I doubt a third of elders did not mouth off to their wife's and others about confidential shit. You can not trust these assholes as far as you can spit.
Posts by dogon
Can we talk confidentially?
by wheelwithinwheel inthe lot video shows what most elder’s offices are like.
actually it a pretty well-equipped one and with the video context is, without a doubt, org-approved.
but let’s face it.
studies in the scriptures question
by dogon ini picked up a studies in the scriptures divine plane of the ages.
i have a question.
i have seen others on line and there is a date mine is 1912 but my book has a number 3 million something edition.
I picked up a studies in the scriptures Divine Plane of the Ages. I have a question. I have seen others on line and there is a date mine is 1912 but my book has a number 3 million something edition. I have seen the same date but different number editions. Can someone explain to me what this is?
Crossing the Elders
by Cold Steel infew things draw my interest as much as people on this board who talk about the elders, the insidious little toadies who lurk around kingdom halls, the proverbial big fish in little ponds.
it amazes me the terror and the veneration they inspire, as well as the occasional ridicule.
it makes me wonder how they're selected and whether most of them come into the position with a sense of power, entitlement, authority and control, or whether many of them are pretty nice people and that i'm just hearing about the bad apples?
Although it does not negate the fact that the Tower is full of shit to its gills, I have seen a few Elders who seemed to genuinely care. But I have also seen this to be the minority. I have seen many more who are just asshats who have made nothing of their life and because they get the blue hairs golf clapping at their scripted speech on Sunday or Thursday night they feel like they have made it. Its also an appeal to popularity. They must be great because all these dumb asses think so. Which is the real reason the society has assemblies. When dumb people see 20 thousand people all singing the same lame song it must be true. This many people could not be fooled. I have had many elders who were determined to DF me. Showing up at my door thinking how slick they were trying to get me to say that the dubbers were not gods org on earth. I would never make a statement only ask questions or say I have read this or that. They finally asked me if I did not believe why do I care? I said I never said I do or do not believe, I just have questions and that is supposed to still be OK, and if they wanted me DFed they could do the work and get it, but I was not going to hand them the rope. Mostly because they feel vindicated when you are DFed. If you can stay in "good standing " and be a apostate in their eyes it destroys the whole God keeps his org clean.
How Far Up The Ladder Did You Go In JW Land?
by minimus ini pretty much did it all.
vacation pioneered as a youngster and became a regular pioneer out of school.
i became a ms then an elder.....the organization pushes you to be somebody within the confines of their realm.
I think they let me hold the mic a few times. I never had any desire. It was like saying I wanted to be captain of the local 6 person book club.
The resurrection, an analysis
by Splash in(john 5:28, 29) "the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out".
what would this mean?take a look at this 7 min video to see:what if every human ever born came back to life today?.
I asked this years ago and got stupid answers like if everyone who ever lived were alive they would all fit in Texas. Or that Hova can expand the earth bla bla bla. Asking questions of JWs is as useful as wiping with sand paper. Its very irritating.
Jehovah's Witnesses target Manchester after terrorist attack
by jwleaks inthe location is outside the arndale centre, manchester, after it was evacuated.
Until western society gets mean and I am saying if you bomb we will find your children and cut their heads off we will be like a city cop in Chicago. You can not win a war like this with moral authority. During WW2 we raised cities killed men women children wholesale. War is now a board game or video game where you just press restart if you don't like the outcome. People love sausage but if they saw it made they would puke. People love freedom but many snowflakes wince at how it is maintained.
Jehovah's Witnesses target Manchester after terrorist attack
by jwleaks inthe location is outside the arndale centre, manchester, after it was evacuated.
We have as a world been through much more dangerous times. When the the English had to move their kids out of London because of the blitz. The difference is back then the English had balls. They fought hard and dirty and won. Now they give speeches about how the terrorists are cowards.
This Fight ....Rutherford
by jaydee inmore rutherford ramblings.. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0b2ndok8xmmt-b3zhwndrtuf0bk0/view?usp=sharing.
Alcohol abuse is very destructive. Old Ruthaford was a boozer.
Brought my non-JW wife to Kingdom Hall for a wedding
by keyser soze inmy brother got remarried to his ex-wife over the weekend.
they had been married for 15 years, but divorced in 2011. they decided to give it another try, because they have 3 kids together, and the dating pool is very thin for jws in their 30's and 40's.
we didn't want to attend, but since i was invited, and they were kind enough to attend our wedding, we decided to suck it up.. the most interesting part was the way my wife responded to the whole ordeal.
As with funerals its not about the people it should be about its a recruiting tool. These fuckers are shameless. I would love to see them banned in the states.
Have Jehovah's Witnesses Become Boring?
by David_Jay inokay, that new video about 1975 has got people talking, and yes, the child abuse cases will always require us to remain vigilant...but after my having left in the late 1980s/early 1990s, it seems all the real "exciting" stuff is gone.
when i left the witnesses were still preaching that the "generation that was old enough to understand the events of 1914" will not pass away before armageddon comes.
no blood cards were our badges (not that stupid jw logo) and that card meant what it said, "no blood"!
When were they interesting?