That is a fantastic movie for sure! I also think a movie that has very good message and certainly made me evaluate things was Kingdom of Heaven. Good for anyone to watch, regardless of religious background, especially in the political climate of late.
Posts by feenx
"Tears Of The Sun", a great movie with good moral overtones
by frankiespeakin ini've whatched this 3xs and would highly recommend it to all especially to those in the armed forces because of it's high moral value.. to me(po) i see the plot this way, our humanity's overpowering the state both in mind, and allegence.
bruce willis's part really displayed the inner turmoil that shear enormity of the cruelty when we put a face on it in human suffering as was done so well in the movie, one must disobey prime directives given by the "state".
My Best friend (JW) wants to know why i won't return to KH
by freedomfighter intezza and me have been friends since we were 4 yrs old.
we share a long history and were both raised in "the truth".. recently, his sister, his sister-in-law and myself have left the org.
( all seperate situations).. anyway, next week he wants to go to the nearest pub with me, and shoot some pool, have some beers and a long chat.. when he asks why am i not coming back.
Obviously each person is different, however if you think he may close up if you present doctrine issues or abuse issues or something like that, you could simply appeal to him as your friend. You've known each other your whole lives. He trusts you. Ask him to trust that you are doing what you feel is best. The bottom line is that at this time (no need to make things sound perm., that could turn him away) you feel it's not right for you to be active.
I know that when I left it initially had nothing to do with it not being "the truth" or wrong dates or the amount of abuse. I hadn't even begun to dive into any of that yet. All that mattered to me was that I was unhappy, and if I was unhappy at that time in the organization, was I really going to be happy for eternity in the organization? I stepped away to try to be happy. Plain and simple.
I think any life long friend, regardless of whether they feel the same way, can at least respect that. As a friend. And perhaps once he hears that, it will make him think, and at a later time you can share some of these other things that all JW's should know. Such as the dates and silentlambs and cover ups etc etc etc. -
Someone In The Know Told Me About The Society's New Plans!
by minimus infrom now on, no dates will be espoused for future prophetic events!.
there will be a in-house elder arrangement that no longer depends upon the watchtower society's influence.. judicial commitees will no longer be in existence.
congregation members will have an active role in keeping the congregation clean while exercising appropriate mercy.. kingdom halls will mostly be sold and assembly halls will transmit circuit meetings by telephone, closed circuit tv, radio frequencies and by telephone every week.
The day all that happens I'll switch teams and start getting to know the penis on a whole new level.
What inspired your avatar and your screen name?
by Princess Daisy Boo intell me the story behind the picture.... why is mr flipper mr flipper?
how much do you look like zappa, jk666?
and gopher - are you really a little old man?
Well I've always liked the way Phoenix sounded, and the meaning is quite fitting for me: "that which rises from the ashes of what was destroyed" . So I made my own spelling. The avatar itself is just something I created in Photoshop.
2002 Body Of Elders (BOE) Letter?
by feenx inhey everybody :)
i've tried searching through past threads, however all the links seem to be outdated.
does anyone have the 2002 boe letters?
Hey everybody :)
I've tried searching through past threads, however all the links seem to be outdated. Does anyone have the 2002 BOE letters? In the large compliation from 81-06 that was recently posted the index states that the 2002 letters have references for handling cases of abuse, however the 2002 letter doesn't seem to be in those files. Does anyone have the letter(s) in a single file format, other than with all the rest? -
My wife is thinking AT LAST!!!!!
by tooktheredpill inhey guys!.
i can't wait to tell you something that happened last night.
in order to understarnd it, let me give you some details about me first: i'm still an elder, with my wife and the whole family and friends inside the borg.
That is FANTASTIC! Very encouraging indeed :) How long have you been having such discussions with your wife? Were you both raised in "the truth?"
On a side note, I've heard bits and pieces of this "new light." What is their stance now? and this is the first time I've heard reference to it being recycled. Doesn't surprise me at all. It's funny and sad at the same time. :/ -
Off Topic Question: Has Anyone haggled with Jiffy Lube over a new engine?
by feenx inyes that's right....lovely jiffy lube effed up my engine and it is toast.
i'm waiting to hear back from the district manager, whom i'm sure i will have to call myself.
i am anticipating them to fight it, even though a garage has put the blame completely on them.
Thanks everybody for your feedback! :)
I too had thought about local media. There's a news guy here who has a radio show and a TV news program, they call him "The Troubleshooter" he's like a local BBB. Anyways I thought I could get him on it any other media outlet that will listen.
The mechanic thinks they either didn't put new oil in, or put the wrong kind of oil in. It started making a strange clicking noise the day after it was serviced, the noise would get louder when I hit the gas. It drove like that for a week until the engine literally blew. There's about a softball size hold in the bottom of the oil pan.
And I agree, they will be responsible for a rental and I want a Saab dealership to put a new factory engine in, not an independent garage. -
Off Topic Question: Has Anyone haggled with Jiffy Lube over a new engine?
by feenx inyes that's right....lovely jiffy lube effed up my engine and it is toast.
i'm waiting to hear back from the district manager, whom i'm sure i will have to call myself.
i am anticipating them to fight it, even though a garage has put the blame completely on them.
Yes that's right....lovely Jiffy Lube effed up my engine and it is TOAST. I'm waiting to hear back from the district manager, whom I'm sure I will have to call myself. I am anticipating them to fight it, even though a garage has put the blame completely on them.
Has anyone had experience dealing with this type of situation? Any tips on what to do or what not to do would be greatly appreciated :) -
10 000 steps a day CRAP.
by hamsterbait inso i decided to lose weight.. i reckoned that half an hours workout with weights a couple of times a week, plus swimming three times a week was a balanced schedule.. butnoooo - this is not good enough.
we should be walking 10 000 steps a day.. do you realize how much time that will take?
even at one step every second, you are talking about walking for two hours!!!
You could be just like Rumsfeld, carry a pedometer and then get one of those desks that you stand up at all day, walk everywhere. sounds LOVELY! :/ Where did you read we're supposed to walk 10,000 steps? I'm looking a dropping some weight as well. Damn alcohol calories.
No to beat the Un thing to death, but something stinks here....
by isnrblog ini still can't understand what they would have to gain by being a un ngo.
some say status and others say they could gain monitarily, things to be investigated.
the staus and influence theory does make some sense.
I would tend to agree with Edmund Dantes. Having an NGO status helps to further open doors in other countries, further their influence with the law here in the U.S., gives them access to increased information and adds to their "ligitimacy" as far as the rest of the world is concerned. I would tend to think that it's a simple one reason answer as to how they benefit, and at the same time based on the information available I find it hard to believe it's part of some wild WTBS conspiracy to take over more assets. I certainly don't put anything past them, but so far there is nothing to indicate their motive was anything more than increased access to political world.