The overall belief/teachings remain the same. They are a brainwashing and controlling cult in all 200+ lands where they have contaminated the neighborhoods.
my hubby went to a spanish congo and it seems that they operate a little differently.
is this accurate?
example, i don't think my father in law goes out in service, and he's a big ol' witness.
The overall belief/teachings remain the same. They are a brainwashing and controlling cult in all 200+ lands where they have contaminated the neighborhoods.
one of my classics was because the bethel printing room was so clean then it must be jehovah's organization.. now i realize, of course, that most businesses keep their operations equally clean.. doh!.
I too thought the GB lived modestly. I was even so convinced that was the case, that I adamantly would tell people, "Our donations NEVER go to anyone in the upper ranks, and our elders do all services for free, which is why I am so proud to be a part of this organization". Of course this is what they wanted us to believe. LIARS!.....All of them!
hi everyone... i have a "hypothetical" situation... here's the issue: i have an "ex" (baptised but no longer involved with the jws)... we got divorced legally, but not for "scriptual" reasons (not because of adultery) said ex has now moved away but it has been found out that they are living with a member of the opposite sex.
same mailing address, single family home, etc.
is this enough grounds for disfellowshipping?
Happier now? Oh... you betcha! Wish I saw the light sooner.
hi everyone... i have a "hypothetical" situation... here's the issue: i have an "ex" (baptised but no longer involved with the jws)... we got divorced legally, but not for "scriptual" reasons (not because of adultery) said ex has now moved away but it has been found out that they are living with a member of the opposite sex.
same mailing address, single family home, etc.
is this enough grounds for disfellowshipping?
Btw, my Ex had women spending the night in his home. A sister too. What were they up to? Why did the elders not question that set up? A*****...all of them.
hi everyone... i have a "hypothetical" situation... here's the issue: i have an "ex" (baptised but no longer involved with the jws)... we got divorced legally, but not for "scriptual" reasons (not because of adultery) said ex has now moved away but it has been found out that they are living with a member of the opposite sex.
same mailing address, single family home, etc.
is this enough grounds for disfellowshipping?
They had no proof of anything, only assumed. They expected me to apologize for being in the home and I did not hesitate one bit to tell them "No, I will not apologize, because I didn't see anything wrong with it!"
hi everyone... i have a "hypothetical" situation... here's the issue: i have an "ex" (baptised but no longer involved with the jws)... we got divorced legally, but not for "scriptual" reasons (not because of adultery) said ex has now moved away but it has been found out that they are living with a member of the opposite sex.
same mailing address, single family home, etc.
is this enough grounds for disfellowshipping?
I got DF for being in my Ex's house for 2 weeks after the divorce.
time is reduced: .
we also want to spend our time wisely because "the time left is reduced.
" (1 cor.
"sheeplike one"s ????? That's the problem. They never seeked out the real sheep.
one of my classics was because the bethel printing room was so clean then it must be jehovah's organization.. now i realize, of course, that most businesses keep their operations equally clean.. doh!.
I was even more naivé. I thought all JW's were honest, (never lied, cheated, steal etc. etc.) and the closest thing to perfection that you could ever be. *duh*
the job is over.
amazing how the last few days there stressed me out worse than almost anything i have ever been through.. its over.
and i could not be happier.
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S !
once, when i was studying, my upline moved out of the territory.
he suggested that it would be good if i stayed one night at his new apartment, at which he worked as manager (and maintenance person).
so i accepted the invitation.. turns out that i spent the better part of the afternoon working alongside him on a project, so he could get back out in field circus.
Well, we are your crystal ball for the future to see. Read our postings and your future will be crystal clearly seen.