1 Cor. 7 :38 "Consequently he also that gives his virginity in marriage does well, but he that does not give it in marriage will do better."
Does this mean no sex during marriage is the best route?
Kill me now
id rather be a then
1 cor.
7 :38 "consequently he also that gives his virginity in marriage does well, but he that does not give it in marriage will do better.".
does this mean no sex during marriage is the best route?.
1 Cor. 7 :38 "Consequently he also that gives his virginity in marriage does well, but he that does not give it in marriage will do better."
Does this mean no sex during marriage is the best route?
Kill me now
id rather be a then
my dad put up with a lot of crap from the jw's when my mom divorced him and took us kids away.
so when he got the chance he would mess with them at the door.
my favorite question he asked 2 sisters when they came.. "if the bible says a wife is to give her husband his due, then do you have relations with your husband because you love him or because the bible says to?".
My dad put up with a lot of crap from the JW's when my mom divorced him and took us kids away. So when he got the chance he would mess with them at the door. My favorite question he asked 2 sisters when they came.
"If the bible says a wife is to give her husband his due, then do you have relations with your husband because you love him or because the bible says to?"
This really flustered them and they offered to have their husbands come back to discuss it. He declined stating he was just wondering their thinking on this.
So what other questions could you pose that are not serious topics that would throw them for a loop?
releasing the bondsthe evolution of the bite model (chapter 2, excerpted, of steven hassan's releasing the bonds: empowering people to think for themselves.
fom press, 2000, copyrighted, all rights reserved.
Thanks for the book! Darn I just got back from vacation. If only I had a book to read then.
J/K kinda.
I did read a couple paragraphs. Looks interesting
Keep posting Big Brother!
i wanted to give you a formal welcome thread so here it is.
welcome to the board!
Thank you all! It's nice to be here and I look forward to hearing from you all in the coming months
as a jw i mainly worked for brothers.
a lot seem to be in the construction industry.
probably because they are uneducated, because anyone who does work construction (like me) is stuck in it.
At least you can be proud you became a MS!
They always had weird excuses for me. Even one time it was because I wore a weird tie. Granted it was bright blue and had disney characters on it, but I wore it for fun a couple times. The tie showed I was not serious enough. I said" are you kidding me" They were not. That's when my 3 month fade out began.
as a jw i mainly worked for brothers.
a lot seem to be in the construction industry.
probably because they are uneducated, because anyone who does work construction (like me) is stuck in it.
It's funny that I don't think we ever talked scriptures at work and I have worked for 6 different brothers companies. Bible, meetings, and service never was discussed. I think the more they talk that way the more"spiritual" they feel they are. That kind of mentality was always so annoying. It was like, we already have to go to 3 meetings a week and service so shut up already about scriptures. I caould care less how many you memorized or could say.
The witnesses I worked with mostly goofed around, including the owners. We would mess around while getting work done, but at the same time when I started working for regular people it was a big surprise how you are expected to focus and work. When I look back I can only imagine how many jobs we could of done if we were focused.
as a jw i mainly worked for brothers.
a lot seem to be in the construction industry.
probably because they are uneducated, because anyone who does work construction (like me) is stuck in it.
The office condition when you got there sounds normal. Theyhave no business training. My ex father-in-law was service overseer and he closed his contracting business and did a bankruptcy and owed thousands in taxes. He had tax leins and they regularly emptied his accounts to collect. Then he started another biz with a fellow bro. friend. that went belly up when they dropped a hose they were lifting and nearly killed their worker that was under it at the time not to mention the 80 year old couple living in the house at the time!
Pure Genius!
first off let me apologize for the long post, but i really needed to talk about this.
ive been coming to this site for over a year now.
though i dont post much, i really enjoy the banter here and also enjoy reading about the events in your lives.
"Celebrate holidays, drink, smoke, curse, have sex, etc"
Witnesses have their holiday- we just have more
I've seen elders drink "worldy" people under the table
They used to smoke and take smoke breaks during meetings
Do any of them not curse
Sex... They do that also
I'd say by doing these things you are not much different then them except your not a hypocrate for doing it. The difference is that your doing it because you are living your life to the fullest and want to enjoy it. You do it because you want to not because someone is telling you "you have to" Enjoy it! YOUR FREE
as a jw i mainly worked for brothers.
a lot seem to be in the construction industry.
probably because they are uneducated, because anyone who does work construction (like me) is stuck in it.
As a JW I mainly worked for brothers. A lot seem to be in the Construction Industry. Probably because they are uneducated, because anyone who does work construction (like me) is stuck in it. But very few have really successful businesses. But I do have to say they were in general fun to work with, except when religious politics came into play.
I was a reg. pioneer and worked for an elder. Me and another brother who worked for him and we had a miscommunication and dropped a trim board and broke the end of it. 10$ worth. The other bro. said I was being difficult so he wouldn't get in trouble and that I made it fall. Well a couple weekends after that the elder I worked for was door knockin with me and told me I was gonna be appointed an MS, but that since that happened with the trim they felt I was not mature enough. And this after i was Reg pioneering, volunteering to give no show talks every week, doing mics every meeting, and much more.
So my question is what crazy things happened from or during you working with witnesses? Have you worked for them? Would you again? and what kind of work was it?
i was a jw, finally saw my chance and wrote a letter to the elders saying how bad i am and how i don't want to meet to discuss it and to df me if you want.
that was the end of it for me.
my question is if you know you are "fading" you are already gone so why not make the leap?
Adultry is the only grounds but as my father found out years ago the congregation will grab onto the "poor"wife and kids and then there will be an acusation that they slept around and the elders will tell her that she is free to remarry which my mom did, 2 more times. The second marriage he never went to meetings, just studied briefly. Then he all of a sudden started cheating on her. Maybe they told her if she held out he would go look somewhere else to satisfy his needs.