Whenever I went to my Judicial Committee (over 3 years ago), the elders opened with a prayer for Jehbooboo's guidance. Then they followed up with their loyalty question, "Do you believe in the faithful and discreet slave?". Of course I answered "No", and shortly thereafter I handed over my Disassociation letter. Immediately after that, they looked down and away and that was basically my queue to walk away. Is this how it was for any of you? I find it very odd that that was how they ended it. I know they weren't going to wish me well or anything, but to simply look down and away? That was it? If you decided to attend the JC they formed for you, how did it end?
JoinedPosts by civicsi00
What happened immediately after your Judicial Committee was over?
by civicsi00 inwhenever i went to my judicial committee (over 3 years ago), the elders opened with a prayer for jehbooboo's guidance.
then they followed up with their loyalty question, "do you believe in the faithful and discreet slave?".
of course i answered "no", and shortly thereafter i handed over my disassociation letter.
Anyone here been Dfd for 'apostacy'?
by Julia Orwell injust wanna know.
i'm doing the fade but i reckon my big mouth could get me dfd.
i know plenty who've been dfd for fornication/adultery, but never met one dfd for speaking the truth.
No, but I was headed in that direction. I ended up turning in my DA letter after briefly talking with them during their kangaroo court.
My attempt at correcting a heavily biased Wiki article
by cedars inshe was prevented from going to the authorities?
details of the policy have been published in jehovah's witnesses' publications and press releases issued by their office of public information.
if there is evidence to suggest that the alleged perpetrator did abuse children, congregation duties are suspended.[8].
I don't want to discourage you from bravely correcting that biased Wiki article, but from my standpoint, I no longer trust Wikipedia. That website has the potential to unleash unbiased information throughout the whole world, but over the years I have observed that it IS heavily biased towards maintaining some sort of "status quo" regarding lots of issues. Don't be surprised if your edits get rejected or otherwise ignored completely. There are probably several pro-JW people maintaining that article.
This is just plain CRAZY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by wasblind in" jehovah's witnesses were not in the concentration camps because they were criminals.. .
when officers wanted someone to shave them, they trusted a witness with the razor, because they knew that no witness would ever use such an instrument as a weapon to harm another human.. .
when ss officers at the auschwits extermination camp needed someone to clean their homes or care for their children, they selected witnesses, because they knew these would not try to escape.. .
When statements like these are printed, no JW ever thinks to question the source.
by sieborg inwhere can i plug in my i-pod to read my downloaded publications ?
When the current supply of toilet paper runs out, where am I gonna get more?
The Society debunked the rumored new light on the F&DS in 1973
by Leolaia inthis is the summary of the rumored new light from the 2012 annual meeting, as posted by cedars.. the faithful and discreet slave was not appointed at pentecost 33ce, meaning that there has not been a continuous line of members of the slave class on the earth down through the ages.
the slave class was only appointed for the first time by christ in 1919.the faithful and discreet slave is a small group of anointed brothers during jesus presence serving at watchtower headquarters who are directly involved in the preparing and dispensing of spiritual food.
the individual members of the governing body are not the faithful and discreet slave.
Standard of Living in the New System
by cobaltcupcake ini used to wonder about this when i was still a dub: since they believe the industrialized world is going to be destroyed and the entire earth will be one big garden, exactly what kind of standard of living do they think they will have?
while they might be able to scavenge, say, a microwave oven or washing machine; and they might be able to figure out how to generate electricity, eventually all of these things will wear out and they'll be back in an early 18th century type of life.
people of that time and earlier who enjoyed a high standard of living employed armies of servants to do the dirty work, but since equality will reign in the ns, everyone will have to toil like a slave just to maintain the basics.. or do they think that big j will magically power their washing machines and water pumps and all the stuff that makes modern living so comfortable?.
The MAIN reason we have such an "advanced" technological civilization is because of fossil fuels. Those fossil fuels have been in decline for some time now (due to it not being readily available and what we have left isn't the best to work with), and I'm not sure how many people realize just how tied up our lives are with this amazing energy source, much less JWs. Perhaps Jehovah will provide more fossil fuels in Paradise?? Even then, powering the New World Society on fossil fuels will take an immense infrastructure.
One of the things that always bothered me is: What exactly are you going to talk about with other fellow JWs in the New World? How many times could you possibly eat the same boring fruit and talk about the same boring things? In my area, they always encouraged us to keep an open mind about the possibilites that would be in front of us, such as pursuing learning an instrument or inventing some new device. I guess that could keep you going for a few decades. But what if you learned everything there is to learn?
After reading everyone's responses, I'm glad to see we all realize just how impossible the JW "paradise" really is.
I also think that if there is a God, I think he designed us to die. To me, there are just too many paradoxes with trying to "live forever".
The Finished Mystery (1918) p.272
by Splash inrev 18:1.
[and] after these things i saw another angel come down from heaven.
(see rev.
The discovery and use of hydrocarbons in 1859 led to all of these wonderful "inventions". They had NOTHING to do with God's Kingdom or the year 1874.
When you left the JW/WT religion, were you really an adult ?
by Phizzy ini spent decades in the religion, i was born in, so my world view, my education, my social skills, all were dictated by and controlled by the "religion".. i feel that when i left i was immature in many ways, i had never faced my own mortality, i knew nothing of the reality of evolution, i had never voted in an election, i had never donated blood, i had never confronted the reality of the bibles status etc etc etc.. it was like a child walking off in to the blue yonder, no knowledge, no experience.. the main problem was, i had never really made my own decisions, i had never had to consider all the evidence and then decide for myself.. it was frightening and yet exilarating at the same time, but i was woefully equipped for the real world.. how did you feel ?
confidant ?
perplexed ?
No, I was not an adult and it has taken me about 3 years to finally step out and become confident in myself and my actions. The Society definitely kept me child-like and ignorant about the world and only now do I fully appreciate everything the world has to offer. It is unfortunate that I have spent 30 years on this world and I'm only NOW realizing my full potential. Yes, I seriously regret spending so much of my time within that Borganization, and I wish I could take some of my years back. They stole my youth and I'm left with middle-age.
Am I bitter? NO! I'm very happy to be OUT and ABOUT, and I'm gonna spend the rest of my life ENJOYING IT!!
The "Secrecy Policy
by Celestial ini've given this recent lawsuit quite a bit of thought and come to sound conclusions.
after examining other organization's child-protection policies (namely churches), what i've come to realize is there's a one-size fits all solution that's socially acceptable; all information obtained through witnesses and confessions by organizational personnel is be used to aid and abet law-enforcement.
there's no in-between or anything short of this objective that's socially acceptable.
Question for you: Have you ever been sexually abused? If not, then how can you POSSIBLY believe that the policy as set forth by the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witness is set up to PROTECT those that have been abused?
Another question: Why is it that THOUSANDS of people have stood up and shouted that the policy set forth DID NOT PROTECT THEM?