You are all correct. I am the easiest scape goat and had a feeling from the start it would turn out like this. Looks like your not unique unique1 :) I can't even defend myself within the ranks because I'm not in the ranks.
JoinedPosts by sparrow
Ever Got the blame?? (sorry if post is too long)
by sparrow ini have been df'd for around 4 years and have not got my back up about the org until this year.
only this last year have i been looking around for answers and started realising there is a foundation for my reasons of not going back.
at first i was happy that it wasn't because i was making excuses for not going back but bad things were happening outside of the people i know across the org.. what pissed me off the most (and the reason i found this site) is because i got the blame for my brother in-law having sex in my house with someone other than his wife (my sister) because i am not witness and thus have low standards.. i'll try to keep this short: i have 2 sisters, one brother and 2 parents (fancy that) both remarried however.
by Mariusuk. injust realised after nigh on 100 posts i don't have a welcome thread, i know it is arrogant to do your own but screw it i want a welcome
not that I am any position to welcome you but what the hey...
welcome Mariusuk
Ever Got the blame?? (sorry if post is too long)
by sparrow ini have been df'd for around 4 years and have not got my back up about the org until this year.
only this last year have i been looking around for answers and started realising there is a foundation for my reasons of not going back.
at first i was happy that it wasn't because i was making excuses for not going back but bad things were happening outside of the people i know across the org.. what pissed me off the most (and the reason i found this site) is because i got the blame for my brother in-law having sex in my house with someone other than his wife (my sister) because i am not witness and thus have low standards.. i'll try to keep this short: i have 2 sisters, one brother and 2 parents (fancy that) both remarried however.
I have been DF'd for around 4 years and have not got my back up about the org until this year. Only this last year have I been looking around for answers and started realising there is a foundation for my reasons of not going back. At first I was happy that it wasn't because I was making excuses for not going back but bad things were happening outside of the people I know across the org.
What pissed me off the most (and the reason I found this site) is because I got the blame for my brother in-law having sex in my house with someone other than his wife (my sister) because I am not witness and thus have low standards.
I'll try to keep this short: I have 2 sisters, one brother and 2 parents (fancy that) both remarried however. Only my sister, mother and father (and his new wife) are still in the "truth". We ALL still talked and hung out with each other and I thought were very close (especially because of what my brother has been through the last couple of years - another disturbing JW story).
Anyway...recently, my witness sister went to Melbourne for work for a week. At the same time my wife went to the pub with an old friend while I stayed at home as I had to work the next day. They ran into my brother in-law - who was wasted - and my wife responsibly took him home (with his work friend) so they didn't end up being stupid and driving home. That night my wife's friend found her way into my brother in-laws bedroom.
You can imagine the next week. The result of it all was it came back to me and my "standards" as a non-witness. My sister no longer talks to me as all of a sudden I am a bad influence. I was asleep for god sake before they even got home. I know that the bangers would have played the "it because your associating with a df'd person" and "god hates a divorce" leading to the "it must have been your brothers influence".
Like I said - I was not pissed off and could tolerate the JW's until this. I have an ex-elder friend in a similar boat, blamed for the corruption of his daughter - who was living with his JW mother at the time - that decided to go Goth and get a little crazy. She is now living with him full time and has actually started to settle down because the father is doing the right thing by her (showing love and understanding - hard concept I know)
I just get so mad now of the "higher than thou" attitude. I am the same person I was when I was a JW as far as my love for people goes and what I would and wouldn't do. It has nothing to do with being a witness. The reason I got disco'd was because of my empathy for people so don't tell me that I corrupt people because I left...
"I'm going to Tar and Feather you two"
by whyamihere ini swear to god, i've gone absolutely insane!.
my kids!
will the fighting stop?
All these things I'm missing out on!
I don't have any yet because I don't want to share my toys...
I thought they were crazy I understand
by Mrs Smith ini could never get my head around the fact that people fall inlove over the net.
it just seemed impossible to me.
but now that i have been posting here for a while a totaly understand.
my mother met her new husband on the internet and I didn't even know she could use a computer at the time. They are like pigs in mud now.
As a lover of the grape, I must get to the Barossa one of these days
Wedding Anniversaries vs. Birthdays
by PopeOfEruke injw's often have big parties or "gatherings" to celebrate wedding anniversaries, esp.
for the big milestones (20th, 50th anniversary etc).. the process of these parties almost exactly mimic a typical birthday celebration: the couple of honour sit up the front, various people give speeches, show "honour" to the happy couple, there is a meal and drinks, usually an anniversary cake.. exactly the same as a birthday party.. so why is it ok to celebrate an anniversary of a wedding but not the annoversary of a birth??
when it's usually the "wedding" which sooner or later results in a birth??
I'm having my first birthday party on the 5th of October this year! Even my invitations have the big heading:
Let me know if anyone wants to come. It's in Sydney at the Ettamogah pub and should be a good bash. I have 33 to make up for!!!
for I'm a jolly good fellow, for I'm a jolly good fellow...
Well now I'm just angry
by lola28 ini just read blondies wt review and it made me angry.
how can the society continue to place more importance on pioneering than getting an education or getting a good job?
why do these men insist on making young ones (and even older members) feel bad for wanting to have a secure future, what the hell is wrong with not wanting to live in a tent?
I missed my boat on that one sorry Lola. I'm just the occasional wedding singer now... "Self taught, no lessons...OW!"
Well now I'm just angry
by lola28 ini just read blondies wt review and it made me angry.
how can the society continue to place more importance on pioneering than getting an education or getting a good job?
why do these men insist on making young ones (and even older members) feel bad for wanting to have a secure future, what the hell is wrong with not wanting to live in a tent?
You're mad? I wanted to be a rock star!! Can't play in rock band - that's devil music...
JWs, cults and the new magazine arrangement
by drew sagan ini just remembered something from back in my 'active' jw days.
(ahem... little over a year ago) .
from time to time you hear jws talk about how unfair it is that they are a called a cult.
Can someone give me a brief run down on what is happening with the new kool-aid WT? I hadn't heard about it before now.
Do You Approach Disfellowshipped JWs?
by R.F. infor those of you active jws, though mentally inactive of course, do you you approach the disfellowshipped?.
there was a disfellowshipping announced in my congregation last week and i had the mind to talk to her.
there is also a dfed brother that lives on my street.
I felt guilty talking to DF'd people while in the org but I could not in my heart feel good about shunning them so if I ran into one I always ended up saying hello and talking to them anyway if the situation arose. I could never see how shunning them would make them feel good about coming back. I know why I felt that way now when I try explain disfellowshipping to my "wordly" wife and why I can't talk or hang out in public places with family and (ex)friends because I'm now DF'd. I feel like a tool explaining it and I feel like a jerk and apologise to any DF'd person I may have ignored growing up.