grew up with Jehovah. He was my friend. I feared him, respected him, loved him, felt protected by him. I miss him now I sent him away. He may have been a 'black thunderer from the hills', but I always trusted him to do what was right.
Now I have no trust that right will anywhere or ever be done. Life is such as it is and that's it. Pretty grim.
Perhaps you shouldn't be looking for a divinity to make things "right" and rather to humanity to right their own wrongs. In the last century huge leaps in human rights show that we as human beings do have the ability to correct ourselves and become something greater than selfish individuals bent on our own desires as primary, however, that requires taking personal responsibility instead of throwing responsibility on some divinity we believe/hope/pray actually exists.
Throw out a "god" to save us and it becomes our responsibility to save ourselves and each other. Something that is not impossible but not probable as long as we cling to the idea of having someone else take responsibility.