Topics Started by Serg
Did anyone attend the Rosenberg DC in Texas?
by cawshun ininterested in hearing if attendance was up or down, did they speak about higher education and do the symbolic .
book burning?
my kids just got back from the 3 day dc, just courious how it went.
How did you find JWD?
by sweet pea inprompted by the thread about jwd v wts i wondered how many of you found jwd via the internet or friends/partners?
what were your first impressions?
i found this site through besty (husband) once my faith had crumbled after reading
What kind of apostate are you? Take the quiz
by truthseeker inanswer the following questions to find out how apostate you are.
only one answer the question is allowed.
1) what is your jw status.
Re: Announcement on 27th April
by The Lone Ranger ini hope you guys are right about the book study being removed, .
i already told a few jws and they are shocked, i even told 2 elders, they are both surprised and one of them dont believe me he thinks its regarding the field service, maybe a special tract.
i wanted to show off and be a real "know it all" hahah.
Why the bookstudy change won't affect as much as you think, tho big!
by Dogpatch inwhen prophecies faila sociological perspective on failed expectation in the watchtower societyby randall wattersfrom the bethel ministries newsletter may/june 1990 (now the free minds journal) .
few aspects of the jehovah's witness movement are more fascinating to the outside observer than their predictions of the end of the world.
yet the predictions themselves are just the surface ripples of a much deeper current in the lives of the movement's adherents.
Has anyone seen this website?
by Serg ini just found out about it and was gagging at the sight of it.
seems like its another forum full of dubs trying to build each other up.. has anyone been on or subscribed to this website?
any input?.
I talked to a former JW I haven't spoken to in years
by B_Deserter ini made a post about my first crush and how disastrous it was.
anyway, i worked up the guts to talk to her on im tonight.
we caught up a little, but she seemed....kind of aloof and suspicious.
My moment, my epiphany, my rebirth
by Layla33 ini remember it like it was yesterday, i was 15 years old.
i had woken up in the middle of the night and dared to ask the question that had been brewing in me for a long time.. "what if there is no armageddon".. i can't remember what the catalyst was, maybe observing my own family and every disfunction known to mankind, although every preached that in "jehavoh's organization" there were no such things.
maybe it was some ground breaking announcement, some new revelation that totally contradicated what i was mind controlled to preach every saturday morning, but in one moment, i dared myself to question it.
ANY happy memories at all of growing up as a JW?
by myababes indoes anyone have any good memories at all of beng raised a jw?
the cong i was brought up in was a different one to the ones we were in when we got married.
growing up the meetings were a great social event for all us kids.