I had a friend who taught me a lot about life he was about 15 years older than me and was a bit of a mentor he said once" Feelings arent facts" he also said "because we feel something doesnt mean we have to act on that feeling" those words freed me from some of the worst behavior and mental traps that I suffered from but they also posed a whole set of questions that disrupted my world view like " If I'm not the center of the universe what is?" hence my jouney to REAL humility began and the casting off of old notions like " I know God and he knows me" With humilty comes the understanding that we dont have any answers not even one and if someone says they have the answers they are a LIAR and a FAKE all we have are ideas and an idea can not be proven but only the outcome of the idea can be proved . Maybe I'm rambling but people falling under the sway of an IDEA or a FEELING are living an unexamined life and I'm sure we all know the value of that.
JoinedPosts by blueviceroy
Is it bad to be an agnostic?
by blueviceroy inon a prior thrread someone asked about one true religion .
i think that is kind of agnostic thinking .
as i grow older and develop more perspective on life it seems that an agnostic view is really just an honest view no dogma no preconcieved ideas just observations.
Has anyone here tried Hoodia?
by FreedomFrog ini'm looking into trying hoodia because i need to lose about 60lbs to get to my goal.
i exercise just about every day.
my daughter and i walk on the trail that is behind my apartment.
I'v never tried hoodia and I have to say if my wife lost weight I would lament the loss of her big ol' butt I love her behind and her belly and everything about her it would not matter to me if she was thin or obese as long as she was happy
Spirituality vs. Religion - what's the difference?
by truth_about_the_truth inhere is an excerpt from a book called "fresh wisdom-breakthrough to enlightenment" that really hits the point:
the con of religion
we have never met a christian who has given up everything and followed christ.
>>>>seratonin wraith <<<<<< that feeling is real THAT is all you get that tenuous feeling of connection that moment of bliss the goosebumps on your arm the certanty of belonging for that brief second its like an orgasm then nothing left adrift no connection no certanty but it is REAL and dont doubt it when its gone that is all we have grasp it and take and hold it and keep it for your own and remember it when its gone it will come again when we need it until then we must know that we are loved and valued and our existence has a purpose thats all I have and when I have THAT I know there is more than just this shitbag I inhabit there is more than just suffering and struggle and confusion. But when its gone its like it never was . Is that God talkin to me ? Is it madness or wishfull thinking or just vagrant chemicals floating around in my brain? Those kind of questions haunt me everyday.I want to believe there is a wonderful loving creator I want to feel connection to the divine. But is any of that even close to the real nature of reallity? All I have are questions and I think only fools have answers. I'm quite certain we have been cursed with the gift of enough reason to question our existence without the faculties to understand the reality. Sorry maybe I'v had too much wine
perhaps this is naive of me-
by Younglove1999 inso about a month ago, i finally "confessed" to my jw friend that my husband and i haven't been to a meeting since february.
we're in different halls, so she wasn't aware of our inactivity.
when i told her, i didn't explain any details about what lead us to stop going, other than the normal "we're confused- so much going on, new baby, etc" stuff.
I have some friends and they return my calls and invite me to functions and we do things together I'm involved in thier lives. There are people in the world that I dont have anything to do with these people are NOT my friends = I'm thinking that these people are not your friends and maybe your appeal to their basic human decency will fall on deaf ears because it has been replaced by something else. It is hard to let go of people you care about but it is impossible to clap with one hand .I'm sorry for the rudeness and callousness of these people, if you were my friend It wouldnt matter what you believed in as long as you were a good person .It isnt naive it is only decent and trusting and nothing hurts like disapointment.
Is it bad to be an agnostic?
by blueviceroy inon a prior thrread someone asked about one true religion .
i think that is kind of agnostic thinking .
as i grow older and develop more perspective on life it seems that an agnostic view is really just an honest view no dogma no preconcieved ideas just observations.
nostic means knowing agnostic means not knowing I finaly looked for a proper definition and read a thing about Huxley I agree that an agnostic person is just thinking honestly,humbly and without pretention . Perhaps more honesty and humility arent such a bad thing
Is it bad to be an agnostic?
by blueviceroy inon a prior thrread someone asked about one true religion .
i think that is kind of agnostic thinking .
as i grow older and develop more perspective on life it seems that an agnostic view is really just an honest view no dogma no preconcieved ideas just observations.
