hahaha your daughter sounds great.
JoinedPosts by 4digitcode
Out of the mouth of babes...
by sweetstuff inok, i am seriously seriously livid right now, yet so terribly proud of my seven year old.
my girls who are seven and nine are grieving their great grandmother on their father's side, lovely woman.
she was a witness.
actually other posts make me cringe here. better go look at something else...hugs to those who lost family on this day.
i was still in high school on 18th street and 8th avenue. i had no cell phone at the time. I rushed home as soon as they let us out scared to death i would never see my mom's partner again.(he was a police officer at the world trade center) thank god when i opened the door he was there and so was my mom we all burst into tears. he lost 17 of his colleagues and friends. and lost himself as well because he turned to alcohol for comfort. he said at one point they were all running up to help people and remember they never thought the towers would crumble...but at one point his gut feeling was that if he didn't leave he would die and he just ran out. the tower fell few minutes later but he never forgave himself i think. i just want to say to the person who posted about the people starving in africa. i understand what you mean and appreciate it as i'm sure other people willl have on this thread. Reasons i appreciate it: we live our lives mostly desensitized to these images and to these people's torment. the statistic you show i.e. the number of people who died in the world trade center is the number of people who die every 2 hours in africa of starvation. By showing us something in a far off land that does not touch our own reality by relating it to something that hits close to home you raised our awareness of this as well....but i feel like you belittled the pain that was caused on this particular event by saying a cynic 'so what? happens every day' i have also realized living between both europe and the states that a lot of people think that american's pain can be disregarded because of their GOVERNMENT'S actions towards other nations. On this thread no one was talking about political issues. they were just sharing their experience of a most traumatic event. Were it spaniards recalling their train terrorist attacks or russians recalling the opera house attack by tchetchen terrorists, i think you would have withheld your comment. I am not american nor do i have american family so don't think i am biased for that reason. i just feel you made a good point but your delivery was hurtful.
What unapproved song did you like/sing while a dub?
by What-A-Coincidence inwac used to sing this one while in service.. .
sisqo - thong song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=op3bzzlgblo.
wac (former bethelite for 10 years and elder).
i used to always get in trouble for singing christmas songs around christmas time...it's so hard not to
I went to Barnes & Noble yesterday....
by journey-on inand bought two books that have been recommended by jwd posters:.
"how to read a book" by mortimer j. adler & charles van doren.
"the power of now" by eckhart tolle.
just read the god delusion, crisis of conscience, and am now reading half of a yellow sun.
The Movie "Borat "- Did you Like it? What Did you Learn from It ?
by flipper inprobably a lot of you saw borat.
my wife and i laughed our selfs crazy watching it.
mrs. flipper actually fell on the floor watching it, laughing !
my favorite part for some reason: when he tells the american woman...is this a woman you shrunk gipsy or something like that pointing to a barbie doll she had in a yard sale or something (don't really remember that much sorry) or when he's scared of the old little jewish couple and think they became cockroaches....that was evil...i was scared to laugh actually!i'm too pc. parody is the best way to shed light on issues that would sometimes be uncomfortable to say in plain language. i thought the wrestling was over the top though....
Has being a JW made you a better person?
by lfcviking inok most of us here on this board (including me) have got our grumbles with the wt for various reasons but please consider this:.
if you came into the 'truth' from the world at whatever point on your life and and have since then left the 'truth', do you think that you are a better person now than before you joined?.
i became interested in JWs when i was thirteen and was baptized at 17. being a jw helped me lead a good life while i was in high school, not get caught in traps other teenagers did. but it also made me very depressed...now that i'm out i realize i snap more at people, i'm angry and i don't make excuses for anything. i think that comes from years of people walking all over me in abusive kingdom halls....so technically yeah i was better while a jw had more patience, was more kind, would bend over backwards, turned the other cheek...so being a jw didn't make me better. if they instill good qualities in people while on the inside but treat you like crap once you're out making you then bitter for all the hypocrisy they portray then i don't think they do you a great service.
I came to a realization just now, how about you?
by return visitor ini have been inactive now for over a half a year, and i am just now realizing that there was not one thing i enjoyed about being a witness.
i enjoyed my friends and association with witnesses, and still do.
but i didn't enjoy one thing that we were supposed to do, not one.
sacrifical loon , i totally agree with you about the structure and certainty of meeting etc. it's weird. it's what made me go back to a KH after almost a year out.(only once and i will never do it again..) sometimes i even tell my boyfriend that it's strange but i would like us to both go in our little sunday clothes to the meetings and go in service,....but don't get me wrong i know it's all bullshit....it's just the ritual i miss. Wednesdays fridays and sundays were my 'ritual days' just like people have shabbath on saturdays or football mondays. is tha tjust plain weird? i miss it but damn! i could never do it again.
JW's are able to give gifts anytime, not just holidays, BUT DO THEY?
by OnTheWayOut inon a thread i started awhile back, the following was in the initial post:.
otherwise, the wife recently purchased some fancy gifts for her family members.
ready to send home, i asked her how her df'ed sibling would feel being left out.
totally agree.they never do and i rarely did. only when i came back from trips from abroad. Once i brought back gifts for the most random people in the hall just because i had seen it and it made me think of them in particular...and i didn't bring anything back for some closer friends on one trip but i would on others. well anyway it was a bit awkward. A trendy sister at the hall used to pass down all her last season clothes to teenage sisters myself included and it could have been nice of her because we didn't have money but still wanted to look nice but the other side of the coin was that she and some sisters her age made a show of their cool clothes and then when you would wear the clothes she gave you in front of others she would say OH I KNEW MY SKIRT WOULD LOOK GREAT ON YOU....or NO NO NO THAT4S NOT HOW YOU WEAR IT I SHOULD HAVE KEPT IT or some stupid thing like that. what she doesn't know is most of the stuff we had to throw away anyway because we didn't want to tell her it was too big for us. i'm sure that would have shut her up. sad.
Have you ever faked a service report?
by Orgull init's only my third day here so, go easy on me.
lol.. seriously, my new doubts have made it harder and harder to go in service.
a few months ago, when a new month rolled around, i realized that i hadn't actually gone in service at all the previous month.
no i could never fake it. not that i feel anyone who did is bad but i was glad to show the elders when i wasn't going.....
but more as a cry for attention...i still believed it was all real and wanted help in preaching the good lies. ever seen that video from evanescence where she's a star on the outside but her life is a hole sham and she does a commercial for "lies" cereal.......that image came into my mind.
see ya.4dc.