JoinedTopics Started by ush419
We'll All Be Dead Someday
by nvrgnbk inand with that thought............everybody have a great weekend!.
WT + Awake Update - restrictions
by stillajwexelder instudy edition of the wt will be restricted - it will be as per km
Organized to do Jehovah's will
by ush419 indoes there exist on the web a copy of this book in pdf or any other format.
pls to answer soonest as i need info on it.
If I handed in a paper like that ... I'd fail!
by Frequent_Fader_Miles insomething always bugged me about the society's publications.
they'd always use phrases like "many persons do this" or "one expert says", or "many believe".
the person being referred to or quoted is always veiled in obscurity.
Who would still be a Jehovah's Witness if it wasn't for the INTERNET???
by What-A-Coincidence inraises hand.
i thank auldsoul/blodie for helping me out...they stick out in my mind when i first lurked on jwd.
wac - bethelite for 10 years and elder for 1.
Is the Watchtower Crumbling???
by R.F. ini'll start with my congregation....... there have been about 7 disfellowshippings in my congregation alone within the last year.
over half the congo is inactive and many more are irregular pubs.
young people in the congo are dropping like flies.
if something is quoted can a jw...
by carla inif an author is quoted in the mags (or shall i say misquoted) and a jw learns where the quote actually came from even if it is of religious nature (non jw) can the jw then read the book?.
if the writers in ny are reading christendoms books and quoting where it suits them why can't the dub read the book?
(let me guess, my brothers have done all the work for me, or they are of the annointed.
A PUZZLING QUESTION...????...????...????
by Terry inthe "sacred secret" of god that creation was yearing to glimpse for so long was jehovah's plan of salvation and righteous government rescue operation.. yet, pagans, heathens and various crackpot primitives all came up with the same plan long before jehovah's was "revealed".
something smells bad about this!!.
i find it puzzling.. child sacrifice to appease wrathful deities is a disgusting solution to crop failure.
What was your earliest memory of being a witness?
by mtsgrad inwas your memory good, bad or ugly?