I left the cult in 97, and used to keep up on the BS. I have since stopped watching the crazy crap they do. But I ran across an article in Canada that said they changed their stance on blood? I find this hard to believe and also what other things have they changed if any in the past years? Thanks.
Posts by dogon
Have JWs changed on taking Blood?
by dogon ini left the cult in 97, and used to keep up on the bs.
i have since stopped watching the crazy crap they do.
but i ran across an article in canada that said they changed their stance on blood?
ONLY 500 DAYS REMAINING until the 100th Anniversary of Jesus reign...
by Calebs Airplane inlurkers.... check your calendars... october 2, 2014 is only 500 days away.... look for illogical nu-lite from the wt in publications and conventions that will attempt to explain this away.. they've already bought themselves some time by splitting a "generation" into 2 overlapping generations... still, they have a lot of explaining to do... this should get really interesting... stay tuned.... .
OMG another date. The dubbers knew it was the end of the world in 1874, they knew it was the end in 1914,1916,1925. I left this shit hole of a religion and they are all shit holes to one extent or another in 1995 when I saw they changed the meaning of Generation. I kept my old Truth book, that shows the bible and an arrow pointing from one side to the other saying within one generation, so I can always remember why I left that shit hole of a religion. They screw up peoples lives, and then pull the rug out because its based on lies that is based on a fantasy book.
Yesterday's WT Study par 17
by leaving_quietly ini marked down "research" next to this paragraph w13 1/15 p.11 par.
17), and have yet to do so fully.. "modern christians held in nazi concentration camps with possible death facing them were given repeated opportunities to gain their freedom by signing a declaration renouncing jehovah.".
was the declaration to renounce jehovah?
The dubbers lied about the numbers, it went from thousands to a couple of hundred. The Nazi regime was not all that concerned with the Dubbers. They had to make themselves outspoken to get noticed. All that clap trap about how worried the third reich was about the Dubbers is all horse shit to make themselves feel important.
Should a Jehovah's Witness allow an imperfect person to come between him/her and Jehovah?
by I_love_Jeff in"what are some ways in which you might develop such loyalty?
one would be by cooperating with your local congregation elders.
(hebrews 13:17) recognizing that christ is the appointed head of the christian congregation, mature christians are loyal to those appointed "to shepherd the congregation of god.
Sorry but your post is a load of shit. God is only pretend and to debate your question is like rearranging the deck furniture on the Titanic.
Moved to Florida and an elder from my old Michigan hall shows up at the door.
by dogon ini moved to florida from north michigan a year ago.
i have not been to a kh in over 15 years, that said they know who i am at my old hall.
i got a knock at the door and it was an elder from my old hall.
I moved to Florida from North Michigan a year ago. I have not been to a KH in over 15 years, that said they know who I am at my old hall. I got a knock at the door and it was an elder from my old hall. I guess he comes down south for the winter. LOL. That was about two weeks ago and now his wife shows up. Not sure if they are still trying to get me to say I don't believe in the JW way of life or not. I doubt it as they would not send a woman to do that. Do they report that information to the old hall records? Of not. Not sure how that's done.
JW showed up at my door.
by dogon inits a bit weirder than the title may lead you to believe.
i moved from michigan where i was a witness for 30 years to arkansas and then to kansas.
a year ago i moved to florida.
Its a bit weirder than the title may lead you to believe. I moved from Michigan where I was a Witness for 30 years to Arkansas and then to Kansas. A year ago I moved to Florida. Saturday I had a two men show up at my door a black and white guy with the usual suspects awake and NWT. I opened the door mentally preparing to ask the usual questions when I realized I was sure I knew the white guy. The black witness said you don't know this guy. I said I think I do, did you live in Michigan I asked. Yes he said. Did you live in Northern Michigan I asked. Yes he said, what is your name? he told me his first name and then I asked his last name he told me and I said, I thought so. He was an elder in my old congregation from years ago. I had not seen him and we actually talked for about 10 min, then he tried to go into his presentation about the devil. I cut him off as politely as I could and said I really don't have much to do with any religion anymore but thanks for stopping buy. They both seemed like it was not offensive to them. Now I will have to be a bit less or a lot less offensive when dubbers stop by. I don't need a connection to the the hall all my files are in. Its possible now to be DFed for speaking out against the cult.
Not a problem. I have grown past the need or compulsion to rant against the cult. I am settled in my belief and under standing of why its wrong and that I don't believe in the Bible or any god.
Watch Tower Web Site Has No Commenting Feature, Comments Unwelcome,
by frankiespeakin inwell it comes as no surprise that the "official" watch tower web site has no place to leave a comment you can only leave your address if your interested.. can you imagine if they did have a place where you can post comments what would happen?.
i'm sure the lack luster of the wt web site is due to the fact that a bunch of old governing body member must go over it with a fine toothed comb and with all thier other business to carry out as corporation executives it is just to time consuming and lets face it these old guys just don't have what it takes to bring this organization thru the 21st century, they are too lost in thier delusion, they are fighting thier own shadow, the enemy is everyone that disagrees with them and they are so steeped in denial they don't want to hear any comment that doesn't agree with them.
they only want confirmation biased statements to read, all else must be resisted and faught against.. internet presents is very important to the wt or it should be as door to door sales will no longer pay the bills, who wants a trashy magazine when you can down load info cheaply and quickly off the net.. these delusional old guys running the wt will be the reason they go belly up.
If you are the type who gives feed back you are not what they are looking for. They want sheeple who only want to read more crap they put out and ask for more. LOL
by DATA-DOG in' cultivate the spirit of a lesser one ' to be studied january 7-13.... " a humble person has heartfelt gratitude for jehovah's provisions, including spiritual food.
hence, such an individual is a diligent student of the bible and an avid reader of the watchtower and awake!
I can remember the buzz going around the cult years ago, that if you read every Awake for 3 years you would have the equivalent of a college education. LOL There is not lie they will not go to that keeps their rank and file in line.
Will the 'Make Good Use of Our Official Website' discussion backfire?
by jw07 ingood day everyone,.
i'm a born in jehovah's hostage, and am still a hostage until i can wake my family up (wishful thinking i know).
i'll formally introduce myself later.. for now i have some burning concerns about the service meeting part for the week of december 24, 2012.
I think anyone who has critical thinking abilities will google the subject and read all the crazy crap this cult evolved from. There are those who will not read or believe one thing that is critical of the cult.
The privileged Bethel speakers and the rest of us Jamokes.
by RULES & REGULATIONS incicero,illinois 1970's.
our four day assemblies in the 1970's through the 1980's were pure torture.. they were held at a horse race track in cicero,il in the smoking hot and humid month of july.
they charged around $2 for parking.
I can remember seeing several older people collapsing under the heat in the Silver dome every year. I talke about it to my partner an elder and he would say, ya it was their choice to go. Well a several years back at one of the last silver dome assemblys his dad collapsed and died under the heat. LOL I wonder if he was so calous then? I have also seen how people from bethel are treated like royalt. Given money and taken places bla bla bal. I left the borg in 96 and have never regreted it for a second. The only regret I have is that I did not leave much much earlier.