Posts by AnneB
Science Fiction fan? Help please..
by Xanthippe indoes anyone remember a story about humans visiting a planet where they had fruit that smelt so delicious that it was almost impossible to resist but if you did eat it, it changed you genetically into a different species that i think was immortal.
seem to remember something about the 'victim' losing their human face and a sort of beak would form.
sound familiar to anyone?.
Another elders kid goes down the tubes not to mention he is the monster of cleveland's nephew
by noni1974 in
i knew him since he was a baby, i remember when he was born.
sad fact is he was a spoiled brat and never disciplined for anything.
They are NOT an insane family. People make choices. Some in this family, as in all families, made socially unacceptable choices and are reaping the consequences.
Would you want someone talking about your family the way you are talking about this one? Every family has problems; sometimes they are very visible.
They're hurting. Why add to their pain?
holy heck -- what a photo!
by Hortensia in
maybe they ought to move the house out of the path?.
But when there is no landslide the house is safe!
Is it a dis enfranchising offense....?
by RunAsFastAsYouCan ini want to get my mother in law dis enfranchised:.
1. for teaching and encouraging my children to dis respect me (their father) in my own house over a 4 year period while living at my house.. 2. for refusing to allow me (in my own house) to practice my own religion with my duaghters while she stayed in my house for nearly 4 years.. 3. for attending my childs 5th birthday party, on her birthday, at chuckie cheese, and then disrespecing the family by refusing to sit at the table with us to eat, but facing away from us at the table next to us.. 4. for constant and relentless ambient abuse and gaslighting of self in my own house over a 4 year period.. 5. for refusing to return to the philipines (her family) after multiple demands to leave our residence over a 4 year period.. 6. for refusing to abstain from teaching her jw crap to my children in my house despite my repeated demands to stop.. i could go on but you get the point.. not that it matters but my primary motive is to get my kids one step further removed from this pos cult..
Let them go. Use your energy to care for yourself and to do good for your child/children.
If your ex is doing things contrary to the WT way she will get in trouble soon don't need to "help" her.
Keep yourself restrained under evil.
Don't let revenge get the best of you.
Is it a dis enfranchising offense....?
by RunAsFastAsYouCan ini want to get my mother in law dis enfranchised:.
1. for teaching and encouraging my children to dis respect me (their father) in my own house over a 4 year period while living at my house.. 2. for refusing to allow me (in my own house) to practice my own religion with my duaghters while she stayed in my house for nearly 4 years.. 3. for attending my childs 5th birthday party, on her birthday, at chuckie cheese, and then disrespecing the family by refusing to sit at the table with us to eat, but facing away from us at the table next to us.. 4. for constant and relentless ambient abuse and gaslighting of self in my own house over a 4 year period.. 5. for refusing to return to the philipines (her family) after multiple demands to leave our residence over a 4 year period.. 6. for refusing to abstain from teaching her jw crap to my children in my house despite my repeated demands to stop.. i could go on but you get the point.. not that it matters but my primary motive is to get my kids one step further removed from this pos cult..
You'll only be told that elders don't get involved in family matters. Behind your back they'll be cheering your MIL for her "integrity" and for "standing firm" "in the truth".
Don't waste your energy trying to get her in trouble. Get yourself *out* of trouble by putting as much distance between her and your family as quickly as you can...and keep it that way!
If your wife objects.....tell her she's "out of subjection." Now THAT is something the elders may act upon!
Marriage Consummation - emailed question has me stumped
by jwfacts ini received an email from a jw that got married, but the wife never had sex with him.
they were together for a period of years.
he told the elders, but they said there was nothing that could be done.
There was an article about that! :) Look back to the early to mid-'80's, prior to the end of 1985. The article focused on getting to know the person you were going to marry before the wedding took place. It mentioned asking questions concerning health conditions, etc., and if I remember correctly, even suggested having the other person take a medical exam. At the time I thought it was an odd article; I thought it was written specifically for cases like the one in this post. Sorry I can't be more specific about the article, it's been a long time since I kept track of WT literature.
The conclusion of the matter, all things having been heard, was that once you are married, that's it, even if you didn't know something about the other person that made it impossible to consumate the marriage.
