I'm very sorry for your loss.
after eighteen years of marriage, my husband passed away last year of a terminal liver disease.
today is the aniversary of his death.
he died on april 22, 2001 and he was the love of my life.
I'm very sorry for your loss.
http://www.msnusers.com/justjws/msgattachments/7 .
join the watchtower or you will die.. only jehovah's witnesses have the truth all other religions evil and from the devil.. you must beleive the watchtower or you're going to die a painful death forever, isn't that really good news?.
D wiltshire
Thank you.
expectation postponed is making the heart sick.
(text for 4/20/02 wt 9/1/00 19,20a).
certainly, if a person is entertaining unfounded expectations, the heart can be sickened by disappointment.
I copied today's text from a friend to post here, but see it is already up. This is one of the most deceitful uses of this scripture I've ever seen. To state one bible quote as the truth, and then completely contradict it in the written text!! How can they do this and get away with it? I've just been so angry since I read this a few days ago...Why did I ever believe this was the truth?
to anyone out there who is a listening ear and may be of assistance-.
as some of you know, my brother and his wife are shunning me because i da myself from the jw.
subsequently i do not have a relationship with my 1 yr old nephew, and i haven't had a relationship with my brother for some time now.. surprisingly, he has agreed to sit and discuss some of the jw teachings with me, and the topic came up of the 1975 fiasco.. now i wasnt even born yet, and my brother was 2 years old.
The www.jwfiles.com/ has a scan of the Kingdom Ministry you're looking for. Also alot of other stuff.
my mother just called...as she does 2-4 times a week to tell me that "you must watch oprah!
" my mother is in chicago, where oprah is broadcast live.
i live in est where oprah is on in the afternoon.
Aproximately 10 years ago a sister asked me if I had seen Oprah, apparently she had a full week of witness bashing on her show.
i should clarify, i am new at posting, not new to the board.. i've been checking in for a short time now.
"spying", "lurking", whatever you would like to call it.
but i thought it was time to come out of the "first closet" i've been in for more than 20 years.
The validation you will find here is worth its weight in gold.
some of you who have 'drifted' from the wts may not be aware than in recent months the wts has required co's to report the names and circumstances of those who have become 'inactive'.
the elders are required to visit each one and report to the co on his next visit as to where they are, who they are and why they have gone 'inactive'.. as ever there may be mixed motives with this arrangement, but it as well to be prepared.. best regards - hs
I think that I received one of those "shepherding visits" on Saturday nite. An elder and another brother dropped by to deliver an invitation to the Memorial. After a few pleasantries the conversation turned weird. The elder asked me what I thought of the world situation, as if I were a householder. After I answered, he asked me the same question again! Then out of the blue asked if I had doubts about the truth. That seemed odd to me, as I have never said anything out of the way to anyone. He didn't shake my hand when he left, which was our custom. In fact, he somehow looked sad or disgusted, probably both when he left. Anyway, I''m following the advice of Patio and others to get my story straight in my head if this happens again. Damn, I wish I could tell this brother some real truth.
hello old friends,.
this is my anniversary of a big step forward on this forum.
any jw lurkers please read this and see where i have come from.
Congratulations on your Aniversary!! Enjoyed reading about you and your struggles thru the WT maze. Especially I would like to thank your wife joy2bfree for all the help she has given me. I couldn't hold on without it.
i just wanted to share with everyone who knows my hubby (jst2laws) & my situation just how far we have come since last spring.
it was at that time that we started fading, he by stepping down as an elder and together trying to become inactive without much fanfare.
well last night hubby thought he might want to have some fun over at a jw site and tried to get on that site when he realized, and then said to me, that he doesnt know the answers to the questions they were asking.
Congrats to you and your hubby.
FreeFallin (K)
in the january 1 issue of each year, they harp on about how many hours the jws did last year etc etc.. how many hours are possibly falsely reported?.
Hey, Mr. Biggs,
Good one!!