I know I must sound like a broken record sometimes, but people who join a cult, and the cult itself, fit into a well-known pattern. Some of the characteristics of a cult are: an infallible leader - often one who speaks for or with God or both - who offers an extravagant hope. It is isolationist. It is authoritative. And it foments an organized hatred toward any who oppose it, developing an "us against them" kind of mentality, and on and on. There are at least a dozen characteristics of a cult.
People who volunteer to join a cult are of a type certain as well. These always are people who feel they are living a ruined life, who have a need for a dramatic change in the circumstances of life in the near future, and who feel they can atone for their miserable, wasted, ruined life by being totally absorbed within a great movement (political, social, religious, etc.) that's bigger than their puny selves.
Thus, the organizational raft to which they attach the sinking ship of their miserable life must for its survival not only hate all who oppose it, but at the same time must justify that hatred and blame the hated ones for their condition. Thus, it was the Jews own fault that the Nazis confiscated their property, blamed them for Germany's sad condition at the end of WWI (the Jews had betrayed Germany from within), hated them with a fanatical, unreasoning hatred, and in the end stole their lives. This hatred of some "other" is one of the glues that hold the movement together. Upon showing certain Japanese visitors to the Reich what use he had made of the Jew, Hitler said that it was fortunate for Germany to have had the Jew in its midst, otherwise, Hitler said, "we would have had to invent him."
The black man in this country has in the past served the same purpose; as has the American Indian in a different time, and still does in some areas of the country today. No doubt the entire population of Taiwan serves this purpose in China, as does the population of Tibet. Democracies served this purpose in Russia. And whatever the organization, the social movement, the religious wave, the political party, you will find a group of virulently hated "others." Hate is a great glue. Humans do it so well, and enjoy it so much.
So it is with "Bablyon the Great" in general to the cult of JWs, and specifically, the "apostate". We serve as one of the "glues" that help hold the JWs together. Hating us is a common activity that all Jay-Dubs can join in together in a group activity and engage in fraternal back-slapping together about how they have scored some "point" or other against the hated "Apostates." It provides a settled feeling of comradery to get together for a nice group hate.
If you'd like to read all about cults and people who join them and why they exist and about their life-cycle and all that makes a cult, get yourself a copy of "The True Believer" by Eric Hoffer. I mention it frequently here, as you would expect, since we ARE dealing with a cult after all, and questions about WHY turn up here all the time.
So, that's one man's opinion about why JWs engage in so much hate of "apostates." And that's a great recommendation for an organization that claims as its spiritual authority and temporal leader Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, the advocate of Love.