I've just started a book called How To Read a Book by Mortimer Adler, and although it may sound remedial and is not intended as a speed reading method, it makes a lot of good points and presents the whole process in a logical, systematic way. Basically the process involves 4 stages: 1) Elementary reading which is just knowing what the words mean, 2) Skimming previewing where you read the preface, table of contents, index, blurb etc. 3) Analytical reading where you really look at the structure as well as the content, and finally 4) Syntopical reading where you read multiple books on the same subject. At the moment I am at a part where it makes the point about the expository nature of books both fiction and non-fiction, and it just makes sense to get an idea of what kind of book it is and then read it accordingly. In short it seems to emphasize knowing both what the book is about and how it says what it says, and base your approach on that. As far as speed goes, the author points out it is all a matter of the APPROPRIATE speed, depending on the material rather than just trying to cover a lot of ground in a little time. The only place where speed is suggested is after the skimming/preview stage where you read it all the way through to get an overall view of the book as a whole, (and then not necessarily extra fast, just not stopping) but then the second two steps involving comprehension is another matter. I expect it to be good in terms of getting the most out of the time spent reading, even if it isn't faster there's going to be better bang for your buck in terms of understanding when you employ an active reading process.