Yes, I at least have read Orwell was a socialist, apparently a thinking one who could in honesty engage in reductio ad absurdum and who was able to look far enough into the future to see where socialism would take England and other countries. I believe him to be more than precise in his observations; I have seen parts of what he predicted in practice by the extreme left in the USA.
If I were going to do the research necessary to prove the contention in the original post, I would start with the following sites:
Research on the Watchtower
JWs A Critical Analysis
I would have with me, just for fun:
The Nizkor Fallacies Project
As for the question itself, how many examples would you need of a changed or omitted document on the WTBTS CD-ROM to discredit the organization? Given that we are dealing with an organization that claims to represent God, I say that only ONE such example is needed. Even one would be a scandal throughout all creation encompassing all evolved life in each and every galaxy in all inhabited space throughout all future time. God does not lie; if He did, He would not be God. End of conversation. So whether there is one such change or hundreds or two or ten matters not. And we already know there is one. Any more is gratuitously superfluous. The point is made. And I don't care a fig if this is God's organization run by imperfect men. That is but a shallow dodge dreamed up by imperfect men.
Is there more than one example on the CD? I believe there is. Can I prove it? No, not without extensive research; I am repeating what I have heard, frankly. Will I personally dedicated the time needed? No. The WTBTS has already revealed what is it by the one provable change it has made. It is a waste of time to prove that the murderer of one person has killed ten others; the one is sufficient for the needle.
I would hate to have the karma of the WTBTS and its "leaders."