Thats a good thing. Its always best to keep your mouth shut when you don't know what you are talking about.
If he had followed my mother's rule earlier... he might have broken a guiness book record for being quiet.
bush to skip u.n. talks on global warming by steven lee myerspublished: september 24, 2007washington, sept. 23 dozens of world leaders are to gather at the united nations on monday for a full agenda of talks on how to fight global warming, and president bush is skipping all the days events but the dinner.. his focus instead is on his own gathering of leaders in washington later this week, a meeting with the same stated goal, a reduction in the emissions blamed for climate change, but a fundamentally different idea of how to achieve
bushs aides say that the parallel meeting does not compete against the united nations process hijacking it, as his critics charge.
they say that mr. bush hopes to persuade the nations that produce 90 percent of the worlds emissions to come to a consensus that would allow each, including the united states, to set its own policies rather than having limits imposed by binding international treaty.. its our philosophy that each nation has the sovereign capacity to decide for itself what its own portfolio of policies should be, said james l. connaughton, the presidents chief environmental adviser.
Thats a good thing. Its always best to keep your mouth shut when you don't know what you are talking about.
If he had followed my mother's rule earlier... he might have broken a guiness book record for being quiet.
anti christ is plural. It is a group of people.
the false prophet, though, is another matter. That would be algore. He has the head wound. (ego) and he will rebound as the unity of the un; the spokesperson, if you will; a liason between that org and the people.
There will be a great natural disaster soon. He will say "I told you so." The disaster will be racked up to globalwarming. everyone will believe he has all the answers simply because he has exposed this "globalwarming" idea. (baloney)
my mom is a devout jw but i am not and she is constantly making me feel guilty.
the subject of church has really never come up with my husband but now our daughter spent the night with one of her friends and they took her to awanas and now she talks about it all the time and really wants to go.
i just tell her no because i don't want to listen to my mom but i didn't realize my husband told our daughter she could go!!!
I just tell her no because I don't want to listen to my mom but I didn't realize my husband told our daughter she could go!!! I don't care either way but I just don't want my mom all over my case.
Remind your mother that bible principles teach submission to your husband as head of household and that is the course you are following. Headship was a decree ordained by Jehovah. Jehovah, therefore has approved.
then could you do me a favor and look up at tula's thread on this page that reads:" for a good"?.
i wrote a stroy on that thread (it's unfinished) and i would like your honest opinions and critique.. i'm thinking of publishing some material i've written and i'd like your opinions on my style.. please be honest.. thanks,.
GIVE US MORE, Changeling..........
will jesus accept time cards and magazines as "deeds" on the day of judgement?.
"what good is it, my brothers, if a man claims to have faith, but has no deeds?
can such faith save him?
Can you imagine the expression on their faces and the "but..but..but"s" when he tells them??
to keep it hot, you must leave me a message!.
come to mama!!!.
GIVE US MORE, Changeling.......
ak-jeff's thread describes the seeming arrogance of jws.
here's another, it's listed as a current topic from their magazines on the wt site:.
Why can't they be prosecuted for FRAUD?
1 thessalonians 5:3 says this - "whenever it is that they are saying: peace and security!
then sudden destruction is to be instantly upon them just as the pang of distress upon a pregnant woman; and they will by no means escape.
" nwt... jehovahs witnesses believe this is refering to our time with a final fulfillment imminent which of course triggers total destruction for nearly everyone and everything.
The "peace and security" announcement will not come until we are VERY DEEP into the time of tribulation.
It will be during the time when those not "bearing the mark" will have been cut off....through peaceful (non-violent ) means. (ostracised)
That announcement shows timeline when Armageddon is about to begin.
Since we are not yet into tribulation.... I would not put much importance on it for our current time.
There is a scripture somewhere but I have no time to look it up right now...It's OT
Basically says...
"how can you say peace and security when My people have no food to eat? You have sanctioned a war!"
Maybe someone can look that up.
that you've accumulated over the years during your involvement with the wts?.
i look back over mine and i don't feel anything.
it's as if the past 34 years were ???.
You can use all the papers to roll logs for the fire. The colored issues will add colorful flames for a nice winter evening.
the watchtower society is taking requests for calendars once again, for a "voluntary" donation to the worldwide pedophile protection society.
but, what's su special about these calendars?
after all, i went to a supermarket and bought a real one for about $10 (and that was full price, including real art work).. those theocraptic calendars are quite small.
I like the Firefighters Calendars.