SOOO tempting....the wife would just KILL me tho'!
i'm working on printing a new bumpersticker, but i need a rough estimate of how many i should run:.
if the watchtower society doesn't lie,.
well then, jehovah god is the liar!.
SOOO tempting....the wife would just KILL me tho'!
(quote, messiah christ jesus) - "but of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but "my father only" <--that's proof that christ is not god, cause if christ was infact god,'dont you think he would know about the coming of his kingdom, also christ said" my father only" , um he said my father, therefore christ is the son of god, infact !!
!christ prayed to god!!
!<---you cant ignore that.. all this cometh str from the bible, and the bible tongues has/been change, but no the words, everything is true.. so prove me wrong, um you cant, so pay attention....
By the way U2K....If jesus were to come today and knock on your door....what would he say about your attitude? If you truly believe that those who do not think as you do will die..should the proper respose be sorrow and not glee?....Just another point to show why you "don't get it yet"...I sure hope you do soon.
(quote, messiah christ jesus) - "but of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but "my father only" <--that's proof that christ is not god, cause if christ was infact god,'dont you think he would know about the coming of his kingdom, also christ said" my father only" , um he said my father, therefore christ is the son of god, infact !!
!christ prayed to god!!
!<---you cant ignore that.. all this cometh str from the bible, and the bible tongues has/been change, but no the words, everything is true.. so prove me wrong, um you cant, so pay attention....
OK U.2.K. let me try...
First lets look at the book of issaha...
here we see a prophecy of the comming of the messiah..."and his name shall be emannuel"
that name directly translates to GOD WITH US!
I tried to explain in another thread that you started that you HAVE to put yourself in the shoes of people at the time. Also you have to understand that Jesus was here to teach and set an example. He HAD to pray in order to teach people HOW to pray!!
Also at the time when you would introduce yourself to some one you would say "I am *name* son of *name*" The reason was that you were directly associated by who your father was. If your father was a theif...then you were also. If you father was a respected man...then so were you. Now Jesus Knew when he called himself the "son of GOD" he was makeing a DIRECT claim to being GOD! He also called himself the son of man, so what does this mean? That was another direct claim to his dual nature. He was GOD WITH US (emmanuel) and that meant that he was BOTH god and man. There is also another part of the bible where jesus was telling a bunch of stories with a point. They were called parables, VERY criptic. The apostles asked him later why did you not just say what you mean? Why are you being so criptic? Now jesus basicly says there is a method to his madness. He says...look the only people who are going to be able to figure this out are the people who have accepted me as there savior...(yes I am paraphraseing)....anyone else is going to be clueless. U2K..have you noticed that the WHOLE bible is pretty criptic? Think there is a reason for this? How long are you going to be clueless?
i was reading a little bit of the greatest man who ever lived book today and when i began to read chapter 85 ( searching for the lost ), something was crystal clear.
i read this:.
" the pharisees and scribes treat common people like dirt under their feet.
It's so frustrating when things like this are so obvious to most people...but you can't seem to get THEM to see it.
JW standing in the middle of the street
Me pointing to the right saying "look out your going to get hit by that truck!!!"
JW looking to the left saying "I just don't see one...that's just your opnion"
AAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGG!!!! * * appeal to all people !
* wake up !
* radiate love !
i still say that, christiaity is f--- up in these last days.. christianity teaches that the messiah is god, when the bible clearly points out that jesus is a prophet sent by god... jesus prayed to god<----that's the biggest proof... so i think if anybody believe that jesus is god, is not only an'-ti-christ(not accepting) but also a liar, foolish, and you knoweth nothing, and you are not close to god or christ, you are closer to that devil which we call satan....
I would encourage you to read my above thread and then thake this into consideration. There have been some that have made the argument that when Jesus said "MY FATHER HATH SENT ME" that he was in fact saying he and his father were one. You have to look at the culture as well as language. It has been said that back then one would allways refer to themselves as " ____son of____" and that you were directly linked to the nature/respect of your father. As a matter of fact many considered you in the very same way they cocsidered your father. Soooo...the argument has been made that when you consider cultural and contempory manner of communication at the time, that in fact Jesus was makeing a direct claim to being the same as god (son same as father thinking). This would explain very well why the pharacies (spelling?) started to stone him saying that he claimed to be god.
from john 10
33 The Jews answered him, "It is not for a good work that we stone you but for blasphemy; because you, being a man, make yourself God."
unless you understand the cultral signifigance at the time of saying "I am the son of ______" this passage does not make sence.
(yes I know there is some redundecy in this post but sometimes that is required to make your point to a sealed mind)
i still say that, christiaity is f--- up in these last days.. christianity teaches that the messiah is god, when the bible clearly points out that jesus is a prophet sent by god... jesus prayed to god<----that's the biggest proof... so i think if anybody believe that jesus is god, is not only an'-ti-christ(not accepting) but also a liar, foolish, and you knoweth nothing, and you are not close to god or christ, you are closer to that devil which we call satan....
NewWay said:
I have already had John 1:1 answered to my satisfaction from an expert witness (Origen) who actually spoke Koine Greek while it was still a living language, someone who obviously knew what he was talking about.
I would be careful here...I had been thinking about this and thought "well why not ask someone who actually speaks the language to tell us what the passage says in the original language." Then I thought "well that has probably been done and yet we still have this (among others) issue in translation"...hmmmm
The only thing I can figure is that language mutates...quickly. You really can't just go on what is written there. you HAVE to know how the words were used at the specific time. just to illustrate consider the word gay. Just in the last 100 years we have seen this word go from one meaning to another. look at publications from the early 1900's. We see the word used as a description of happieness and now 100 years later it means something totally diffrent. Both meanings are listed in the dictionary. Do you have any idea how many other words in the dictionary have muliple meanings? I can imagine some good debates 500 years from now over documents from this last centurary on the word gay alone. The people arguing about it could very well speak english but that does not mean that they will know just how exactly the word was being used. I see this same sort of thing happening now with the whole bible translation thing. One must also know just exactly how the words were used in the contempory time that they were written...anyone got a time machine hidden away?
this is from ((((((((((expatbrit )))))))))))).
hello xxxxxxxxx:.
the irs has an advanced text tax guide for churches and religious .
(submissive extrovert abstract feeler ).
here is mine....pretty accurate
our distinct personality, The Shepherd is to tend to your human flock. You understand the needs of those for whom you are responsible. Shepherds are vigilant and reliable. You realize your obligation and commitment to the well being of those entrusted to your care. Shepherds are very dependable. You engender a feeling of comfort and stability to those within your charge. On the positive side, Shepherds can be empathic, caring, understanding, practical and realistic. On the negative side, you may be manipulative, close-minded and sentimentally rigid. Interestingly, your preference is just as applicable in today's corporate kingdoms.
wow omg creepy accurate / .
your existing situation .
read my profile.....and then this
Having difficulty in making progress. Despite the attempt to conceal impulsiveness, his activities lead to problems and uncertainties, making him tense and irritable.
Your Stress Sources |
Your Restrained Characteristics |
Circumstances force him to compromise and to forgo some pleasures for the time being. Capable of achieving physical satisfaction through sexual activity.
Your Desired Objective |