My Son has had two very big University interviews
by CaptainSchmideo inone for mit last month, and one for princeton tonight.. if i told this to people at my old hall, i am sure the reaction would be the same as if i broke a big, noisy windblast in front of them.. but i have to brag about it to someone, so, i will do it here.. .
we will not know anything about whether he is going to be accepted for a couple of months yet, but, as they say, this $%^# just got real!.
Compare your son's story to one told at a Circuit Assembly years ago: "Brother" just about to graduate from High School (USA) turns down Harvard to pioneer; is made Elder while still in his teens. It took a few years for "the truth" to come out; "Brother" sent away for an application to Harvard, never completed it much less returned it. Father was Presiding Overseer in the rural congregation which, if I recall correctly, didn't even have three Elders to call their own. I think it's obvious what really went on.
Congrats to your son.
Does Anyone Feel the Ministerial School Helped Them?
by Band on the Run inas a born-in, i was eager to join the ministry school.
my cousins were also born-in but lived in different states.
there was keen competition to see who could do mature things, such as baptism (my mom said when i was 35) and ministry school.
As a young adult recruit, I came in from a background of "speak when you're spoken to; answer what you're asked" so it was torture to be told that I had to join the Ministry School, even as a "householder."
I don't know when that changed, I know it was years later, but it got to the point where I could walk into the Hall two minutes before meeting time, be told that they needed someone to give the #3 or #4 talk, and I'd pull one together in about five minutes using one of my older kids as householder. There wasn't really anything to it, the material was simple enough and, as you said, the situations are so fake that I didn't have to spend any time making the thing look realistic!
What changed was my confidence level. At first I thought I actually had to know something, maybe even more than those in the audience. My fear began to dissipate when I realized that most of the people weren't even listening and that nobody remembered who said what by the following week. Giving a talk became as mundane as doing the laundry or shopping for groceries.
It helped me to be in the School. One less "mountain", one less obstacle to overcome! Later, when I took a class in Public Speaking or had to give presentations at work, my stress level was 'way down; I could concentrate on articulating and defending my position.
One of the times that I was consciously grateful for the Ministry School was during a class on International Business. Each student had to choose a "controversial" case to present and defend. Unbeknownst to me, the instructor, an attorney, had an entirely different perspective on the case that I chose and proceeded to devil me, the like of which we had never seen in that class. It was a tennis match for a while, but eventually he stopped. I was still prepared for another round! As I walked to my seat someone in the class called out "You go, girl!" I was stunned. Long way from being afraid to open my mouth, eh?
Recently converted JW 15 yr old girl runs away from home...(news)
by EndofMysteries in
a chilliwack, b.c., family is furious with the rcmp for failing to return their 15-year-old daughter after police found the runaway teen at a downtown vancouver hotel.. jeff wier and candis mccarville-wier are the legal guardians for cassidy mccarville; candis is also her biological mother.
the teen became a jehovahs witness two years ago but her parents are not followers, and that has been a point of strife between cassidy and her parents.. candis says her daughter has taken the religion too far preaching door to door instead of doing her school work.
They're better off letting her go, IMO. The longer they fight, the stronger she gets. Let her leave now and find out how hard life can be while she still has time to come back and straighten out her life. JW love-bombing doesn't last forever; the minute she acts like a "normal" teen she'll be DF'd.
Not being hard-hearted...been through it. The system is on the teen's side (right to choose). The parents will drain themselves trying to get her home and will be afraid to set any limitations on her for fear of the consequences.
"If you love something, set it free. If it comes back it's yours, if it doesn't it never was." I used to hate that saying...until I learned how true it is.
by Tech49 ini dont see anyone else mentioning it, so i will: last night at the service meeting there was a letter read, from the most holy 8.. a request for more workers!
and this one with new addendums!
i am pulling from memory, but pretty sure i have it right (feel free to correct me if someone else hears the letter too).. .
Waaaaiiit a minute! They want applicants to include a copy of the Employment Authorization order to "volunteer"? It sounds to me like WT considers these people "employees." Bet they won't be able to claim benefits, even in case of injury on the job!