JoinedTopics Started by LearningToFly
Everyone is missing a good chance to make a statement on this website
by LearningToFly ini understand we are all sick of hearing about michael jackson.
this website called the kaleidoscope factor has numerous pro-jw comments posted by obvious jw's, with few posts telling the truth about the religion.. here is the link that was posted in another post: http://traceyricksfoster.wordpress.com/2009/07/16/michael-jacksons-children-attend-local-kingdom-hall-of-jehovahs-witnesses-with-aunt/.
here is a good chance to make a statement, one which will be seen by many.. regards,.
Do ex-jws and anti-jw's born-agains hurt their case when they make up thing
by booker-t ini am the first person to say jw's should be exposed for the flip flops in doctrine, the united nation scandal, the pedophillia cases, and all of the things that they have said and did since charles taze russell started this religion.
but at the same time it makes me angry when i hear or read some things that ex-jw's and apostates print up about jw's.
tell the truth and the truth will set you free jesus christ admonished his disciples and i totally agree.
Quotes of Wisdom. Reading ~Kahlil Gibran
by Sparkplug inhe who repeats what he does not understand is no better than an ass that is loaded with books.
when you long for blessings that you may not name, and when you grieve knowing not the cause, then indeed you are growing with all things that grow, and rising toward your greater self.
~kahlil gibran
How long did you stay active after having major doubts?
by jambon1 infor me, i had doubts from the beginning.
however, my 1st major doubt came as i had it confirmed that other people felt like i did about certain big issues within the org.
there were many, i realised, that just knew things were not right.
I feel vindicated
by Junction-Guy ini recently discovered that it wasn't me after all, and that some people are just jerks.
i am at peace.
Things you are now embarrassed you disclosed on jwd
by rebel8 inwhat are some things you posted here that you are now embarrassed about?
here's a classic.
it totally brought down a funny thread, and totally embarrassed me because others' reactions made me realize how dysfunctional my childhood was.
what angers you about the truth
by stillajwexelder inthis angers me .
elders who will not make shepherding calls to comfort their brothers and sisters but as soon as that brother or sister puts one little foot out of line those same f-----g (sorry about the language but it really angers me ) elders can not move fast enough to form a judicial committee and then are so unmerciful - it makes me want to vomit literally
i hope this breaks your heart
by chickpea inhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=prdowbexrkm.
my family is in a nascent period of adapting to our child's .
revelation that he is an ftm transgendered person...... above all else he is still just a person...... it is a scary reality that the majority of the world.
My best friend died today...
by Confession infrom age ten until today.
he was my friend; we used to play.
no im not really okay.