raised in the mind control of the cult. I slowly saw that the prim rosed path laid out for me was nothing but lies and left. I never let the pressure of having people I grew up with and family not talking to me ever stop me from thinking. I was told time and again that I thought too much. Well I don't see that as a bad thing. I feel I did not think enough or fast enough to get out before 30YO. I wish that I had been raised in any [almost any] other religion or better yet an Atheist home. The JWs and their hate of higher education works for keeping the RnF stupid and in line but Little to help them.
Why Is My Sister Accusing Me Of Apostasy? (new guy here)
by HelpMeBelieve inhello, maybe i am gambling by posting a thread here at your website.
i don't know what an apostate really is and why someone is removed from the watchtower for this sin.. .
i have a sister in visalia california who is telling all my brothers and sisters "he is an apostate, our schizophrenic brother said so!".
Apostate is just a word used to scare people into keeping quiet about thinking for themselves. If your sister is so brain washed as to be willing to throw you under the bus you are better off with out her in your life. Its hard I know but don't waste your life trying to convince others who are telling you how to live that mean them no harm. I had a partner Daryl Kunde who threw his only brother under the bus for a bunch of idiots in the KH and has not talked to him in years 35 I believe. Its a waste of time, the cult will keep them in line and you will dance at the end of a stick and have to lie about who you are to keep them from crucifying you.
Arcadia Fla. congergation
by dogon injust moved back to fla and used to go to the arcadia congregation.
wanted to know if anyone goes there and who is there that i would remember.
i used to know phil and carry sutherland, the beans, dalaosas, i think i saw marie meeks in the target in pc, jack arnold and tim and jane schmidt.
Just moved back to Fla and used to go to the Arcadia congregation. Wanted to know if anyone goes there and who is there that I would remember. I used to know Phil and Carry Sutherland, the Beans, DaLaosas, I think I saw Marie Meeks in the Target in PC, Jack Arnold and Tim and Jane Schmidt. I think I found the Schmidt's in Sarasota, they were in the paper for buying a 1.7m dollar home and then selling in the crash for 680k. Wow thats gotta smart.
Bill Treavor, Bruce Hearon, I bet I would not know many there. LOL. Not that I miss any JWs, it was not a good time for me, I had a friend come to visit and they treated her like she was a whore because she was abused by her husband and left him. LOL. They told me to kick her out into the street and distance myself from her and when I did not I was treated like a leaper.
I can't believe it, but a kid got marked for having worldy friends.
by Knowsnothing init's true.
last night, a kid got marked for having worldy friends.
the usual no friendship with the world texts made its way in.
Marking was a think an individual would do when there was not enough wrong doing to warrant some JC action, Public reproof was done when something was done that the public saw or was in the open but no dissfellowshipping was given.
Pre-emptive shunning - a growing reality
by cedars ini'm scanning through some of the results from the 2012 jw survey as they're coming in.. the most populous of the six voting categories with 76 voters so far is my own category, for those who are inactive, or "faded/fading" (not disfellowshipped or da'd, but no longer reporting time on the ministry).. one statistic already leaping out at me surrounds the question "do you experience 'pre-emptive shunning' from active witnesses, who view you as 'bad association'?
" of the 74 who voted on this so far, 76% have answered "yes" to this question.. it's early days, and obviously i will have a clearer picture of the extent of the problem once the survey closes at the end of the year.
however, the results already in suggest that pre-emptive shunning is widespread among inactive ones, despite this not being an "official" policy of the society.. i was interested in your opinions as to why this may be?
This is nothing new. In the late 70s and early 80s there was a practice called marking that got out of hand. It was encouraged by the Borg for individuals to mark someone as bad association and not include them in functions or association outside of the hall. It got out of hand real quick and they had to do a few special talks because what it did was to make OK cliques. If someone did not make it too 2 meetings in a row some of the idiots would "mark" a person. Some would mark just because they did not get along. Then the idiot ass holes who never saw a pussy in their life tired to reverse it because everyone was marking someone. It ended up being a great division in the hall. You see most people think its fine to mark others or worse but its not OK for them selfs. Its like Mark Twain said, "nothing needs reforming like other peoples habits. "
Shouldn't we all aim to be inspired by God?
by Listener inreading comments on this forum makes me think about so many facets in understanding god's word and how he works.
i was very puzzled as to why djeggnog had so much trouble in trying to explain the difference between being guided by god's holy spirit and being inspired.
he stopped posting when he was cornered on this.
Inspired by what? War, Starvation?, Disease? Just what about this world is so god damn god like that we should be in awe of it? If we are here by natural occurrence than awe is in line, but if an intelligent designer is to blame than he/she did a piss poor job and not only is a dead beat dad but a fucking asshole to boot.