I know at this very moment of 40y old dating a guy about 45, they are chaperoned by members of my family, this is insane on so many levels.
saw a topic on dating earlier.
made me think of chaperones.
i always hated having someone with us when we went to do anything.
I know at this very moment of 40y old dating a guy about 45, they are chaperoned by members of my family, this is insane on so many levels.
any of the rhetoric, demands, conciliation, etc., etc., remind you of anything?
wasn't this all how this war started in iraq?
(or the justification for it, anyway?
BTS i am sorry when i said 'they', i meant the populace as a whole. However that being said, i do not think that ruling Mullahs want or seek confrontation, they will however do all they can to hold to power, on that we agree.
The ruling party will do all they can to play fast and loose with the international community, which is precisely why Obama need to be thoughtful, resolute, and build a consensus amongst the international community.
The police have had the DNA recovered from his victims of the attacker for years, so if they match this to the guy arrested, it looks very damning.
He will also receive a trial by jury, and have a lawyer, so if his innocent, he will found so, though t if the DNA is being adduced as evidence, i would very surprised.
Regards Davis
hypothetically.. if jesus returned.
would they let him on the platform with a beard?.
can eveyone have one?.
I used to invite people over to give talks who i knew had beards just to irritate the local incumbents, needless to say i did not last too long in that job
any of the rhetoric, demands, conciliation, etc., etc., remind you of anything?
wasn't this all how this war started in iraq?
(or the justification for it, anyway?
I believe that Obama, is engaging constructively with Iran, they know it and want it. That is total volte face in US foreign policy, and is to be welcomed.
any of the rhetoric, demands, conciliation, etc., etc., remind you of anything?
wasn't this all how this war started in iraq?
(or the justification for it, anyway?
I have read your cut and paste articles here LWT, what is your analysis here?
A very good friend, who is moderate ( read socialist in The US) and Jewish says quite bluntly that should Israel feel threatened they will take decisive action, against Iran and without consulting their allies.
The USA needs to use those with experience in the region to reach a solution, this they singularly failed to do under that buffoon George W Bush.
There were no wmd in Iraq, well what a shock! Where did, all except one, of the terrorists on 911 come from??? Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran?? Oh, from the house of Saud! Are they worried about being invaded , er no, reason?
Regards David
if men got pregnant.
maternity leave would last two years ... with full pay.
there would be a cure for stretch marks.
Trust me, we would watch a video, then get sterilised.
The thought of all the indignities visited upon you, the pain, the nappy changing, being thought of as a second citizen.
Whatever modern medicine brings, it would be utterly pointless to enable men to become pregnant as there would no takers.
"the oracle's" last comment on my shawshank thread inspired this.
so what is your all time top ten.
for ease, if you like a whole series (like godfather 1-3), count them as one.
The Diving Bell and the Butterfly.
All Bourne Movies.
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof.
Pan's Labyrinth
Slumdog Millionaire.
Life of Brian
All Wallace and Gromit Movies
Regards David
well, they are up to their old tricks again.
trying to manipulate rank and file members views of what " real love " is again.. the title of the study article is " love that never fails " .
as my jw daughter so succinctly informed me a couple weeks ago that the most important way jehovah's witnesses are counseled to " show love " is by preaching the good news door to door.
How does faith become reality, is there not a mutual exclusivity here? BTW are not those who teach people to disown people the most, the WTS? Are there double standards here, or i missing something?
Oh, and last time i went there about ( 4 year ago) France was not a "third world country".
Regards David
woop woop anyone else?.
Ok Terri is the person, along with Paul who is organising it, and i hope to be there too.
Regards David