To Rebel 8.
Canada has a puppet running Canada and the strings are controlled by D.C.
i note a lot of recent news about sopa and both sides of the story.. i hope this will not turn into a debate about it or its legalities or the constitution, it's about the effect of it itself.. mixed in no doubt is a large amount of speculation from both sides as to how it will or will not work and the 'freedoms' under threat.
i beleive the concept of protecting intelectual property etc is fine, as i want the same protection for my artwork etc, but i gather this bill may go to far as it were.... many feel it will adversely effect the internet in as diverse ways as making sites shut down either by force in in self protection such as etsy, flickr, utube, wikipedia and social networking sites.. is it all being blown out of proportion?.
do we as an online community very used to posting, cut n paste, links etc face the risk of simon having to pull the pin?.
To Rebel 8.
Canada has a puppet running Canada and the strings are controlled by D.C.
i note a lot of recent news about sopa and both sides of the story.. i hope this will not turn into a debate about it or its legalities or the constitution, it's about the effect of it itself.. mixed in no doubt is a large amount of speculation from both sides as to how it will or will not work and the 'freedoms' under threat.
i beleive the concept of protecting intelectual property etc is fine, as i want the same protection for my artwork etc, but i gather this bill may go to far as it were.... many feel it will adversely effect the internet in as diverse ways as making sites shut down either by force in in self protection such as etsy, flickr, utube, wikipedia and social networking sites.. is it all being blown out of proportion?.
do we as an online community very used to posting, cut n paste, links etc face the risk of simon having to pull the pin?.
To botchtower:
I never said Democrats did not vote for it, buddy.
Too many Dems voted for it.
But there are more Repubs than Dems in the Congress, and that's too bad.
i note a lot of recent news about sopa and both sides of the story.. i hope this will not turn into a debate about it or its legalities or the constitution, it's about the effect of it itself.. mixed in no doubt is a large amount of speculation from both sides as to how it will or will not work and the 'freedoms' under threat.
i beleive the concept of protecting intelectual property etc is fine, as i want the same protection for my artwork etc, but i gather this bill may go to far as it were.... many feel it will adversely effect the internet in as diverse ways as making sites shut down either by force in in self protection such as etsy, flickr, utube, wikipedia and social networking sites.. is it all being blown out of proportion?.
do we as an online community very used to posting, cut n paste, links etc face the risk of simon having to pull the pin?.
Censoring the internet is totally wrong!!
What's next...closing used book stores?....used record stores?..swap meets?...blocking copy(cut) and pasting in computers?
Killing Youtube? Amazon?
Are vcrs considered illegal? Cassette decks? How about mm sticks?
This p.o.s. legislation is sponsored by the Republican controlled congress. The same bunch who want less government. Hypocrites, all of them!
If Obama signs it, he will get his a** handed to him come November.
So where did I sign an agreement that said that I could only use a dvd for myself. Where does it say on the front of the box in clear non lawyer speak? Intillectual property" my butt. Never again will I purchase music or movies! NEVER!!
that their bible is different from any bible anyone else reads in that it has added the name jehovah to the new testament greek scriptures??
when it is not there in any ancient manuscript????
i mean they put it there where it aint quoted at all 12 times in revelation....i mean how can they not have a problem with that???
A reply:
This person has been trying to give one away forever.
Or perhaps adding time.
I just thought the reply was funny!
PS Listening to Christmas music on KOIT FM San francisco. G'night.
that their bible is different from any bible anyone else reads in that it has added the name jehovah to the new testament greek scriptures??
when it is not there in any ancient manuscript????
i mean they put it there where it aint quoted at all 12 times in revelation....i mean how can they not have a problem with that???
For all you asians. One for free!
i wonder what it was like to be around when noah's ark landed.
to be there when shem said to his son, "go pork your sister" (in order to repopulate the species)..... i'm paraphrasing of course, i'm not really sure if shem's son's sister was named martha or not.. the degree of incest alone is enough to turn away any logical rational person from the bible.
of course it had to have begun long before noah's time, even when adam and eve were conceiving, there must have been lots of sexual perversions taking place.... this is of course all lunacy, as the human race began with several distinct chromosomes and species emanating from several different gene pools at different intervals.
PS. I was listening to a radio station out of Bellingham tonight and they featured songs from the album Revolver. An excellent album I must say.
i wonder what it was like to be around when noah's ark landed.
to be there when shem said to his son, "go pork your sister" (in order to repopulate the species)..... i'm paraphrasing of course, i'm not really sure if shem's son's sister was named martha or not.. the degree of incest alone is enough to turn away any logical rational person from the bible.
of course it had to have begun long before noah's time, even when adam and eve were conceiving, there must have been lots of sexual perversions taking place.... this is of course all lunacy, as the human race began with several distinct chromosomes and species emanating from several different gene pools at different intervals.
I remeber asking simeone about the incest thing during the Adam and Eve times. The guy stated that God had to have allowed this to happen in the beginning. Kind of creepy I thought. Way to many discrepancies in the bible to make sense of it all.
I asked the same person months later why there is so much evidence of skeletal remains from hundreds of thousands of years ago from cro-magnon man and neanderthals. It was a discussion about evolution. He does not believe in evolution and he stated that God put these "people" om the planet as an experiment.
Now usually one does an experiment to discover an outcome, but if you are God, you already know EVERYTHING, and therefore already know the outcome anyway. His comment made no sense to me.
I also asked if all people came from Adam and Eve, where did people of African persuasion or Asian...or caucasion for that matter. After all, every individual came from somewhere in the Middle East (at least I think). He muttered something about dna having the ability to offer different outcomes. But then that contradicts his beliefs about evolution. One giant circle jerk!
may you all have peace!.
just came across this article:.
I am fascinated that one could travel faster than light because, in theory, traveling the galaxy faster than the speed of light, one could, in theory, live forever. Imagine going faster than the speed of light and curing death.
But how can one prove this theory? One can travel faster than sound, but I bet it won't cure defness! An old Outer Limits episode touched on this theory a bit. I believe the guinea pig in the episode was Bertram Cabot Jr.
As a lover of math, I find these equations interesting because the left side of the equation must equal the right side to be true.
Mr. Spock would be fascinated.
the goverment mandate a freeze on oil prices and.
roll the price back to $2.
a gallon for two years.. how would it help the economy.
In order to remain profitable, the Alberta Tar sands has to sell a barrel of oil for $80 bucks. Much of Alberta oil goes to the US. If it drops below $80, they will curtail production. In order for gas to reach $ 2 per gallon, it would have to drop to near half that. The only thing that would cause that would be a worldwide decrease in demand, or a depression which would cut costs and wages in half. In other words, it's not going to happen. A Depression is quite ugly.
this guy enjoys his fun time!.
What other choice is there for a "progressive conservative" like me? I prefer my politicians not to sell out to big oil, big banks, religion and so on.
Just saying. The big problem for me is that Obama promised that troops would be out of the middle east. Nothing so far. Quite disapointing. Yes he seems to be on holidays quite often, but the rest of them seem on holidays every month. Jon Stewart and Colbert take too much time off when compared to Joe Public. Oh well.