Thanks for your post. Id like to ramble a little...I would like to know what makes u so sure that Jesus is who the bible says he is. Where does your faith come from now?
Its is simply amazing that although the we will accept the fact that Jesus loves us and died for us on the "cross" and is the Redeemer of fallen man and man only needs to accept him as Lord and Saviour in our mind body,hearts and soul and live for Christ,,,, the same time it doesnt matter if Adam is figurative or literal because it doesnt do any damage to the real historical account of the cruxifixtion redemption of mankind...........Is that "reasoning"?......And let us use some earlly church fathers opinion of the first Book of the Bible as proof that it doesnt matter as if they matter more than the book itself.....Is that reasonable?
if we use that reasoning we can use the BIBLE to establish evangelicalism and personal faith in jesus as the Truth. Perfect?
Look man i dont know a damn thing about the Bible , scholars do, but i do know that if i was responsible for a book that purports to have the sayings of everlasting life i have to have the first book in its cannon as understandable Truth. Not open to debate cuz it is the foundation for the New Testament
Why would God have given man a book and then have man question if its first account is figurative or literal .It matters from a -z for me if mankinds salvation is at stake..