Are Jehovah's Witnesses evil?

by SexyTeen 66 Replies latest jw friends

  • SexyTeen

    I am shocked at the many accusations against Jehovah's Witnesses in this forum.

    I know that I am young, but most of my family are JWs and they are good people and I love them. Even my worldly family is very nice and I do not shun them. The friends in the hall are very nice also. I even met Guy Pierce from the Governing Body this year in an assembly and he was very lovable. Very sincere and humble.

    Why is there so much hatred against JWs here?

  • teenyuck

    There is so much hate and anger against the JW's because we have all been hurt, in various ways, by the dubs.

    Personally, they destroyed my family. The DF'ing for smoking proved to be the catalist the drove my father from the home. This sent our family on a downward spiral. I attribute my parents breaking up directly to my mother becoming a JW.

    She became a judgemental shrew. No laughter. Only, "what is someone doing wrong." "What can we get someone on?" She and all JW's seem more concerned with what rule someone has broken than in helping people. Period.

    I decided to edit and add a few more things that really messed up my childhood....

    1. As a 5 year old, my "worldly friends" suddenly became "bad associations"-this is ridiculous.

    2. "Women, be in subjection" SAYS WHO? Some old man in Brooklyn?! Why should I be in subjection to anyone? Because some mythical book (the bible) has one passage about it? They have all kinds of passages about slavery-why don't we still do that? These ideas kinds mess up a gals psyche, don't you think?

    3. Education-They may say you can go to college, however the bottom line is that in the 60's and 70's when I was in grade and high school, I was told armageddon was coming-who needs education?! PREACH!! SAVE YOURSELF SISTER!! My education has allowed to question and think.

    4. Amageddon-BIG FAT FUCXXING LIE. Got it? Learn it. It is not coming. God (if there is one) is not going to save every JW and kill every other person on earth. It was a mushroom induced fantasy of the guy who wrote Revelations. This also kinda messes up the mind of a teenager hoping for perfection. Don't you agree?

    I could go on and on. However, I will let others make their points.

  • David Gladden
    David Gladden

    Because, when you do something that breaks one of their rules, they turn on you. They are happy and loving right now, but if you do something they do not approve of... look out they become very fierce.

  • lydia


    It is not that they are evil..many JW's are very sincere on their beliefs, but the problem is the sect is very destructive.

    Like any religion there is good and bad in all - you have had the opportunuity to see some of the goodness in the people in..and I commend you on that.

    Many here though have had the sad facts shown to them...the lack of love that seems to be running rampant, and the destruction that occurs because too much is left in only a fews hands. In some ( not all ) congreagtions the elders are running a dictatorship of sorts...and the amount of pressure some are put under is too much.

    What you may want to do is to step back and listen to those here.. with an open mind. Many have been treated far worse than others...and unfortunatly by the whole of the Org..

    I encourage you to stick around.. and do something that is not often allowed by the org... Question the teachings and policys. I know when I was attending we were counciled not to read things from other sources.. I found that hard to understand since even the Bible encourages us to make sure we were not being led astray..

    Please do some research.. and ask questions here to get an outside opinion... I also encourage you to look at other sites too - such as the Silent Lambs - you may be surprised what you may find out.

    May you find peace...


  • orangefatcat

    SexyTeen Yes their are some very sincere JWs, I was one once upon a time, but after much research and seraching, i find like many others here the JWs have manipulated people and conned and covered up much of the main doctrine of the scriptures. They have lied and whitewashed many of the errors they have made on main scriptual doctrine.
    I myself was in the org. for 38 yrs and I pioneered and served where the need was greater in Quebec. So I have a long history, my families on both sides were and are JWs, I was 4th generation witness.
    Trust me when I tell you, you only need to search for the true answers and you will see for yourself that the org. has mislead millions. May I suggest reading "Crisis of Conscience " by Raymond Franz former memeber of the Govering Body of JW.and see what he unfolds that most JW s don"t realize.
    Like I said and I agree with you there are many nice JW's but please read the stories of JW's who are sexual predators, liars ,cheaters, bearing false witness againt others, read how elders abuse their power and how people are supressed and burdened by not being free thinking agents themselves. Learn how you are browbeated when you don't fit in to a certain critera. There is much class distinctions and cliques and heaven help you if you step out of line, some are two faced and smile that Kingdom Smile but just as soon stab a knife in your back. I know this I have been there and its not pretty. Don't be fooled. Jesus Christ would never have treated any of his followers the way many are treated in the congregations all over the world. Am I a synic ? No I am not, I just had my mind opened up to the real truth. Don't delay, research for your self and find out the facts, and i wish you much succsess in your endeavors.


