The sub-prime market lenders are the payday-loan vendors of the mortgage industry. They're bottom feeders.
So . . . If I stop off and get a payday loan from one of the 10 storefront payday lenders I pass on the way home every day, it's the lender's fault? Real Estate is my business. Sorry, I don't buy it.
No more than I blame the gun dealer that some idiot shot himself in the foot or the deli because some of their customers are over weight.
I could have gotten a bad loan. But I didn't. Why? because I'm responsible for my own actions same as the sub prime borrowers were responsible for their own behaviors. I know people making 35k a year driving brand new $28,000 cars on payments with nothing down. They are idiots. I don't blame the liquor store for the drunks and I don't blame the car dealers for selling cars to idiots.
I don't have a car payment. Haven't had one since I was 30. Why? It's stupid to buy depreciating assets at all and it's really stupid to buy on credit! Credit makes mistakes bigger and much harder to fix.
JoinedPosts by garybuss
People who make $2,000 a month sign up to buy a house and agree to make $1,200 monthly payments? And they think that's sustainable for 30 years without ever missing a payment? Hahahaha!!!!
They're idiots. They deserve to go broke. They've done everything required to fail.
I was taught early to live totally on 1/2 of my income and save and invest the other 1/2. Don't service debt. Don't have less that one full year contingency cash fund on hand. Never borrow money at all "ever" to buy land or buy any depreciating asset. Never buy high.
Build, don't buy if at all possible.
If a plan won't work in a worst case scenario, it's a bad plan. Profit is made on the buy and realized on the sell. Use an agent on all big deals even if you are one.
Be glad for the idiots. This is a buyer's paradise. -
Please read condemnatory email sent to me and help me reply
by AndersonsInfo ini received the following emails, one yesterday and the other today and thought you'll like to see an example of the positive and the negative messages i regularly receive through webmaster at my website, watchtower documents, llc, .
here's the negative message:.
"i must say that after reading your biography, i am shocked.
I like to thank people who mail me. Wish them well. I like to offer to change anything that I've written that's inaccurate. I don't see your writing as criticism. You just write facts and the Witnesses take it as criticism.
When I shoot an arrow into the thicket and somebody hollers, makes me think I might have hit something. -
For me, this is a pretty good economy right now, but I'm a down market guy. I just wish interest rates were about 8% CD rates.
I hate inflation mixed up with LOW interest. -
Do you find debating with a JW exhaustive?
by digderidoo ini certainly do.. i have been debating with two jw's on another forum about the un issue.
i have produced so much evidence that the un did have their citeria of support when the wt society became an ngo, all from the un itself.
yet because the wt statements say that they didn't have that criteria and it was changed later the jw's refuse to believe anything else.. sometimes i think what's the point talking to these people.
I used to dislike (in person) exchanges with Witnesses. Now, since I have some training, I like it. For me, one on one debating with a Witness is like going into battle against an unarmed man. Two Witnesses at a time is most fun. I tried to get a circuit servant's mailing address once and after 3 hours I still didn't have it.
NEW KM style
by stillajwexelder inthe january km is completely different.
the style has been totally revamped
The interesting thing about the Watch Tower Corporation is that they still really only have one core message: "MILLIONS NOW LIVING WILL NEVER DIE!". They've been selling that same promise with success since 1918. They package it different, they say it different, but it's "THE" promise that attracts and keeps many Witnesses.
And it's SO obviously wrong. People who can't deal with grief, deal with reality, or are selfish and self centered, are comfortable living a fantasy life working for a sales pitch made by a dead man.
Nobody ever failed by underestimating the gullibility of the human race. -
NEW KM style
by stillajwexelder inthe january km is completely different.
the style has been totally revamped
The power pendulum has swung. The new guys are leaving their mark.
Food for thought: It's hard to implement real change within the old format. The ideal is to first change the context, then bring in the planned policy changes supported by the latest understanding of sacred texts. That makes the changes seem comfortable and if the changes are done over time incrementally, they should be accepted with little discussion and no real unrest.
It's the way they stripped the corporation in 2000. Many Witnesses I know didn't even notice. -
No More Publisher Numbers
by GermanXJW inaccording to a report on the german xjw-board: the german kingdom ministry for february 09 does not contain a supplement with the publisher figures.
furthermore, it does not contain the monthly report for the first month of the service year 2009 (sep 08) as it used to in the past.sixty years.. this may indicate that the wts is not that transparent with their publishers numbers any more if they are not even doing away with it.. can anyone confirm from other countries?.
When I was making my exit, I went door to door with literature and lastly, without literature, but I didn't turn in a field service report. The Witnesses didn't call me, they called my wife and asked her if I had any time to report for the month. I'd tell her "No!". I did that for a few months, then quit altogether.
I figured when the Society toyed with mainstreaming one of the first things they'd hide is published results of sales activity. Next I suspect they will dispense with the "publisher" designation and the sales/recruiting activity requirement to be recognized as a member.
We've seen a softer Society before, but the softeners were purged and the hardliners have always stayed in power for the duration. The only thing I see for sure is the Organization will get worse and worse.
I've been wrong so many times in the past that I don't have one shred of credibility. -
Do you think the WTBS will change future doctrine to entice new members?
by Quirky1 injust a thought....what do you think?
and if so what will it be?
More important to me is policy. Doctrine is used only to support and justify policy. I'm absolutely sure the huge Watch Tower Publishing Corporation and it's over 100 sub-corporations, will change personnel and adjust policy to their benefit. Then they will adjust the required religious beliefs to support the pre-selected policy.
The Watch Tower Corporation is reactive, not proactive. Theirs is a business model that is expert at using and manipulating the system they condemn. Retaining and recruiting new members is secondary to attracting and accumulating property and cash. The Witness people are a liability to the Watch Tower Society and they're seen by the Society as a necessary evil, like gutters on a house. They're necessary, but they're high maintenance.
The Watch Tower Corporation owners actually don't like Jehovah's Witnesses.
But . . . the Society has finally seen the Witness people as their customer base. Now the job is to keep the Witness people ignorant and superstitious, without letting them get so broke that they can't donate cash at media product distribution centers and fundraisers.
The Watch Tower Corporation's business model is an unqualified financial success. Really BIG success. I suspect there will be a move to take it private at some point. That might be done like the large hospitals have done it. They break the company, sell the buildings to raise cash and lease the buildings back. Guess who ends up owning the buildings. -
let me get this straight...we ARE gonna grow OLD and Die???
by oompa inwhat a total mindfluck!.....this was not supposed to happen.....and i only (completely) woke up two years accepting my own mortality has not been easy.......i currently make good enough money....but i have to think about retirement?!?!?
?....and ya....just cause i have a touch of asthma ocassionally...i wont be able to get health insurance in a few years cause i am self-employed??
?....this just fluckkin sucks.................oompa.
My Witness relatives who shunned me because I believed they would die are mostly all dead.
I kind of like reality. I had problems with the fantasy living.