I think the world would be a much better place! Looking at the difference between YHWH and Jesus, everything related to YHWH is external. The Jews had all their sacrifices and traditions, what to eat and what not to eat all to show their devotion to that god. If they did not comply with these actions there were severe consequences that were again, external, physical, etc.
In contrast, though some of the things that Jesus talked about meant taking action, all of his teachings originated from a place within oneself. It was based on what one saw evidenced around them, how they felt about things and how those feelings related to their future and their fellow man.
When you actually step back and look at the stark contrast between the teachings of YHWH and of Jesus, it's hard to conceive how and especially why anyone would want to combine those teachings into one singular doctrine.
Posts by feenx
Would Jesus have done a better job than Jehovah?
by JH inin the bible, the god of the old testament seems to be so harsh and unforgiving, while jesus seems so nice.... makes me wonder if jesus would have been god almighty, if the world would be a better place today?.
Any tech nerds out there? I need help :/
by feenx inok so on of my nerdy things is that i'm totally addicted to new cell phones.
and since i totally believe in beating "the man" i use cricket service and get flashed phones.
well i recently got a new one, a samsung sch u740, and am needing to change some settings on it to get the wap and mms to work, but i need the correct version of qpst, as well as samsungpst (not samsung pstlite, but the full version).
Ok so on of my nerdy things is that I'm totally addicted to new cell phones. And since I totally believe in beating "the man" I use Cricket service and get flashed phones. Well I recently got a new one, a Samsung SCH U740, and am needing to change some settings on it to get the WAP and MMS to work, BUT I need the correct version of QPST, as well as SamsungPST (not Samsung PSTLite, but the full version). I've been scowering the net but am hitting a brick wall. Any help would be much appreciated!
What's The Best/Easiest Way To Get Your Computer Running Faster?
by minimus ini have windows/xp.
even my outlook express mail runs slower than before.
Well first off have you cleaned off all your shite? That's usually the first thing that slows a PC down. Clear your web history, delete your cookies, any XXX downloads that may be on there, move all your email into folders on your computer so it's not on the server, delete your trash on your Outlook and then empty your recycle bin.
So just what or who DO you have faith in now?
by oompa ini never used to wonder about death, or what comes after, because i had all the answers!
but now i really wonder, but not with fear....it feels odd, and i am curious.
this planet and universe are so incredible and complex that to me it defies logic that someone must have had a creative hand it.
I totally agree with Finally-Free and Babygirl! I have faith in ME. Same as I did when I was a dub, only now my attention and energy isn't wasted on falsehood. My favorite quote I've seen so far on this board, and I'm not even sure who originally said it, says: "I'd rather have questions I can't answer than answers I can't question." And if there is any kind of afterlife, who's to say there has to be only one or possibilities...everything around us is quite diverse, isn't it plausible that death and an afterlife could be diverse as well?
I saw another quote on a completely different type of board yesterday that I thought was great, actually I caught myself laughing out loud at my desk, it said: "I go to heaven for the climate and hell for the company." -
Now That We're Outta The "Organization" Can We Be Who We Really Are?
by minimus inwhen you come here, are you comfortable to be who you really are?
can you express how you truly feel?
i know that not everyone may "understand" who we are, but being out of the organization and its myriads of rules, we should be able to be comfortable.
I think I've grown more in the last 5 years than I did In my first 20 years inside the borg.
Dang I love Vegas!!
by oompa injust got back...what a city....still booming.
i think i could live there awhile.
only lost 400 bucks on poker, and played for many an hour...if i had just hit an 8 on the river i would have actually made 300. but what a social game....you can really get to know people this way.....oompa.
Hell yeah! LOVE the vegas!
My GF and I went this past summer for her B-day. We got a jacuzzi suite at the Tropicana, it was a blast! And if you're looking to still get the good drinks without spending too much cash, we shocked, the Bellagio of all places was right on it. There was a cocktail waitress circling the machines every few minutes. I think I spent maybe 5 bucks and got 2-3 drinks.
We also saw Fantasy at the Luxor, it was good show. The lady was even impressed with the dancing, and who doesn't love a group of topless women on a stage?
Oompa, where were you playing poker at? -
now isn't this just about the coolest tattoo you have ever seen?
by Ancient One ingo to this page and in first field enter your first name and in second field your last name, other two fields are optional.
do it even if you enter fake name ;).
LOL nice!
May have just opened can of worms - posted on a spirit world forum
by feenx inas i'm sure many of us ex dubs do i have had tremendous fear, anxiety, curiosity and overall need for answers about spirits.
we all learned the same shite.
any spirits are demons.
