cool aid man
What evidence have you got for some of your assertions about the WTS.
Have you got some inside info or is it just wishful thinking?
the watchtower organization is without doubt doing everything they can to keep their business afloat.
they are at a critical point in their ever so blemished present condition.
there is simply too much genuine criticism from not only those on the outside but, also from those on the inside.
cool aid man
What evidence have you got for some of your assertions about the WTS.
Have you got some inside info or is it just wishful thinking?
so my family wants to talk to me about my "doubts" and i know they'll try to defend everything they can in any way that they can so i just want to be prepared and see what they might say (what you would have said as a witness or what you've heard others say) so that i could rebut it on the spot.. if the fds is directed by the holy spirit why have they been wrong before?
"light gets brighter...." but that's not the case because there would be no reason to go back to old policies after changing them...the light certainly doesn't get brighter, then darker, then brighter, etc.if god is omniscient why did he create satan knowing he would rebel or adam and eve knowing they would sin?
The JW answer to the omniscient question is that God is omniscient but chooses not to know everything. In other words he makes himself ignorant of certain things!
Ignorant of thousands of years of suffering and needless deaths? My local council planning department could do better job than him. Even car manufactures build cars with seatbelts, just in case. Surely it wouldn't have taken him much thought to think things through a little bit ?
Looks like it
all things jw and xjw and even xxjw are beginning to bore me.
tonight, in an effort to stimulate my interest, i cruised back thru threads of the past month or so.
while i found a couple topics of mild interest, and a couple more in which i found it worth effort to make personal comment, i was mostly bored.. i have come to grips with my past religious history.
I for one am grateful to many of the posters on this site. When I first decided to leave this site was an invaluable help.
I know for a fact it's helped others too.
the watchtower organization is without doubt doing everything they can to keep their business afloat.
they are at a critical point in their ever so blemished present condition.
there is simply too much genuine criticism from not only those on the outside but, also from those on the inside.
Hope this has some impact, I doubt it somehow though. This is a cult after all and 'genuine criticism' doesn't really hold any weight with cult members.
However I've done many of those on your list, maybe i'll try a few more.
Good luck and for those witnesses who feel trapped - have courage.
this guy had a serious accident and had limbs amputed but when interviewed claims very logically that while waiting for help jesus appeared and told him..."jim, everything will be okay, it's not your time...i need you to be a missionary for me..." this guy talks about it like it's nothing!
are these people for real or just lying.....i agree with marx who said "religion is the opium of the people.
There are thousands of similar accounts.
It all depends if you believe in the afterlife and that Jesus is God?
Anyhow, here's another-well worth checking out...
Pilots that are exposed to extreme G force in combat manouvers or in a centrifuge experience almost identical symptoms of near death experiences as the blood flow to the brain is cut off.
These experiences also seem to be race and religion centric. A muslim will experience Mohammed or Allah, Christians will see Jesus and Buddists will see Buddah calling them to the light.
roswell is where an american military base tests it's new a ufo happens to crash just down the road!.....hello!
the theory took off in the 1970's due to conspiracy books...a miltary offical claimed it was a ufo, he also claimed he was a decorated ww 2 fighter pilot which was proved un-true and he was a known story teller....but the myth took off as more books came out.. amityville haunted house - the lutz family did move out of the house where a family was murdered, probably freaked by the thought.
years later a semi-fictional book was written claiming pig faced demon attacks and priests being told to "get out"....funny how the demons seemed to move out too...the new owners for the last 30 years only complained about the damn tourists.
Maybe, but it doesn't sound like this family were making it up:
i wonder if this guy (hugo montgomery-swan) works for the bbc?
he looks the type.
i have seen him a number of time doing this wholesome-jw-family-act courtesy of my liscence fee!.
Watching that gave me goose bumps - Yuk.
how many jws are becoming apostates?
how many apostates are becoming jws?
Soon, real soon.
yes, it sounds crazy doesn't yet.
if a religion went around preaching that today no one would take them seriously, and yet that is what the watchtower used to preach.
"the "time of the end," a period of one hundred and fifteen (115) years, from a.d. 1799 to a.d. 1914, is particularly marked in the scriptures.
.......see what i mean
1914 is slowly being removed from the psyche of the average witness.
It is becoming less important as it dawns on them that it's just another failed end times prophecy.