Silence of the Lambs
Strong people doing what has to be done.
what is everyone's favorite movie?.
and why?.
mine is 'never been kissed' with drew barrymore because that was me in high school!!!!
Silence of the Lambs
Strong people doing what has to be done.
do you keep falling asleep during meetings and assemblies?
long and boring home studies?
> here's a way to change all of that.. > > .
You made my day, hell, maybe even my week!
i argued with an elder that the organization was.
decaying and needed new programs to help its young.
people.. "but that would be social!
----------------------------------------------------------------------And this should surprise no one. The organization of JWs is, pure and simple, a cult. And cults attract in the main the disaffected, the marginalized, the ignored, the poor, the anti-social, the angry, the depressed, the lost, all seeking something; seeking stability, meaning, answers. And the Society, seeing this parade of the walking wounded, gets out in front and assumes leadership. But this leadership comes at the price of the spiritual freedom of its followers, a price so many of them seem willing to pay.
Some of the truest words ever written....and I thought we were just "honest hearted."
this is a story about the heart-pounding rollercoaster ride of buying a house and how i saw the proof that god really does love me.. some of you, especially newer ones, probably don't know that when i left the organization in 1987, i left still believing that the organization was the true religion, which meant, since i couldn't stay in it and keep my sanity, that jehovah didn't want me.
after 12 years of trying as sincerely as is possible to get his help with what was wrong, i gave up and quit, and literally prayed to jehovah saying, "it's obvious that you don't intend to help me; therefore i can only assume you don't want me.
fine; have it your way.
What a beautiful home..and a wonderful success story.
right now my body is half shaven with needle marks and bruises everywhere.
if i were stopped on the streets of chicago looking like this, staggering with fatigue, i would be arrested.
something we men have a hard time getting through our thick heads is that just because we feel basically okay, does not mean that we can or should do a lot physically after a traumatic event ... and i found this out by doing a little too much walking at the hospital chest tightened, became out of breath, and got dizzy.
...and why they are wrong.
post your favourite dateline justification/dodge/attack by a dub here!
we should have a sizeable collection going in no time guys!
One I heard this morning....
"The Society can't be responsible for what a few elders do, after all, they're imperfect men."
Makes me want to puke.
i just spoke on the phone to amazing (jim whitney) who is in intensive care in a chicago hospital.
on monday he had a major heart attack, had a stint put in an artery to unblock things and may have bypass surgery.
he's comfortable enough right now, but of course will have to make some big lifestyle changes.
i started this thread yesterday afternoon..... http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=28727&site=3.
i watched dateline and within minutes of the jw section being completed, i called my mother.
i could tell she had been crying.
Congratulations on your Mom. Here's hoping she continues to read and reason.
dateline is just 24 hours (give or take) away.
i really do expect to see a great deal of online activity as people search for more information.
jwd is likely going to be one of the most visited due to the large amount of information posted here on the subject, much by silentlambs themselves.. i also expect to see people visiting randy's excellent site as well as watchtower observer for copies of documentation,news articles, etc.
I know that when I first started lurking, I was put off by the sex threads. Now that I'm used to them, I rather enjoy it! But I do agree that the most important thing is getting witnesses to open their eyes, they need to see this as an informative and welcoming site.
can only fellow apostates understand us?.
as a witness i often felt that i could only really get on , on a deep level with fellow witnesses.. they shared your outlook on life , and had similiar experiences and problems.kids who grew up as witnesses had been through the same things in school as me.. so even though i could get on with other people , in a way i felt connected to other witnesses.only they could understand me.. but know i feel an instant connection with apostates.. we now share the same things.in a even deeper way than when a witness , as what we have done has effected us even more.. is it possible to connect in the same way with people who havent been through the same things as us?.
do you feel closer to others like you , and find it easier to make friends with such people?.
Even your best friend, if they have never been a witness, cannot grasp the feeling of shock or grief you feel when you find out the org. is nothing that you thought it to be.
Every one, no matter what they believe, knows that pedafiles(sp) are the most despicable creatures on earth. But try telling your best friend that the Society was associated with "the Wild beast, the great Harlot, etc." and they will look at you like you're nuts.