(((((((Tatiana)))))) Feel a warm hug, I feel your hurt.. and wish I could take it away
One of the Tibetan lamas, Sogyal Rinpoche, says that for up to about twenty-one days after a person dies they are more connected to the previous life than to the next one. So for this period in particular the loved ones can be encouraged to continue their (silent) communication with the deceased person - to say their good-byes, finish any unfinished business, reassure the dead person, encourage them to let go of their old life and to move on to the next one.
It can be reassuring even just to talk to the dead person and at some level to know that they are probably receiving your message. The mind of the deceased person at this stage can still be subtle and receptive.
Although I cannot commit to any belief system, I have read a lot on the buddhists theories, and also feel there is a lot to the buddhist way of thinking. I guess really, I cannot consider myself an Athiest.
After my youngest brother committed suicide just over 2 years ago, I had an remarkable experience. I was devestated beyond belief.. he was a hurting soul. I took a bike trip along the Yukon River alone. I was consumed with thoughts of him.. I talked to him.. I yelled at this so called god christianity speaks of.
Late in the day.. after all that.. I was sitting beside the river bank.. and I felt him.. I knew he was okay.. I knew he was peaceful wherever he was. It was like he touched me for only a moment with peace. I do not have answers for anything.. there is nothing concrete to grasp. But I do know.. that moment.. I felt him.. and knew he comforted me and let me know he was okay now.
In my mind.. if we were even to believe the bibles theory of our souls/spirit, we do not totally die. How can we? There has to be something left of us to carry on for this god to bring us back. I do not hold the bibles theories to my heart.. but I do believe that those who leave us.. are peaceful and do carry on.
Very warm hugs to you Tatiana..