In my old congro i think there might be 1 Elder who was pre 75 no M.S's .
C.O's only 1 i know of.
in my old congro i think there might be 1 elder who was pre 75 no m.s's .. c.o's only 1 i know of.. .
karter.. .
In my old congro i think there might be 1 Elder who was pre 75 no M.S's .
C.O's only 1 i know of.
back in 1973, when i was just a pre-teen, i remember that meetings in general were chock full of persecution talks, great tribulation talks and armageddon talks.
so much so, that there was a hightened sense of anticipation that the end was really just a few years away.
most j-dubs really believed, without any doubt, that freddy's estimation about armageddon in 1975 was a certainty (give or take a few months... not years).
Alot of the elders C.O's ect of today were not even around pre 75.
I was and clearly remember the talks at the KH and assemblys ect.
The WTS is at best "Date shy" these days never putting dates on anything....i guess they have been wrong so many times.
The answer is YES it's not up to the Elders to decide who calls on some strangers door.
Put it this way your wife starts a study with him and his wife and the children sit in and her husband finds out he is a child molester....go figure.
They should NOT be able to go from door to door....EVER!!!
The Elders seem to think it's up to them to decide who is fit to call on your door.
two that come to mind are.
my generation and.
won't get fooled again.
"Waisted days and waisted nites"....Freddie fender.
i haven't really thought of this but maybe you have knocked on some "famous" door.. i think the only one i can come close?
to is one of "the irish rovers" singer - song groups, but after he moved.. what about you?.
just lois.
There was a watchtower artical many years ago about 2 bro's calling in Sir Winston Churchill.
we had an old time jw pass away recently he lived his entire life lie the new system was going to be here tomorrow.. he was a gillard grad and went on to be missionry in west africa.. came back home when wife got pregent(they eventuly had 3 children) ,sold everything pre 75 to see the system out and pioneer then had to work his butt off to rebuild his finances and put a roof over his familys head.. he retired and became a co till his wifes health could no longer alow it.. he got a treminal illness and i wonder in his quiter moments did he think ....".ive lived my entire life for a dream that never came true".
he's only one of many i see,their lives comming to an end and the new system is no closer than it was when they started.. .
We had an old time JW pass away recently he lived his entire life lie the new system was going to be here tomorrow.
He was a gillard grad and went on to be missionry in west Africa.
Came back home when wife got pregent(they eventuly had 3 children) ,sold everything pre 75 to see the system out and pioneer then had to work his butt off to rebuild his finances and put a roof over his familys head.
He retired and became a CO till his wifes health could no longer alow it.
He got a treminal illness and i wonder in his quiter moments did he think ....".ive lived my entire life for a dream that never came true"
He's only one of many i see,Their lives comming to an end and the new system is no closer than it was when they started.
i once heard of a circuit overseer blaming a loyal ministerial servant, that served as the accounts servant, of steeling from the contribution boxes, simply because he deposited the congregation funds bi-weekly instead of twice a week.
due to the accusation, the ms was immediately removed without hearing his side of the story.
isn't this rather counter-intuitive and innefficient?
At a C.A the C.O stopped his talk and asked the attendents to remove a crying baby.
The mother was a study and walked out crying and never came back.
Saved by the C.O.
the round of "international" conventions that started in the middle of last year in the states "wrapped" up last weekend in new zealand.
there was some media converage (from which i derived the information that follows).
(someone who knows how to copy links may be able to provide the relevant media links?).
I wounder how many got baptized versis how many leaft the organization??
There was a big drive to build KH's in NZ the late 80's and early 90's but i haven't heard of a single one being built for a long time,some are empting out or lie idol.
As we know even the Bethel was closed down.
I have been suprized at the long time J.W's ive bumped into and have leaft the organization.
at the last elders school i heard from a few different attendees that the average age was easily 60+.
there will be a lot of elders gone within the next 10yrs.
there is nowhere near enough young brothers to replace these ageing elders.
They have lowered the bar to become an Elder.
Were i come from 2 elders who had serious drug problems before becomeing JW's .....Their talks are disjointed and the stumble through them.
As there is not alot of young men reaching out they will rush through anyone who showes the slightest sing of wanting to become an M.S or Elder.
One new appointement is the most moody,smart arse around if i ever bump into him he makes some smart arse stupid comment.
what the title says.
do you think the wts doctrine that says that christ was made king in 1914 is about to change?
if you think that's being orchestrated and prepared, do you see signs of that already?
They may do away with it as fast as they did away with 1975.
As 100 years approchers the date 1914 will take on less and less significance and the WTS will stop mentioning it as much.
Once they have droped it all togeather anyone who mentions it will be told (like 1975) they are running ahead of the WTS and they are reading too much into it.
Lets face it they have moved the goal posts so often whats another one.