  • drahcir yarrum
    drahcir yarrum


    "Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life son." Dean Vernon Wormer, Faber College

  • anewperson

    Most JW family and friends are nice but the Watchtower policies covering up pedophilia and causing people to bleed to death are EVIL, yes. The attacks are not again You but the men in Brooklyn who caused and allow this.

  • freeman

    Why are there so many accusations here? Good question, and I’m sorry to say there is good reason for all the anger. You have obviously lived a very sheltered life, and in a way I’m happy for you because what many on this board have gone through is quite ugly.

    First let me say, most of us here have great affection for the witnesses, however most here have a loathing for the organization. Does this seem contradictory to you? Some here have a great love of the Lord, but contempt for the Watch Tower. Does that seem contradictory to you?

    If it does, then you likely hold the belief that the Watch Tower is God’s organization; we on the other hand know it is not. The truly ungodly acts of deceit perpetrated by this organization have convinced us it is not God’s. All of this is of course carefully hidden from the outside world and to the witness community itself. And all I can advice you is learn, research yourself, you won’t like what you find, but at least you will know the real truth.


  • AjaxMan


    From my perspective, someone who is not a JW. I don't think JWs in general are evil. However, I feel that the Doctrines that they are taught are evil: For example, their issue on Blood, their issue on shunning, how they perceive non-JWs and also, from what I read, there's no independent thinking as well as freedom to express disagreement.

    I also like to add the double standard and favoritisms that I heard and read about, but I guess that depends on the congregation. However, the WTS does have a history of double standard: The 1975 issue and them denying that they did not predict the End will come in 1975. The recent UN issue. The issue about child molesters and rapists.

    Here, you'll find so much hatred toward JWs because some former JWs have been burned badly by their former congregation(s)like being shunned by their friends, family members or like learning that all they have lived and sacrificed for wasn't the "Truth" for them (in other words, disappointed). Others, because they disagree with the doctrines, they get flamed by JWs.

    I don't hate the JWs per se. What I hate is when they start flaunting arrogantly with the attitude of "We are always right and you are wrong" or the attitude of "Jehovah will kill all of you non-witnesses" or even the attitude of "Rule #1: JWs are always right, Rule#2: Even if JWs are wrong, first read rule #1" or if they want to stuff things down my throat. Finally, what I personally dislike the most is the rollercoaster attitude that they sometimes have, like for example: A "friend" of mine is a JW. There are days that she is real nice and friendly. Then, there are days that she is just cold toward me and when I ask her what's wrong, she won't even answer me. I don't know if that is mainly human attitude, maybe I am not being fair for taking it as a problem with being a JW.

    I feel it really all depends on the person. If you are happy with being a JW, that's fine. However, I personally think you oughta think for yourself and not let anyone do the thinking and make decisions for you.



    "Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things and the best things never die." - The Shawshank Redemption

  • hillary_step


    Welcome to the Board and thank you for an interesting question.

    In answer I would submit that JW's are human. This makes them capable of good and evil.

    Some of the finest, most generous and compassionate people I have ever met have been JW's, conversely I have also met many who are plainly a waste of a Social Security number. In this they are arguably no different from the rest of mankind.

    What is evil are certain features of the WTS system that they are attached to.

    Unfortunately, JW's as individuals are the 'soft target' on this Board and imho are often unfairly attacked. This perhaps is due to an inability to damage the true culprits of this system, the several dozen men and some of their wives who keep the show on stage, and protect themselves with layers of sedimentary committees. These are the real targets, but as they are unattainable, substitutes are used and I frankly believe that this damages the credibility of discussion Boards such as this one.

    It has to be remembered however that while most JW's are decent people, they are in the final event untrustworthy, in that their final loyalties do not belong to you, or even God, but to the policy-makers in Brooklyn.

    In this, they have a fatal flaw.

    My advise is to dwell on posts that deal with the serious problems in the WTS system, and there are many extremely well researched and schorlarly comments on offer on this Board, and perhaps not dwell too much on the attacks made on the JW personality, which in the final event make little difference to the WTS system, its modus operandi, or its flaws.

    Kindest regards -- HS

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