Parakeet: LOL....I suppose I probably do sound a little weird. Watchout! I may be putting pins in a doll right now for you! JK ;)
No my grandfather was not into voodoo. I just meant he was or at the very least wanted to be involved with spirits, and he incorporated that into his sexual abuse e.g. Ritual Abuse. Over the last several years there have been more and more JW's coming forward about having been victims of ritual abuse. All I meant by him "marking" me is that if he involved me with whatever spirit or entity or whatever you want to call it that he was worshipping, I've always wondered if because of that this particular "thing" has had it's eye on me so to speak. I am seeing a therapist, and this will be one of our topics. But hey...thanks for calling me weird! always up for a good laugh :)
Sooooo....here is one reply I got from the posting on the forum:
"Hi Feenx, the spirit world is another dimension,the next step from here,so peopsle who pass to spirit dont change their ways just because they have passed to spirit.there is good and bad just like here.But if you open to spirit for the higher good(in love) then you have nothing to fear,like attracts like.the childhood abuse you suffered has no bearing on the spirit you would attract unless you are treading the path of your Mothers father. or any other evil deed. we all have a spirit guide who has been with us from birth, even if you were brought up in another religion to be believe its isnt so. your guide is there to support and protect you so as you open up to spirit your guide is there to help.why not find a spiritulaist church near you, go along to a demonstration, just observe how it works you will see there is nothing to fear when done in love.then when you are ready join a development circle and harness your ability.hope that helps x x x "
An interesting perspective. Thank you to all who have replied to my post! Your input has been a lot of help and helps me put things in perspective. I think for me it will come down to 1. working to distinguish between my fears and reality, and 2. realize and embrace that this fear and also being curious is another stage of seperation from the borg. Which I'm always happy about. -
I could be totally SCREWED
by feenx ini had a post on a week or so ago: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/150845/1.ashx in reference to my engine blowing up and a dispute that is ongoing with jiffy lube.
well i spoke to a corporate guy at jl today and they are ordering an insurance claim audit where a mechanic will come out and tear apart the engine to officially diagnose what happened to cause the engine to blow a hole in the oil pan.
the corporate guy said he is not saying for sure but his guess is that jl will not be liable because there is nothing that they could've done or not done to cause a rod to blow.
I had a post on a week or so ago: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/150845/1.ashx in reference to my engine blowing up and a dispute that is ongoing with Jiffy Lube.
Well I spoke to a corporate guy at JL today and they are ordering an insurance claim audit where a mechanic will come out and tear apart the engine to officially diagnose what happened to cause the engine to blow a hole in the oil pan. The corporate guy said he is not saying for sure but his guess is that JL will not be liable because there is nothing that they could've done or not done to cause a rod to blow.
When this all first started my regular mechanic was, and still is, so positive that it was something JL did to cause the problem that I was confident in time and thru a lot of haggling everything would be taken care of in the end. However I spoke to my mechanic again today and apparently instead of actually digging in to find the problem like I ASKED they simply put the car up, saw a huge hole in the bottom, found pieces of pistons and seeing a new oil filter there blamed JL. They didn't dig in at all!! So they technically have no idea WTF went wrong.
So now I am sandwiched between my mechanic and JL. If JL comes back with a no fault claim, and garage who had done work on the car only a couple weeks prior also says it's not their fault, I am stuck with a car that had been "fixed" and worked on by two seperate companies, neither of which will pay to replace the engine, and a completely dead car which of course I'm still paying for. It's not like I have thousands of dollars just sitting around with nothing better to do than drop a brand new engine in, and it's not like I can walk into a dealership and trade in a non functioning car and expect to come away with anything short of an anal ache from the raping they will surely give me to get into a different car.
I am seriously starting to stress! -
May have just opened can of worms - posted on a spirit world forum
by feenx inas i'm sure many of us ex dubs do i have had tremendous fear, anxiety, curiosity and overall need for answers about spirits.
we all learned the same shite.
any spirits are demons.
I suppose that is a really good question Dave...hmm...
I honestly don't know what I am afraid they would do. I guess perhaps change my behavior, cause me to do things I did not want to do. That's probably the key thing right there. See my grandfather wanted me to follow in his sadistic footsteps. It's like he was grooming me for it or some BS. So I suppose my fear is based on that, and that I would be fighting something trying to get me to do such things.
It's kind of like if someone escaped the military and when they were found they were forcibly encouraged to re-commit themselves to the government. That's what I fear.
And I also think part of it is simply fear of the unknown. That which we conceive ourselves is usually worse than the actual reality.