Jc canon
I appreciate ur thougts..i really do. I have always had a deep deep respect for the Bible ..which turned into suspicion but still tempered with some respect ..just in case i was wrong of course(hypocrite thati am strictly speaking) however it does seem to me..STRICTLY SPEAKING that when u begin to say this could have ocurred after the ressurection., or that could have occured after this other event...THEN BY THE BIBLES OWN DEFINITION "YOU ARE GOING BEYOND WHAT IS WRITTEN."............As an aside im not the bible reader i used to be but heres another point u can help me out with...
The bible says jesus knew from the begining that Judas would betray him(John 6:64) Well holy shit batman! If this is true then he how can we get around the fact that he would have included him for this very purpose?HOW?.......Its seems easier to conclude that its just a story or part of the events that occured but not quite accurate.....consider that in Mark 18-18-21 he says IT WOULD HAVE BEEN BETTER IF HE HADNT BEEN BORN....BUT IF HE HAD NEVER BEEN BORN HOW WOULD THE SCRIPTURE HAVE BEEN FULFILLED AND WHY WOULD JESUS PRONOUNCE A WOE ON HIM?.....CONSIDER THAT MAN'S DESTINY IS AT STAKE HERE ..THE SON OF GOD IS ABOUT TO DIE FOR MANKIND AND ALL OF A SUDDEN JESUS SAYS IT WOULD HAVE BEEN BETTER IF HE HADNT BEEN BORN ...WHAT THE HOLY HELL IS THAT???? ......AND what about the fact it says SATAN THE DEVIL HIMSELF entered judas..what the hell does that mean...just what it says right? Well hadnt the apostles been excorsising demons who were scared shitless of them...why didnt they remove SATAN HIMSELF from Judas......it doesnt make a lot of sense all the time...it seems easier sometimes to read the bible like it was a story rather than accurate historical fact.......but then again what do i know im not arrogant enough to say its not true its just seems that way and makes me consider it under suspicion.