Well I guess there is no way of knowing that is logical .I guess I would have to say I like to think we were created but I dont really know. So believing we are ignorant makes agnostic? A belief that people dont have a clue .Yep that sounds about right
Is it bad to be an agnostic?
by blueviceroy inon a prior thrread someone asked about one true religion .
i think that is kind of agnostic thinking .
as i grow older and develop more perspective on life it seems that an agnostic view is really just an honest view no dogma no preconcieved ideas just observations.
On a prior thrread someone asked about one true religion . I think that is kind of agnostic thinking . As i grow older and develop more perspective on life It seems that an agnostic view is really just an honest view no dogma no preconcieved ideas just observations. I cant help but think maybe our Creator designed us that way and all the bad ideas and intolerance and rules that groups devise to controll thier members really arent where we should be spending our lives . A good understanding of many points of view is nessssary to form an ACCURATE opinion or at least one that is not questionable or foolish . Mankind never succeded in anything because he had a narrow mind only free thinkers change things .For better or worse free thought and free choice is all we have that is tangible and real (real is what can be proven) faith is something I have a wierd relationship with .It exists but I cant prove it so therefore it is merely an opinion. Sometimes I think I feel the touch of the divine and other days I feel lost and alone . I think there is more to life than what we see but I dont know what it is. Is that anything different from anyone else feels? Does that make me as an agnostic a bad person because Im not comfortable believing all that I hear or that I have doubts about what Iv been taught? I believe we were created . I believe life has a purpose. I believe I will never find the ultimate truth and I'm ok with that . I believe Im glad I am alive and posting on this site.
Is there one true religion?
by angeleyes71 inhello all.
my wonderful, never- a -witness -husband, would like to know, who thinks there is one true religion, and why?
The pursuit of meaning ,the pursuit of enlightenment , the pursuit of understanding this is the only true religion and it cant be done in a church or found in one book or heard from the lips of single group of men it must be sought by the individual and be found in a way that fits to an individuals perception of reality . As far as finding it goes that is what life is about so you might say LIFE and LIVING are the only true relgion
Do you still love the Bible?
by senoj53 inas a jw i was brought up to believe the bible was the word of god, didn't contradict itself and could answer all our questions.
i loved the bible and took the words of proverbs 2 literally, where it says if you call out for undestanding and search for it you will find the very knowledge of god.
i studied the bible as jw's recomend, but found that it left me with more questions than answers and this eventually led me out of the "truth," as i discovered many contradictions in both the hebrew and the greek scriptures and instances where the apostle paul even contradicts jesus words.. in the most important event of bible history, (the death of jesus) the gospel writers can't even agree on the sequence of events and who he appeared to first after his resurrection.
I cant say I love the Bible I respect it as a great historical document It is a very confusing and contradictory document What I get from the Bible is a little bit of how you should act as a man (as per corinthians and romans ) but overall I find it lacking as proof of divine anything. Jesus certainly had a good message if we can believe the words as accurate. I found some inspiration on how to behave and think from the story of Jesus but I also found similar inspiration from the bahatvahghida and the way of the kung fu . If it really is THE ONLY TRUTH I think it would be more apparent . Some say that only when you are full of the holy spirit will the truth be made plain when you read the Bible. Yeah,,,,right,, But those people also say other things that go against a lot of what Jesus stood for.
We've lost so much.
by shell69 inguys;.
i normally come on here, and am strong and very vocal in me distain for the borg and all the things it entailed.
just feeling a bit sad for myself tonight and wanted to tell my friends.. my birthday was yesterday.
Im so sorry for the heartless policy of stubborn fools