If it's so bad to own more that 1 property why has the WTS got so much in NY?
Why own the Kingdom halls?
i've taken a bit of a break recently from analysing the more recent articles.
i find it makes my head spin when i dwell for too long on all the lunacy, fear-mongering and paranoia - of which this month's issue is a classic example.
however, this time round i just couldn't help myself.. there were quite a few things that leapt out at me, but one of the funnier quotes was as follows (taken from page 19, paragraph 20):.
If it's so bad to own more that 1 property why has the WTS got so much in NY?
Why own the Kingdom halls?
i saw:.
neil armstrong say those famous words...this is one small step for a man........... muhammad ali win and loose the world title 3 times.. the 1st women prime minster of the uk..
1966 England winning the football world cup......i don't think ill live to see that again.
i saw:.
neil armstrong say those famous words...this is one small step for a man........... muhammad ali win and loose the world title 3 times.. the 1st women prime minster of the uk..
1973 "Roe V Wade" that made abortion leagle.
i saw:.
neil armstrong say those famous words...this is one small step for a man........... muhammad ali win and loose the world title 3 times.. the 1st women prime minster of the uk..
John Walker run 100 sub 4min miles.
Don garlits brake 6sec standing 1/4mile.
Steve Davis doing the 1st telervised 147 brake in snooker.
Mark Spits win 7 gold meadles at the olympic games.
Michael Schmaker win the F1 title 7 times.
i saw:.
neil armstrong say those famous words...this is one small step for a man........... muhammad ali win and loose the world title 3 times.. the 1st women prime minster of the uk..
I saw:
Neil Armstrong say those famous words...This is one small step for a man..........
Muhammad Ali win and loose the world title 3 times.
The 1st women prime minster of the UK.
mine as best abysmal.. we had brother ..i can't sing in tune but will sing louder than anyone else.. sister trained opera voice that sang a note or 3 above everyone else.. the rest were just down rite dreadfull..
We were never in the same congro but you used to visit my congro.....i think to check out the talent.
mine as best abysmal.. we had brother ..i can't sing in tune but will sing louder than anyone else.. sister trained opera voice that sang a note or 3 above everyone else.. the rest were just down rite dreadfull..
Mine as best abysmal.
We had Brother ..I can't sing in tune but will sing louder than anyone else.
Sister trained opera voice that sang a note or 3 above everyone else.
The rest were just down rite dreadfull.
he joined our side.. does anyone have any connect or hear from him?.
He joined our side.
Does anyone have any connect or hear from him?
in the 2/15/2012 koolaid there is an article about finding happiness in a divided household.
i found this to be particularly offensive: .
"when facing a challenge, it is important to seek scriptural counsel from publications of the faithful and discreet slave class and from the elders.
Then Howard found out the couple i was studing with the guy was a child molester.
This time Howard did'nt stay calm!
did any of you guys have these at your book study?.
I had the book study at my place for many years.
We had "Refreshments" after till i got sick & tired of food being trampled into my carpet so i stopped it.
The B.S group was being split up and the conductor said there would be a supper after the B.S the next week as it woul'd be our last.
News to me everyone arrived with plates that i told them to put back in their cars.