There is an option at the bottom of this posting in The Sun to submitt a response.. I did so and it was accepted.. perhaps others can do so as well. Copy and paste this link into your browser:,,2-2007390280,00.html
I have pasted my response below: Judge spares 'evil monster' jailIt is absolutely appalling that this Judge allowed this pedophile to go free instead of putting him in jail where he would not be able to further victimize innocents.
Who will protect the innocent children now? The Jehovah's Witness church is known to protect abusers amongst them, if a court of law will not protect society against such abusers, who will? This man could return to his church, spend a short time under discipline, then carry on abusing more innocents without anyone knowing he is a pedophile.
Proof of this religion protecting these abusers can be read in Barbara Andersons new book Secrets of Pedophilia in an American Religion, Jehovahs Witnesses in Crisis.