Thank you cappytan! I love posts like this - definitely the most helpful posts on here are people's real experiences of leaving the org, certainly for newbies like me.
Isn't it amazing how we let just one doubt in and the dominos all come tumbling down? And I love the fact that you were just conscientiously searching for information to back up your teaching to someone else, its not like you were looking for excuses to go and live a wild lifestyle, like the witnesses try to imply about everyone who leaves.
(no offense to you wild partiers out there - enjoy it!)
You sound so like me when you first started reading on here, some of the posts are so irreverant and critical of the GB, you feel really naughty, but can't help giggling (especially when it comes to the crazy antics of AMIII)
Where are you now? Are you fading/faded, do you still attend? How have your parents been? Sorry perhaps everyone else knows this. Any helpful tips about leaving quietly?