Thank you for your thoughts..
Sweetface: Thank you for sharing your experience ((Hugs)) Thank you as well for the suggestion to find this cousin to let her know I have forgiven her. It would be a final healing moment for myself, as well as set her mind at ease if it is something that has haunted her like you shared of your abuser.
I see from other thoughts as well, that unless she continued to abuse past her youth as she did, she is not a pedophile, but a victim as well. I truly wish to see some healing take place within this family, I have sought support to heal long ago, and all in all do quite well. I was the only one who dared to speak out long ago, even though it was not nearly enough. From what I hear, the family continues to hold all the abuses experienced secret, a taboo topic not discussed, so therefore no one is healing.
It truly scares me that without healing.. there could likely be a continuation of this abuse within this family. Perhaps by conctacting this cousin.. I may be able to in some way start their path of healing. I feel so sad for the youngest girl who lived her life as a JW only to now go completely bonkers and fall into heavy drug and alcohol use. This shows me that she too must have been victimized.
Maybe this is my way to do something to help.. by breaking my silence and approaching this cousin could lead to opening doors to reach others in the family and support the youngest cousin. I am sure she needs it.. from what I have heard other JW family members are talking of her like she is the devil himself. This family likes to devilize anyone who leaves the church or family. And yet they are all devilized themselves in many ways.
Thanks again.. LTF