Best of luck. Don't let them mess with your head.
Best of luck. Don't let them mess with your head.
since watchtower attempted to "ruin the earth" they were required to post $25,000.00 bond in their cleanup effort.
if watchtower continues to comply with the law of the land, $20,000.00 of the $50,000.00 fine is suspended.
your personal copy of this is available under (foil) freedom of information law from: .
You can be sure if Brother Farmer's cow manure ran into a local stream and polluted the waterways, and a case was brought against him that hit the local newspaper, he would be hauled in for some "loving counsel" real quick.
since watchtower attempted to "ruin the earth" they were required to post $25,000.00 bond in their cleanup effort.
if watchtower continues to comply with the law of the land, $20,000.00 of the $50,000.00 fine is suspended.
your personal copy of this is available under (foil) freedom of information law from: .
Yes, I would be interested in that information. Not sure if I'll be able to understand it,though
I tried to follow sKally's threads but got lost somehow. I'm just taking a wild guess, and this is only a guess, can Watchtower be drilling or mining(?) for oil shale as alternative energy for one of their many holdings. I'm not trying to say something that will be taken by lurkers as making false accusations against watchtower. Just asking questions. Thank you.
jwrobot, thank you for all your work.
Edited by - FreeFallin on 11 September 2002 10:6:58
well i went to the cancer clinic yesterday, where i was told not only do i have endometrial cancer, i also have a rare form of it called clear cell cancer.
apparently, it's a very aggressive cancer and has a tendancy to spread towards the lymph nodes.. i was absolutely stunned when then told me this one..........yep, i don't smoke, do drugs, i'm not a drunk and i don't screw around and yet i get cancer.. i really would like to try the gerson therapy clinic in california, but it's $4,900.00 us per week........so with the conversion from canadian dollars, it would be about $8,000/week and i'd need to be there for at least 3 weeks.
anyone have about $25,000 i can borrow?
I am so sorry. If i had the money, I would loan it to you. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
hi to everyone on this board - i have been around reading many of your posts for some time now but have only just felt strong enough to post my own thoughts.
the watchtower has left me with guilty feelings that i find hard to cope with at times.
my story in the "truth" started when i was 18 years old.
Hi Girltalking, and Welcome
I felt like you did a year ago, but coming here has been of tremendous value. Give yourself time and learn the truth about the Watchtower, the real truth,that is. It will get better, I promise. In the mean time, there are plenty of intelligent and compassionate people on this forum who have had horrible situations in their lives and "came off victorious"... god, I hate that term! Hang in there, read and learn.
All the best to you.
elders are supposed to be loving, caring shepherds.
when a problem arises, elders are supposed to be there.
visiting in homes was something the organization always stressed.
I hated Shepherding calls. We only had two, but they were doozies. The first time, a hardliner older brother came one night, unannounced. I was working on a client, and expected to drop what i was doing, even though I had a deadline to meet. Did alot of running between rooms, while my husband received the full brunt of the "love."
The second time involved the same older brother, but this time he played the good cop. A younger brother just tore into us with a vengence. I hope no one is offended, but g*ddammit, it was mental rape. When they left I was humiliated,sad and hurt. Fortunately, I became angry as the days passed, and that emotion was easier to deal with. We had to face these same brothers every Sunday and smile like every thing was fine. Oh, and our big crime? Being irregular publishers and not making all the meetings, plus a bible study I had that didn't pan out.
Free(and damn glad of it)
there was always a bible (watchtower)-based reason not to celebrate.
heads were cut off.
fertility rites were involved.
I've been away for approx. 6 years and feel the same as you do. It's hard to shake what we learned.The scriptures go thru my mind constantly, like an endless tape. "Jehovah is a Jealous God,"......"The broad path that leads to destruction."....."what sharing does the light have with darkness"........and on and on and on.
But I never had too much trouble with Thanksgiving, always enjoyed it. Now you've got me thinking about its real origins.....ripping off the native Americans. More guilt.
http://www.seattle-chat.com/video it is in real media format, if you don't have real player, then you can download the player for free from http://www.real.com .
using this for now on, as it looks better, and compresses better.. .
Great job as usual, I really enjoyed the music, too.
"discretion should be used in determining what, if any, assistance might be given on a humanitarian basis to those not having a good standing in the congregation.
("pay attention to yourselves and to all the flock" wtb&ts 1991 p. 22).
i was associated with the watch tower bible and tract society of new york and pennsylvania, also known as, jehovah's witnesses.
Dear garybuss,
That is one of the most heart-wrenching stories I've ever read. What is wrong with these people!
Have to get their service hours in--what a crock of shit. What a horrible time it must have been for you.
PS I'm not a very eloquent writer or very good at exprssing my emotions, but my heart goes out to you. I'm sure someone will be able to comment on the WT insensitivity.
the 17-year-old jehovah's witness daughter of shunned father who died of leukemia says he intends to sue the society, claiming it destroyed his family and caused his daughter to fight against blood transfusions.
read this update and previous stories on http://www.watchtowerinformationservice.org/.
rado vleugel
Gnam said Hughes, instead of blaming the Jehovah's Witnesses, should take some responsibility as a father who introduced his daughter to the faith and taught her many of the church's beliefs.
"He was the one teaching his daughter ...."
This just blows me away.