Thank you for the reply. Yes the Bible speaks about blood, not eating it, abstaining from it. But do Jehovah’s Witnesses really abstain from blood in the Biblical sense? Do you eat meat? If so is it Kosher meat. Only Kosher meat is blood free, did you know that?
You said “ Being part of Mexico's army does not sound right. No JWs are part of the army”
Well I’m sure if you asked the brothers in your Hall, they would assure you no JW’s are part of the army too. Likely they would be telling you what they believe to be the truth, but their ignorance does not change the fact that obtaining a cartila automatically places one in the Army reserve. Many Mexican witnesses have the cartila card, and all of them are part of the Army reserve as a result, that is a fact. Don't take my word for it, research it. They likely will never be called to duty, but so what they are part of the army nonetheless. And if it were just ignorance that would be fine, most of the brothers don’t know about such things, but the governing body does. If you really want to know what the governing body does and does not know about this and other things, I suggest you read a book written by a person that was a member of the governing body for many years. His name is Ray Franz, and the book is called Crisis of Conscience. Look for it in your local library it’s also available in many bookstores and of course
I know this gentleman personally; I had lunch with him at Bethel many years ago when he was part of the governing body. He was then and remains now a very soft-spoken Christian of the finest caliber. Unlike many you will find on this board, he is not bitter and seeks no vengeance, and this is very much reflected in his writing. He does however insist on complete honesty and that is what he presents in his book. And you don’t have to just take his word for anything he says. He presents tons of documentation to back up what he says, even internal Watch Tower memos and copies of publications.
I must warn you, he is no longer a Witness as he was disfellowshiped in the eighties. What was his crime? He was seen having lunch with the man that is both his boss and his landlord. His boss was disassociated from the congregation at the time. That was his crime.
If you read this book and anyone finds out, you could be disfellowshiped too just for reading it, remember this is forbidden knowledge. So you have to weigh the risks. I can’t promise what you will get out of reading this book other then one thing; you will learn the truth. That is all I can offer you and that is all Ray Franz will offer you too. What you do with this information is up to you. May God bless you as you seek first his Kingdom.