When in Rome...
JoinedPosts by Francois
Pictures in French/Italian editions of the WT
by Osarsif infrom: http://user.online.be/~gd34048/subliminal3a.html.
w99 15/2 3 french/italian:.
no long skirts for italian jw?
boob jobs and sisters
by jurs inwarning: this is a very shallow post.
now that i'm out, i'm trying to see the humor of my past life as a jw.
when i was new in the truth , only baptized 4 months, i became good friends with this one sister.
And this is called mutilating the body? Mutilating? Whose damn body is it anyway?
You may remember gals that vasectomy will also get us guys in trouble with the Borg. It's considered mutilating the body also. Well, mine was twenty years ago, and it's been the best $250 I ever spent in mutilating myself. The peace of mind after the piec...well, you know, was worth a million times that much.
Guys have roaring bad design. We should come with blocked tubes and you only unblocked them when you were damn good and ready. Wouldn't that be wunnerful?
Shooting Blanks Class -
boob jobs and sisters
by jurs inwarning: this is a very shallow post.
now that i'm out, i'm trying to see the humor of my past life as a jw.
when i was new in the truth , only baptized 4 months, i became good friends with this one sister.
Axe 'n' ye shall receive.
Should we grade these on a scale of 1 - 10 or what?
(I love this place. There's more sense of humor here than in all the people in all the kingdom halls in all the cities of all the countries in all the whole world.)
boob jobs and sisters
by jurs inwarning: this is a very shallow post.
now that i'm out, i'm trying to see the humor of my past life as a jw.
when i was new in the truth , only baptized 4 months, i became good friends with this one sister.
Of the Waiting for the Pictures Class -
Can "The Truth" Lie?
by ros inperhaps it is a matter of how one defines the words "truth" and "lie".
the watchtower society certainly permits their flock to hold some unique definitions of common words the rest of us take for granted.
for example, consider what we know to be jehovah's witnesses' general understanding of a few terms which might be defined thus:.
Roz, that was a fine piece of reasoning, discovery, and expose.
If more people though like you, the WTBTS would have no members left at all.
If shunning were to stop, the only people left in the Borg would be:
1. Old folk whose entire social support system is based there.
2. Elders whose entire self-image is wrapped up in exercising power over others, even if it is only old folk who have nowhere else to go.
3. Young idealists blinded by their own misplaced ideals.Everyone else would be at the spontaneous street party that would erupt. There would be book-bag burnings. WT bonfires. Elders would be tarred and feathered. Beer would be consumed. And we'd have to protect the little ones from the pedophiles, who after identification, could be drawn and quarterd and the pieces strewn about the kingdom.
1961 WT on Blood and today's "light"
by qwerty inwe've all been given the new advanced health "care" directive at our book groups.
talk about feeling pressured into a situation.
we have to take forms home, read them, tick what medical care info our consciense will allow if we are in a life or death situation.
Getting all your information about blood, blood transfusions, etc. from the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society is like getting all your information about nuclear power from Jane Fonda.
The JW position on blood is nothing but the extension of the anti-intellectual, primitive, uninformed idea that blood is efficacious for the removal of sin; that blood is the location of the soul.
"Without the shedding of blood, no forgiveness takes place."
What does this say about the nature and character of God? It says that the God of the Hebrews wasn't much more advanced than the God of the Aztecs who believed that throwing perfectly good virgins into volcanoes was efficacious. It speaks of a savage's god made in their own image.
And the WTBTS is guilty of perpetuating primitive concepts of God. The gods who go on a rampage in the storm; who shake the earth in their wrath and strike down men in their anger; who inflict their judgments of displeasure in times of famine and flood--these are the gods of primitive religion; they are not the Gods who live and rule the universes. Such concepts are a relic of the times when men supposed that the universe was under the guidance and domination of the whims of such imaginary gods. But we should have abandonded these primitive concepts of God long ago.
It is at the feet of the Borg that responsibility for perpetuating these primitive concepts of god, and for enslaving millions of people thereby, should lie. It is a departure from the concepts of God given the world by Jesus. It constitutes reimposing the Mosiac law and the entire Noah story on the modern world.
It's been said that Islam has an entire culture trapped in the 12th century. That's a distinct advantage to being trapped in the 30th century B.C.!!!
Is this how they control people?
by Loki inif religion is, as marx said, the opium of the people, do the borg just have theirs at a better grade than most religions?
is that why it is so hard for people to "kick the habit"?
is that why we feel so strongly about the borg - reformed druggies being the most outspoken and all that?
I think there's a lot of truth in the idea that religion is opium for the people. It keeps them insensate, makes 'em docile, keeps 'em from paying proper attention to the competing religion where Marx wanted their attention: communism.
And as noted, there is a certain type of psychological make-up that must find solace for the lost and ruined self in a mass movement of lasting world import. And that's just why JWs, communists and leftists of all kinds, Fundys in the religious meaning, some environmentalists, and believe it or not many involved in the animal "rights" movements like Peta, are so hard to budge. And if you ever succede in budging them, they're just as likely to turn into fanatics on the other end of the scale. Thus mass movements are interchangeable.
It's far easier to take a left wing, foaming at the mouth nut-case and convert them into a right wing, foaming at the mouth nut-case, than in it is to take either one and convert them in to a moderate.
Interesting study in human abnormal psych.
The Rainbow as a sign to Noah
by Simon ini don't know if this has ever been brought out - i just thought of it:.
the bible tells us that it rained for forty days and forty nights.. it stopped raining and noah & co floated around for a bit.. when they landed, noah sacrificed some of the animals (weren't they in short supply?
) and god promised never to bring a deluge upon then earth again.. to back this up, there was a rainbow in the sky as a sign.. now, what causes a rainbow?
Did the Sumerians pre-date Noah?
Whatever. My sweeping saga, soon to be made into a full-length motion picture, starring Donald Sutherland as Noah and Mimi Rogers as Mrs. Noah, will clear up these minor details.
And, as someone noted, the Hebrews prolly borrowed this story in what was the first case of copyright infringement, and attributed the entire magilla to Noah. Oy Vey!
who are the governing body?
by robin33126 injehovah witness when mentioning "governing body" they say it like if they knew who these people are.
i asked one jw to mentioned their names and couldn't answer me.
so what is so special if they don't know the names, lives, background, of these people?
Yeah, there is a big downside. Although I like matza crackers pretty good. Then, I suspect they use something like Mogen David wine. Ugh!
JW's & alternative medicine
by slipnslidemaster inin one of the threads i read today, they were talking about looking into your eyeballs to diagnose cancer and the like.
also selling herbs.. my comment and question is this: it seemed like in my congregation and the surrounding ones, alot of the sisters were into kineseology, reflexology, herbs, vitamins, color therapy, aroma therapy, etc.. alot of touchy feely hippie crap.
while i personally agree that there needs to be more synergy with eastern and western medicines, it would appear reading the boards that alot of witnesses are into this sort of stuff.. is this your experience?
And there is yet another reason why JWs and lots and lots of others get involved in some of these activities: some of them work.
There are plenty of things in standard medical practice that originated in natural medicine: quinnine, digitalis, morphine, and many, many other medicines.
Of course, a lot of it is utterly nutty, too.
Like the man said, it takes an adult with adequately developed reasoning ability who is capable of independant thinking to separate this particular wheat and chaff and make reasonable descisions leading to effective treatment.
In the meantime, I've got just a little bit left of some Haitian Turtle fat face cream. I mean, if turtles use it to keep their skin soft and supple, think....
Francois of the Try Anything Once Class