Hi Besty nice to hear from you, how are things going in sunny LA?
Thanks for starting an intersting thread.
Here is my own JW generation tree.
Myself, I became a JW in the early nineties, no family are JW's and never will be. So I'll base this on my wife's
Her parents became JW's in the late 60's brought up 6 children.
Father active JW, passed away. Mother current active JW.
Current active JW = 1, Average age 64,
Eldest son left in his late teens, has children
but none are JW's . Future generations = 0
Out of her five sisters the eldest is a missionary, married mid 40's - unlikely to have kids.
Current Active JW's = 2, Average age 44, Future generation = 0
sister#2 - Married, both active JW's with 3 kids
Current Active JW's = 2, Average age 41, Future generation = possibly 3
sister#3 - active JW, unmarried and likley to remain unmarried and childless (I blame the organisation for this
as she pioneered during the best days of her life and gave up everything for them!!)
Current Active JW = 1 Average age 39, Future generation = 0
sister#4 - My wife, married, one child due in 3 weeks!! Both active faders ;-). Our children will not be brought
up as JW's.
Current Active = 0 Average age 35, Future generation = 0
sister#5 - disfellowshipped no interest in JW's, baby on the way, doubt it will be brought up as JW, although may
attend the odd meeting with grandma.
Current Active = 0 Average age 23, Future generation = 0
The future looks bleak if they are going to rely on families for future numbers, whilst they actively discourage
marriage (whether in or out of the org), and in having children. How short sighted!!