If i wasen't on the other side of the planet i'd come visit you JK.
We have swaped many a email and have alot of the same interests.
Take care my freind and hope you sort out any problem you are going through.
karter from downunder.
please help me understand the dynamics of it.
how do you go from being intimate to becoming buddies?
i have always been better at being a friend than being in a relationship.
If i wasen't on the other side of the planet i'd come visit you JK.
We have swaped many a email and have alot of the same interests.
Take care my freind and hope you sort out any problem you are going through.
karter from downunder.
the worst case i saw was a guy & girl(both baptized) who were liveing togeather,smokeing dope,getting drunk ect.. they get called out by the elders and given a tell off and were married in the kh 3 months latter.. .
his dad,grandad and uncles were all elders in the area.. .
The worst case i saw was a guy & girl(Both baptized) who were liveing togeather,Smokeing dope,Getting drunk ect.
They get called out by the Elders and given a tell off and were married in the KH 3 months latter.
His Dad,Grandad and uncles were all Elders in the area.
my mother told me of 2 young guys that have been appointed elders.. i could'nt belive it these guys have zero life experance and both their wifes walked out on them after a few years of marrage.. another one cooked his brain on drugs and his talks are painfull to listen to....all over the place and stumbles through them.. .
is it due to alot of young ones (60 to 70%) leaving and the pool to pick from is getting smaller so lowering the bar is the only way???
My Mother told me of 2 young guys that have been appointed Elders.
I could'nt belive it these guys have zero life experance and both their wifes walked out on them after a few years of marrage.
Another one cooked his brain on drugs and his talks are painfull to listen to....all over the place and stumbles through them.
Is it due to alot of young ones (60 to 70%) leaving and the pool to pick from is getting smaller so lowering the bar is the only way????
i'm sure i can't be the only one here whose happily deslecic?
after all this talk of puncuation and spelling i feel we of the delesac glory should stand together.. against a world of sneering nerdy anorak types.
in short the types that end up being accountants and maths/ english teachers.
I got diagnosed at 13 ....the teacher offer to give me a book about it.
Think about that.
there's a kingdom hall in shannon, a small rural town in manawatu, new zealand, 16 kms from the nearest town, foxton, and about 30 kms from palmerston north city (population around 80,000).
jws used to go on about how fast they were growing in new zealand that even a small town like shannon (population little more than 1,000) has its very own kingdom hall.
in the late 70s, the local jws worked hard to build a brand new kingdom hall and i was among the happy throngs when it was dedicated.
During the late 80's and early 90's i worked on about 15 quick builds in the north island we could'nt build them fast enough.
Seems they are emptying out just as fast.
My sister & husband moved to Taumaranui they had 1 Elder a young guy who as soon as my Elder bro-in-law moved in he stood down.
I helped build the KH there and it seated 250 now they have 40 publishers at best and most of them older.
I worked on the south auckland assembly hall in the weekends.
There were 22 full time workers there after about 3 years of those 22,10 had fallen away.
Seems the WTS was over optomistic about future growth.
the co is at my husbands hall this week so i tied in to the meeting he was going on and on about how there are 140 elders in the circuit and only 80 something ms's.
of the elders 25 are over 75 years old.
of the ms's it was about 20 are over 75 years old.
Lets face it atleast 60% of young ones are leaving the Jw's so the pool to pick from is getting smaller.
Of the 40% or less leaft how many of those are up for being appointed to anything?
I'm guessing not alot.
So they will just keep lowering the bar and age.
My last congro had a guy made an Elder who's mind was so scrambled by drugs his talks were all over the place..he and his wife were Brown noseing SSSSOOOO badly it made me sick.
He was delited after a few months thankfully.
in one of the new pieces of information in the new elders manual - section 5:18 - it shows how elders are instructed to keep all judicial committee information private from media or attorneys.
keeping in mind how secretive the wt society has been in hiding child abuse within the jehovah's witnesses notice these instructions to elders now.. it states, " if a member of the media or an attorney representing the accused ( or possibly victims ) contacts the elders , they should not give him any information about the case or verify there is a jc.
rather, they should give the following explanation, " the spiritual and physical welfare of jehovah's witnesses is of paramount concern to the elders, who have been appointed to " shepherd the flock ".
I had an interesting conversation with an Elder in my old congro Re child molesters going from door to door.
There is a child molester in my old congro.
I told the elder that if i saw him regualy going to a persons house i would fell obliged to say something to the householder.
The elder said to me "he has had councling and taken steps to rite his wrong doing"
My reply "We know that and can make our own minds up about if we want him in our house or not....the person he is calling on dosen't know that...in effect you and the rest of the Elders have made the householders mind up for them"
He gave me the standard cureall....leave it in Jehovah's hands.
i was talking with flipper on the phone the other day and i mentioned that the cobe formally the po told me that.
i have been told so many stupid things in this religion when it comes to pedophiles that i never truly thought about it before and i just said it to flipper in my conversation.
that is the stupidest thing i have heard.. so i thought i would do a thread about it.
In my old congro there was an Elder who had had sex with his sister when she was 15!!!!!!
one of the most controversial practices of jehovah's witnesses is the operation of judicial committees.
these specially-assigned inquisitory boards are manned by at least 3 elders and interrogate, investigate and finally prosecute a person believed to be guilty of any number of offenses.
these offenses can be anything from heavy drinking, masturbation, swearing to infidelity, apostacy even issues of bloodguilt.
Mr Falcon,
I forgot they can always use the other cureall.
"Leave in Jehovah's hands"
none of my three marriages lasted that long!
today is the tenth anniversary of my being disfellowshipped.
apparently i am much better at being disfellowshipped than being married.. i might end up getting married again someday, but i will definitely not return to the cult.. say amen!.
Congratulations what a coinsodince Mc Laren wone today as well!!!!