How about calling it:
"Watchtower publications...let the reader use disernment"
i'm going to start a project.
i'm going to do a paragraph-by-paragraph rebuttal of as much watchtower literature i can get my hands on.
i've been inspired by v's watchtower comments, so i'm going to do the same with books and brochures.
How about calling it:
"Watchtower publications...let the reader use disernment"
over the last 7 years i have been helping a young man who is now 16 and whose mom is a witness.
his mom has three children all different fathers the young man i have been helping had a father in prison and 6 months after he was released he was shot and killed so my young man has never really had a father.
since i have stopped going to meetings about a year ago his fat ass mother who is basically worthless has resisted my help to her son.
IThanks for all the input so far:
As far as aroura's post:
but might be best to cut ties now and go help someone who actually wants--and will accept--help
I can't leave this kid now it's not the christian thing to do or my thing to do and besides, he wants me in his life. If she does kick him out of the house, then he can easily file for independence from his Mom and I can help him get welfare and find him a place to live while he finishes high school then he can go off to college and be on his own. I know I have to be very careful.
i like variety and different opinions and i don't see that in the jw's...... what can this lead to?.
The nazi's were all united in their thinking
It's one thing to be united and another to have to think like everybody else
over the last 7 years i have been helping a young man who is now 16 and whose mom is a witness.
his mom has three children all different fathers the young man i have been helping had a father in prison and 6 months after he was released he was shot and killed so my young man has never really had a father.
since i have stopped going to meetings about a year ago his fat ass mother who is basically worthless has resisted my help to her son.
Over the last 7 years I have been helping a young man who is now 16 and whose mom is a witness. His mom has three children all different fathers the young man I have been helping had a father in prison and 6 months after he was released he was shot and killed so my young man has never really had a father.
Since I have stopped going to meetings about a year ago his fat ass mother who is basically worthless has resisted my help to her son. This young man is remarkable and has a lot of potential to suceed in life. I have been encouraging him to keep his grade point average up it's 3.8 right now so he can get a scholership and attend a good university ( he wants to be an investment banker) his mother has been totally against his being with me because I don't go to meetings. I have not been shunned and I am still in good standing with the cong I used to attend (I'm fading). So today, his mother informs him that if he keeps doing things with me, she will kick him out of her house. It's worth mentioning that she doesn't do much for him then provide him a roof over his head and a meal a day if he wants to cook it. I have been very careful when I talk to him about spiritual things never discouraging him from going to meetings or going out in the field circus. So now because of this worthless excuse for a mother this poor kid has to decide whether to keep letting me help him and be a part of his life or continue living in squaller without a reprieve and no one to count on to give him the help he needs. What a predicament to put an African American kid in when he's trying to get out of the circle of failure he has been thrown into. I'm am so frustrated I don't know what to do I love this kid and want to keep helping him but I can't do this openly with his mudder sabotaging his success. I don't know what to do next any suggestions would be appreciated
i was wondering about this the other day before i went to sleep, out of habit and my spiritual beliefs now, i spoke to the spiritual realm above and asked for guidance and protection.. i remember my journey of leaving the jw "borg" (a new term i have picked up here - i like it!
) and at first i refused to pray at all, and then i wasn't sure i wanted to or not, and then i developed my own sense of the higher power above and spirituality and every night before i sleep, i feel blessed to have another day of life, to do it all again.
even on days when i am not having such a good day, i take time to ask the higher realm for strength and direction.
I do but not because of guilt I pray when I really feel it and it's wonderful because it's not because I feel I have to pray it's because I feel I want to
perhaps it is not surprising that in lands where many have received such an education [at college or university] belief in god is at an all-time low.. w2008-04-15 repudiate "valueless things".
perhaps it is not surprising too that in lands where many haven't received such an education, crime, violence, war, deprivation, starvation, child death, female suppression and mind control are at an all-time high.
is this not a clear fulfillment of the words paul wrote to timothy that we are living in critical times?
So get ready for the next great new light in a future article of the WT which will go somthing like this:
"So do we not see that the great educator Satan is teaching our children about him and his ways to keep them from realizing the wonderful hope we have for the future?"
The question for the paragraph will be, "Whe is the great educator?"
i wonder if anyone has any ideas on this.
who, what is behind the wts.
is it just men genuinely making mistakes but are sincerely trying to serve god?
The may be trapped as we were and know if they make a stand they will have to move out of there homes, stop traveling, cook for themselves buy there own food clothing etc etc. and
and, to to work for Ray Franz
what is the worst weather that failed to get the boasting session cancelled?
does it take several feet of snow, a major ice storm, blackouts, temperatures about or below -50, 80 mph winds, or floods to get the damn thing cancelled?
or, perhaps they saw these and decided that there is no way in hell that they are going to cancel the boasting session.
When I was PO, all we had to do was get a couple of flurries and we cancelled
think about this and close your eyes...think about what it is to have no existence for all existence..and nothing for all existence...notice how u cannot have both at the same time lol!
that is crazy!
that means if there was nothing for all existence..then it has to remain that way..and even if some particles or energy exploded to give life to earth and the still does not make sense to believe that a explosion can design humans or animals...thats just like saying i am gonna get a another house out of a explosion!
Wow, blackboo, you got us all you win we all agree that you were created and you are not evolving.
here are some questions evolution never bring up or will evade questioning.
these are serious questions that kill all the silly beliefs about how the earth or universe got here..and here is why.
think about this for a second we would not be here if nothing for all existence did not exist.
Blackboo is another example of the wonderful education recieved at the hands of the borg. Maybe he/she was home schooled or should I say schuuld. Whatever back to evolution/creation
Did God create everything in a week like many believe?
Did he create everything in 6000 years and then need a 1000 year rest like the WTS believes
Or did he set creation in process by starting life out on this planet and through selective design direct it's evolution?
At this point with the knowledge and science we have, I feel the last is the closest to reality but what do I know, I was taught in the same class as blackboo except for the possible home schooling part and I'm just now at 61 starting to open my mind to all the other possibilites. Call me a fool blackboo but at least i'm an open minded old fool and still evolving...