Dearest WW,
Like you, I am soooo fed up with all that judgmental stuff. If that is what Jehovah is all about, then I will worship other gods. If that is what Jesus is all about, then I will forego "salvation."
I spent too many years, decades even, crippled by the notion that I am fundamentally "bad" or "wicked," and headed for adverse judgment (hell or eternal destruction) if I don't spend essentially all my time in this life working my butt off to prove to God that I love him, by preaching the message of judgment and redemption to others.
What the WTS and Jehovah's Witnesses ultimately did "for" me was to separate me from any god who is much like the Jehovah they describe. I can tolerate and respect, even delight in, Christians who are open-minded and non-judgmental. I stay as far away as possible from the other kind.
I even got past caring whether I would be judged and destroyed. I chose to remove the burden of Borg-imposed suffering (constant guilt, worry, and pressure to conform and "do good" according to the WTS's definition) from myself in this life, regardless of the eternal consequences. Some will call this cracking, and breaking my integrity under pressure. I see it more as being true to myself - adhering to MY OWN integrity, rather than the Borg's idea of integrity. It took me over 30 years to figure this out, BTW. I'd say it was a thoroughly-considered decision.
I do not feel adversely judged by God and headed for destruction. I know this doesn't mean anything. I used to feel that I had a good relationship overall with Jehovah and Jesus because of being a Witness in good standing, and I now see that feeling as having been based on nothing but the activity of my own brain cells. But like you, I am seeking peace within myself. If I can find that, then perhaps I will be more qualified to move outward from myself and explore what the Universe has to offer in spiritual terms.
I do not believe that spirituality has anything to do with being an active JW or involved in some fundamentalist church. That may be spiritual for some people; it may suit their level of awareness and their current stage of development. I don't know if my own mindset if more enlightened, although I sincerely hope so; but I know that kind of scenario is something that I can't see myself returning to - the Scripture about 'the dog returning to its own vomit' comes to mind. If that is the only kind of true sprituality, then I will be an atheist; but my in operating notion of reality it is NOT the only kind of spirituality. I tend to think of it as pretty much anti-spirituality, if anything - but again, it works for some people, and may be a necessary part of their development.
Love and regards,
I would rather live in a world where my life is surrounded by mystery
than live in a world so small that my mind could comprehend it.
- Harry Emerson Fosdick