Changeling, have you opted to run for president yet? I'll vote for ya!
Good points!
i heard on the news this morning that the us has finally met it's enlistement quota.
they acheived this by offering a $20,000 bonus upon enlisting.. the us has also relaxed it's standards as to who they allow to enlist.
a criminal record and drug issues will no longer keep you out of the armed forces.. so, in many cases the country is sending uneduacted, criminally inclined young men and women to a nasty war, to witness atrocities that furthur sear their conscience.
Changeling, have you opted to run for president yet? I'll vote for ya!
Good points!
just in some crazy posting mood today.. mine was galaga.
man, was i good.
Mario & Super Mario
cleveland (ap) -- a gunman opened fire in a downtown high school on wednesday, and five people were taken to a hospital, the mayor said.. mayor frank jackson said three young people and two adults were hurt.
successtech academy had been secured and there was only one suspect, he said.. "they have the shooter," jackson said.
he did not elaborate.. ronnell jackson, 15, said he saw the shooter running down a school hallway.. "he was about to shoot me but i got out just in time," he said.. another student, doneisha levert, said she heard the principal say "code blue" over the public address system, and the students started running.
I don't like guns either. But if we outlaw them, then we will have outlaws out there
Without professional training/schooling, why do you think you are qualified to counsel in regards to alcoholism, drug abuse, child abuse, marriage problems etc. etc.?
cleveland (ap) -- a gunman opened fire in a downtown high school on wednesday, and five people were taken to a hospital, the mayor said.. mayor frank jackson said three young people and two adults were hurt.
successtech academy had been secured and there was only one suspect, he said.. "they have the shooter," jackson said.
he did not elaborate.. ronnell jackson, 15, said he saw the shooter running down a school hallway.. "he was about to shoot me but i got out just in time," he said.. another student, doneisha levert, said she heard the principal say "code blue" over the public address system, and the students started running.
so we have been led to believe that we will all look the same as we do now...except we will have no flaws and a perfected body without deformity or ailment.
hmmm..... how do we know this to be true?
is there any scriptural reference to this aspect of "resurrection"?
"By their fruits you will recognize them!"
The whole Bible is a mystery. Will we EVER know the real facts?
I love your question. Thought provoking to say the least!
after i wrote my parents a 10-page letter going into detail about all of the problems with the watchtower, along with documented evidence of false prophecies/predictions, flip-flops in doctrine, as well as many good reasoning points, she put up some very strong defenses over the phone.
at first she said that she read the letter.
then when we got on a topic that was covered in the letter, and i could see that she didn't comprehend the point that i was making, i would ask her, "are you sure you read the letter?
Hey.....she has a copy of your letter in her possession and one day, if not today, she'll sit quietly and will no doubt read what you had to say. Then she will ponder over what is conveyed and will start thinking and you may just get a positive response from her after all. Be patient and if what you told her is truth, she'll recognize it if it's meant to be. I have learned that things happen in our lives for a reason, and not always when or how we thought.
Keep your head up! It's obvious you care about her fate. Good for you!
have you ever wondered what would happen if you took a psychometric test and it told you all your secret desires?
the way in which someone could ensnare you on the first date among other things?
if you dare to proceed, it will generate a complete step by step guide on how someone would seduce you from the first date all the way to your bed and you wouldn't be able to resist.
LINDA is not necessarily a prude or a “saint,” but the overall answer patterns suggest that LINDA is probably very cautious about to whom and under what circumstances to surrender to romantic urges. People in this category may be inherently careful and skeptical by nature, may have been deeply hurt or had a negative sexual experience in the past, or may just prefer taking things slowly in making someone’s acquaintance or in getting involved in a relationship. In wooing such individuals, you may find that it takes them a while to “warm up” to you, though this should not be misinterpreted as disinterest. Sexually speaking, they may not appear easily aroused, despite being totally titillated, with many quite adept at subduing their response until you’ve gained their trust. Once their guard is down, you will find the rewards great, with these individuals often wildly uninhibited and receptive.
That's me to the "T"
one of my classics was because the bethel printing room was so clean then it must be jehovah's organization.. now i realize, of course, that most businesses keep their operations equally clean.. doh!.
needed money? Actually it was the local KH's that needed the money more so. GRRRR!
I never contributed much. *ThankGod*
we know that watchtower teachs that "first resurrection" already toke place for the 1st class christian group, the 144.000.. so , each of the 144.000 still alive on the earth is immediately resurrected after he dies.
but .. their body still on the earth .. so , why ?.
i mean why body of christ disappear after his resurrection and bodies of 144.000 not ?
Good question. Sounds like discrepencies among their teachngs huh?